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Invidious > Channel > The Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures

The Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures 88700 subscribers    RSS
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YT 1 hour 21 minutes 51 seconds
The Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures
Ian Hodder | What we learned from 25 Years of Research at Catalhoyuk
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 1 hour 12 minutes 15 seconds
The Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures
McGuire Gibson | The OI in Iraq
YT 1 hour 25 minutes 28 seconds
The Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures
Ayelet Gilboa | The Rise of Ancient Israel and Other Problematic Entities
YT 1 hour 20 minutes 3 seconds
The Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures
David Ilan | How Ancient Israel Began: A New Archaeological Perspective
YT 1 hour 23 minutes 21 seconds
The Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures
Karen Radner | Assyrian Imperial Power and How to Oppose It
YT 50 minutes 41 seconds
The Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures
Morag Kersel | Pots from the City of Sin: The Consequences of Buying Holy Land Antique
YT 1 hour 7 minutes 47 seconds
The Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures
William Sumner Memorial Lecture | Melinda Zeder | What Braidwood Got Right
YT 45 minutes 10 seconds
The Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures
Brian Rose | Troy and Gordion: The Historiography of Excavation at Two Legendary Sites in Anatolia
YT 53 minutes 27 seconds
The Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures
Stephen Chrisomalis | How to Choose a Number: Multimodal Variations in Ancient Written Numerals
YT 54 minutes 38 seconds
The Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures
Stephen Batiuk | Exploring the Roots of the Vine: The History and Archaeology of the Earliest Wines
YT 1 hour 2 minutes 37 seconds
The Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures
Stuart Tyson Smith | Entangled Lives: Intercultural Interactions in the Nubian Borderlands