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Invidious (YT)

Invidious > Channel > Secular Student Alliance

Secular Student Alliance 4840 subscribers    RSS
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YT 1 hour 15 minutes 26 seconds
Secular Student Alliance
Greta Christina on Atheism and Sexuality presented by Students for Freethought @ Ohio State
YT 36 minutes 56 seconds
Ted Cox: How to get into Heaven according to the Mormons
YT 20 minutes 8 seconds
David Fitzgerald at CLU
YT 10 minutes 1 second
Secular Student Alliance
Eddie Tabash Vs Peter Payne Debate on "Does God Exist?" at UC Santa Cruz
YT 10 minutes 1 second
Brian Dalton - The Value of Atheism (Part 1) at UNLV
YT 29 minutes
Omaha CoR
2011 - Midwest Humanist Conference - JT Eberhard
YT 49 minutes 26 seconds
Omaha CoR
2011 - Midwest Humanist Conference - Jen McCreight
YT 43 minutes 34 seconds
Omaha CoR
2011 - Midwest Humanist Conference - Hemant Mehta
YT 1 hour 52 minutes 29 seconds
Atheists, Humanists, & Agnostics
Atheists, Humanists, and Agnostics debate Badger Catholic
YT 1 hour 37 minutes 49 seconds
Atheists, Humanists, & Agnostics
Dan Barker: The Importance of Church State Separation
YT 31 minutes 18 seconds
Atheists, Humanists, & Agnostics
Andrew Seidel: Debunking the "Christian Nation" Myth
YT 1 hour 43 minutes 36 seconds
Secular Student Alliance
SSA @ OSU Presents: A Christian and an Atheist Discuss - Wesley Cray and Timothy O'Connor
YT 1 hour 1 minute 20 seconds
Buffalo State Freethinkers
Transforming Consciousness: A Talk by Tom Clark
YT 55 minutes 6 seconds
Danielle Muscato
SASHAtalk: Alex Papulis gives a talk on Sam Harris's "Free Will"
YT 2 hours 7 minutes 1 second
Danielle Muscato
Yes, this really happens: Street Preachers (inc. Brother Jed) @ Speakers' Circle, Mizzou, 4-20-12
YT 45 minutes 40 seconds
Danielle Muscato
Ask an Atheist: Gunnar vs Dave, Debating at Speakers' Circle, Mizzou 4-19-12
YT 1 hour 42 minutes 33 seconds
Danielle Muscato
The Great Debate 2012: Brandon Christen vs Brother Jed Smock
YT 39 minutes 1 second
Reasonable Faith? - Aron Ra at Collin College
YT 47 minutes 12 seconds
SSA North Texas
NTSSC 2012: "The Rise of Young Atheists" - Hemant Mehta
YT 30 minutes 19 seconds
SSA North Texas
NTSSC 2012: "Secular Safe Spaces" - Dorian Mooneyham
YT 12 minutes 26 seconds
SSA North Texas
NTSSC 2012: "Silence is Acceptance"-David Smalley
YT 20 minutes 16 seconds
SSA North Texas
NTSSC 2012: "The Importance of Activism" - Damon Fowler
YT 2 hours 20 minutes 36 seconds
SSA North Texas
NTSSC 2012: "Does God exist?"- Ferrer/Lee vs Dillahunty/Eberhard
YT 1 hour 5 minutes 51 seconds
SSA North Texas
NTSSC 2012: "Too Big for God" -Sam Singleton, Atheist Evangelist
YT 1 hour 2 minutes 30 seconds
Faith is not a virtue
YT 8 minutes 58 seconds
SSA@UCF sits down with Teresa MacBain
YT 55 minutes 2 seconds
Dan Barker with introduction by Jerry DeWitt at the Midwest Freethought Conference August 5th 2012
YT 53 minutes 57 seconds
Midwest Freethought Conference Speaker Panel Discussion
YT 21 minutes 54 seconds
Jerry DeWitt at the Midwest Freethought Conference 2012
YT 1 hour 23 seconds
Midwest Freethought Conference 2012 PZ Myers
YT 47 minutes 23 seconds
Midwest Freethought Conference 2012 Brian Dunning "Your Brain Sucks"
YT 26 minutes 7 seconds
Midwest Freethought Conference 2012 A.J. Johnson "God Really Does Hate Fags"
YT 1 hour 11 minutes 9 seconds
Aaron Adair
Ancient Aliens? Finding ETs with Artifacts, SETI, & NASA (Re-edit)
YT 2 minutes 51 seconds
A New Kind of Charity - TSH Spring 2013
YT 1 minute 50 seconds
Hug an Atheist 2013
YT 1 hour 31 minutes 28 seconds
Aaron Adair
The Jesus of History & The Christ of Myth--SSA Talk about Jesus & Star of Bethlehem