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Invidious (YT)

Invidious > Channel > しめさん Shimesan

しめさん Shimesan 93100 subscribers    RSS
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YT 9 minutes 25 seconds
しめさん Shimesan
The Japanese Tit took a nap in the nest box... [ Day 2 Mar 18 2022 ]
YT 7 minutes 21 seconds
しめさん Shimesan
The Japanese Tit moved into the nest box and started staying ! [ Day 1 Mar 15-17 2022 ]
YT 7 minutes 12 seconds
しめさん Shimesan
The Japanese Tit cleaned the inside of her nest box... [ Day 6-7 Mar 22-23 2022 ]
YT 7 minutes 51 seconds
しめさん Shimesan
The Japanese Tit has completed cleaning the nest box!! [ Day 9 Mar 25 2022 ]
YT 8 minutes 22 seconds
しめさん Shimesan
The Japanese Tit visited other nest boxes and started DIY! [ Day 13 Mar 29 2022 ]
YT 9 minutes 20 seconds
しめさん Shimesan
The Japanese Tit started to DIY the one remaining nest box as well! [ Day 18 Apr 3 2022 ]
YT 12 minutes 54 seconds
しめさん Shimesan
The Japanese Tit started to bring in nesting material to a different nest box... [Day 21 Apr 6 2022]
YT 11 minutes 13 seconds
しめさん Shimesan
It appears that the battle for the Japanese Tit' nest box has been settled..[Day 25 Apr 10 2022]
YT 15 minutes 49 seconds
しめさん Shimesan
The Japanese Tit began to carry nesting material into the nest box!! [Day 27 Apr 12 2022]
YT 13 minutes 42 seconds
しめさん Shimesan
TheJapanese Tit has brought in an even larger quantity of nesting material! [Day 28 Apr 13 2022]
YT 9 minutes 41 seconds
しめさん Shimesan
The Japanese Tit began to bring in a variety of nesting materials. [Day29 Apr 14 2022]
YT 15 minutes 26 seconds
しめさん Shimesan
The Japanese Tit started to stay in the second nest box? No, she did not..[Day 30-31 Apr 15-16 2022]
YT 11 minutes 43 seconds
しめさん Shimesan
A Coal Tit visits the Japanese Tit nest box! [Day 32 Apr 17 2022]
YT 13 minutes 29 seconds
しめさん Shimesan
A Varied Tit visits the Japanese Tit nest box! [Day 34 Apr 19 2022]
YT 11 minutes 11 seconds
しめさん Shimesan
The Japanese Tit continued to bring in nesting material and started staying! [Day 37 Apr 22 2022]
YT 11 minutes 47 seconds
しめさん Shimesan
The Japanese Tit has started to stay in the nest box, but did not lay eggs..[Day38 Apr23 2022]
YT 15 minutes 1 second
しめさん Shimesan
The Japanese Tit was the first to lay eggs the day after the feint!! [Day42-32 Apr 27-28 2022]
YT 12 minutes 29 seconds
しめさん Shimesan
The Japanese Tit has laid her second egg! (Day 44 Apr 29 2022)
YT 10 minutes 55 seconds
しめさん Shimesan
The Coal Tit repeatedly enters and exits the nest box of the Japanese Tit!! (Day 45 Apr 30 2022)
YT 16 minutes
しめさん Shimesan
The Coal Tit has completely remodeled the interior of Japanese Tit's nest box!!! (Day46 May 1 2022)
YT 14 minutes 38 seconds
しめさん Shimesan
The Coal Tit who had been remodeling the Japanese Tit's nest was finally evicted!!(Day47 May 2 2022)
YT 11 minutes 53 seconds
しめさん Shimesan
The Coal Tit finally started nesting in her own nest box !!(Nest box#2 Day1 May 2 2022)
YT 14 minutes 25 seconds
しめさん Shimesan
The Japanese Tit laid 7 eggs and may have started to incubate them.(Day48-49 May 3-4 2022)
YT 16 minutes 15 seconds
しめさん Shimesan
The Coal Tit has gathered fluffy nesting material similar to her own color! (Day2-3 May 3-4 2022)
YT 15 minutes 36 seconds
しめさん Shimesan
The Japanese Tit has laid her 8th egg and has started to incubate.(Day50 Mar 5 2022)
YT 11 minutes 9 seconds
しめさん Shimesan
The female Coal Tit, leaving the male to sleep in the nest box alone!!(Day 7 May 8 2022)
YT 16 minutes 44 seconds
しめさん Shimesan
The Coal Tit finally lays her 1st and 2nd eggs! (Day 8-9 May 9-10 2022)
YT 13 minutes 36 seconds
しめさん Shimesan
The male Japanese Tit fed the female a variety of insects...(Day56 Mar 11 2022)
YT 8 minutes 39 seconds
しめさん Shimesan
The Coal Tit lays her sixth egg!! (Day13 Mar 14 2022)
YT 14 minutes 55 seconds
しめさん Shimesan
Japanese Tit threatened the camera while she was holding her eggs!!(Day59-60 Mar 10-11 2022)
YT 17 minutes 21 seconds
しめさん Shimesan
The Coal Tit has laid her 10th egg and has begun her incubation period !!(Day16-17 Mar 17-18 2022)
YT 22 minutes 17 seconds
しめさん Shimesan
The Japanese Tit's eggs have hatched, but the father is gone...(Day63-64 May18-19 2022)
YT 13 minutes 37 seconds
しめさん Shimesan
The Japanese Tit's single mother did not have enough feeding frequency or time to warm her chicks.
