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Invidious (YT)

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YT 7 minutes 16 seconds
NYU Center for Mind, Brain and Consciousness
"Why Are We Conscious?" (Tucson, May 1994): Stuart Hameroff, Roger Penrose, David Chalmers
YT 11 minutes 36 seconds
Reality In Bloom
Sir Roger Penrose - Mathematical Physicist discusses consciousness, reality and A.I
YT 41 minutes 5 seconds
Institute of Noetic Sciences
New Experiments Show Consciousness Affects Matter ~ Dean Radin, PhD
YT 33 minutes 19 seconds
The Chopra Well
CONSCIOUSNESS - A conversation with Deepak Chopra and Stuart Hameroff
YT 1 hour 20 minutes 35 seconds
Stephen E. Robbins, PhD
Bergson's Holographic Theory - 20 - Orch OR (Hameroff/Penrose)
YT 50 minutes 32 seconds
Kerwin Rae
Imagining a world with no limits | Dr Stuart Hameroff | Unstoppable EP3
YT 6 minutes 11 seconds
JRE Clips
Sir Roger Penrose: Are Animals Conscious Like We Are?
YT 1 second

[Deleted video]
YT 10 minutes 7 seconds
Closer To Truth
Roger Penrose - What Things Really Exist?
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 4 minutes 41 seconds
JRE Clips
Joe Rogan | Sir Roger Penrose's Thoughts on the Multiverse
YT 42 minutes 35 seconds
The Artificial Intelligence Channel
Sir Roger Penrose - How can Consciousness Arise Within the Laws of Physics?
YT 1 second

[Deleted video]
YT 26 minutes 26 seconds
New Thinking Allowed with Jeffrey Mishlove
Consciousness and the Brain, Part Two: The Mystery of Anesthesia, with Stuart Hameroff
YT 26 minutes 29 seconds
New Thinking Allowed with Jeffrey Mishlove
Consciousness and the Brain, Part One: Possibilities Within Microtubules, with Stuart Hameroff
YT 26 minutes 45 seconds
New Thinking Allowed with Jeffrey Mishlove
Consciousness and the Brain, Part Three: Quantum Consciousness, with Stuart Hameroff
YT 27 minutes 14 seconds
New Thinking Allowed with Jeffrey Mishlove
Consciousness and the Brain, Part Four: The Orchestra of the Brain, with Stuart Hameroff
YT 26 minutes 40 seconds
New Thinking Allowed with Jeffrey Mishlove
Consciousness and the Brain, Part Five: Consciousness in the Universe, with Stuart Hameroff
YT 43 minutes 14 seconds
The Institute of Art and Ideas
Roger Penrose | Gravity, Hawking Points and Twistor Theory
YT 8 minutes 13 seconds
What are Microtubules? - Joe Rogan and Sir Roger Penrose
YT 1 hour 7 minutes 31 seconds
Lectures Beyond Beyond
Stuart Hameroff - Quantum Consciousness & Mind Over Matter
YT 24 minutes 56 seconds
Models of Consciousness Conferences
Stuart Hameroff - Anesthetic action on quantum terahertz oscillations in microtubules...
YT 45 minutes 54 seconds
Google TechTalks
Clarifying the Tubulin bit/qubit - Defending the Penrose-Hameroff Orch OR Model (Quantum Biology)
YT 23 minutes 23 seconds
Science and Nonduality
The Science of Consciousness: Stuart Hameroff
YT 23 minutes 27 seconds
J Gustavo Vega Gama
Mecánica cuántica, conciencia y cerebro
YT 1 hour 27 minutes 57 seconds
Lex Fridman
Roger Penrose: Physics of Consciousness and the Infinite Universe | Lex Fridman Podcast #85