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Invidious (YT)

Invidious > Channel > Jędrzej C

Jędrzej C 398 subscribers    RSS
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YT 43 minutes 21 seconds
Aydin Paladin
Is Isolation Deadly? Incels and Psychology of Isolation.
YT 1 hour 1 minute 51 seconds
Aydin Paladin
Cancel Cults of Personality: The Psychology of Uncertainty
YT 1 hour 6 minutes 52 seconds
Aydin Paladin
The Futility of Fact Checking : Psychological Reactance
YT 44 minutes 9 seconds
Aydin Paladin
Why We Love to Hate Celebrities: Psychology of Schadenfreude
YT 1 hour 8 minutes 24 seconds
Aydin Paladin
Censorship and Contagion : The Psychological Effects of Social Media
YT 59 minutes 53 seconds
Aydin Paladin
Cringe Physically Hurts: The Psychology of Fremdscham
YT 44 minutes 14 seconds
Aydin Paladin
Why We Love to Hate the Rich : the Psychology of Schadenfreude
YT 1 hour 14 minutes 43 seconds
Aydin Paladin
A Jury of Our Peer Pressure: The Psychology of Conformity
YT 1 hour 18 minutes 51 seconds
Aydin Paladin
Woke Washing : How Brands Sell Social Movements
YT 1 hour 13 minutes 35 seconds
Aydin Paladin
PSAs Don't Work: Hesitancy and Cringe
YT 1 hour 22 minutes 57 seconds
Aydin Paladin
Voter Regret: Tactical Democracy, Negative Voting and Dissonance
YT 1 hour 30 minutes 9 seconds
Aydin Paladin
Black and Blue: The Psychologies and Realities of American Criminal Justice
YT 1 hour 19 minutes 50 seconds
Aydin Paladin
It's Okay to be Evil : Why We Love Villains
YT 1 hour 22 minutes 42 seconds
Aydin Paladin
Dangerous Freedom: Internet Discourse and Democracy
YT 1 hour 22 minutes 57 seconds
Aydin Paladin
Scared Sick and Stupid : The Psychological and Cognitive Effects of Quarantine
YT 1 hour 32 minutes 37 seconds
Aydin Paladin
Bending News Till it Breaks : The Fog of War Effect
YT 1 hour 20 minutes 43 seconds
Aydin Paladin
Is Happiness a Warm Gun? Psychology and the Second Amendment
YT 1 hour 28 minutes 11 seconds
Aydin Paladin
The Girl Boss Paradox - Why Empowered Women Are Miserable
YT 1 hour 26 minutes 19 seconds
Aydin Paladin
The Grief Police - Death of a Celebrity and the Psychology of Mourning
YT 1 hour 24 minutes 53 seconds
Aydin Paladin
The 2% Myth and The Truth About False Allegations