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Invidious > Channel > Institute for Quantum Computing

Institute for Quantum Computing 30000 subscribers    RSS
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YT 59 minutes
Institute for Quantum Computing
Ahbinav Deshpande - Complexity Phase Diagrams
YT 57 minutes 25 seconds
Institute for Quantum Computing
Mehdi Soleimanifar - From communication complexity to an entanglement spread area law
YT 1 hour 7 minutes 31 seconds
Institute for Quantum Computing
Shalev Ben David - Symmetries, graph properties, and quantum speedups
YT 56 minutes 59 seconds
Institute for Quantum Computing
Nilin Abrahamsen - Local Hamiltonians: Spectral Universality and Improved Analysis of AGSPS
YT 57 minutes 32 seconds
Institute for Quantum Computing
Uma Girish - Quantum Logspace Algorithm for Powering Contraction Matrices
YT 1 hour 7 minutes 2 seconds
Institute for Quantum Computing
Dominik Hangleiter - The Quantum Sign Problem
YT 1 hour 7 minutes 21 seconds
Institute for Quantum Computing
Jonas Helsen - A General Framework for Randomized Benchmarking
YT 59 minutes 7 seconds
Institute for Quantum Computing
Quantum coding with low-depth random circuits - Michael Gullan
YT 1 hour 32 seconds
Institute for Quantum Computing
Fermion Sampling - Michal Oszmaniec
YT 45 minutes 28 seconds
Institute for Quantum Computing
Fault-tolerant Error Correction using Flads and Error Weight Parties - Theerapat Tansuwannont
YT 55 minutes 37 seconds
Institute for Quantum Computing
Lower Bounds on Stabilizer Rank - Ben Lee Volk
YT 55 minutes 35 seconds
Institute for Quantum Computing
Clifford Groups are not always 2-Designs - Matthew Graydon
YT 58 minutes 57 seconds
Institute for Quantum Computing
Quantum physical unclonable functions and their comprehensive cryptanalysis- Mina Doosti
YT 1 hour 12 seconds
Institute for Quantum Computing
Non-commutative nullstellensatz and perfect games - Adam Bene Watts
YT 1 hour 9 minutes 45 seconds
Institute for Quantum Computing
How to perform the coherent measurement of a curved phase space - Chris Jackson
YT 44 minutes 38 seconds
Institute for Quantum Computing
Method to approximating output probabilities of constant-depth, geometrically-local quantum circuits
YT 59 minutes 3 seconds
Institute for Quantum Computing
Linear Growth of Quantum Circuit Complexity - Jonas Haferkamp
YT 1 hour 7 seconds
Institute for Quantum Computing
Product theorem for quantum communication complexity & applications to device-independent QKD
YT 52 minutes 59 seconds
Institute for Quantum Computing
Random quantum circuits transform local noise into global white noise - Alexander Dalzell
YT 41 minutes 7 seconds
Institute for Quantum Computing
Geometry of banach spaces: a new route towards position based cryptography - Aleksander Kubicki
YT 36 minutes 44 seconds
Institute for Quantum Computing
Post-quantum security of the even-mansour cipher - Chen Bai
YT 41 minutes 2 seconds
Institute for Quantum Computing
Interactive proofs for synthesizing quantum states and unitaries - Gregory Rosenthal
YT 56 minutes 8 seconds
Institute for Quantum Computing
Uncertainty Relations from Graph Theory - Kiara Hasenne