YT 14 minutes 26 seconds
しめさん Shimesan
【メンバー限定巣箱速報2022】シジュウカラ ワンオペ育雛は給餌回数も保温時間も足りなかった・・(2022/05/20-21 観察65-66日/孵化後3-4日目)
YT 17 minutes 3 seconds
しめさん Shimesan
The Japanese Tit chicks made a desperate appeal to their single mother...(May 21-22 2022)
YT 9 minutes 28 seconds
しめさん Shimesan
The male Coal Tit fed the female two kinds of food at once!! (May 23 2022 Day22)
YT 20 minutes 49 seconds
しめさん Shimesan
Is the single mother Japanese Tit crazy about her new boyfriend...? (May 23-25 2022 Day68-70)
YT 21 minutes 29 seconds
しめさん Shimesan
Single mother Japanese Tit is doing her best to feed her chicks!! (May 26-27 2022 Day71-72)
YT 17 minutes 15 seconds
しめさん Shimesan
The single mother Japanese Tit no longer stays in the nest box at night....(May 28-30 2022 Day73-75)
YT 23 minutes 58 seconds
しめさん Shimesan
Japanese Tit's chicks grew up to be fluffy !! (May 31-Jun 4 2022)
YT 14 minutes 15 seconds
しめさん Shimesan
Fledging day! The single mother Japanese Tit's two chicks finally left the nest...(Jun 5-6 2022)
YT 18 minutes 10 seconds
しめさん Shimesan
The Coal Tit's eggs have hatched, but the couple has become bitter....(May 30-31 2022)
YT 20 minutes 18 seconds
しめさん Shimesan
The Coal Tit's eggs hatched 9 out of 10...(Coal Tit Nest Box 2022 May 31- Jun 1)
YT 12 minutes 42 seconds
しめさん Shimesan
The Japanese Tit is nesting for the second time! Who started nesting here..? (Jun 13-15 2022)
YT 23 minutes 7 seconds
しめさん Shimesan
The Coal Tit's chicks have grown their wings....!! (Coal Tit Nest Box 2022 Jun 2-5)
YT 17 minutes 37 seconds
しめさん Shimesan
The Japanese Tit laid 3 eggs and incubated them for a bit during the day...(Jun 16-20 2022)
YT 18 minutes 49 seconds
しめさん Shimesan
The male Japanese Tit does not feed the incubating female. ...Why? (Jun 20-30 2022)
YT 20 minutes 31 seconds
しめさん Shimesan
The Coal Tit chicks are opening their eyes..!! (Coal Tit Nest Box 2022 Jun 6-10)
YT 18 minutes 47 seconds
しめさん Shimesan
The Japanese Tit's eggs have finally hatched. The male is also helping to raise the chicks!
YT 19 minutes 11 seconds
しめさん Shimesan
All six Japanese Tit eggs hatched! However, the father's behavior gets a little strange....
YT 22 minutes 1 second
しめさん Shimesan
The Japanese Tit's chicks have sprouted little claw-like feathers on their wings! (Jul 6-8 2022)
YT 17 minutes 43 seconds
しめさん Shimesan
The Japanese Tit mother stopped sleeping in the nest on the 9th day after hatching!! (Jul 9-11 2022)
YT 22 minutes 26 seconds
しめさん Shimesan
The Japanese Tit's mother will sleep in the nest box again...(Jul 12-14 2022)
YT 16 minutes 25 seconds
しめさん Shimesan
The Japanese Tit parents fight over their chicks' poop!! (Jul 15 2022)
YT 17 minutes 45 seconds
しめさん Shimesan
The Japanese Tit chick was put a huge worm in its mouth and it foamed, but managed to swallow it!!
YT 19 minutes 9 seconds
しめさん Shimesan
The Japanese Tit chick has been fed a huge worm, and it has been snatched away from his side!
YT 18 minutes 26 seconds
しめさん Shimesan
The Japanese Tit chick suddenly pooping up into the sky at night! (Jun 18 2022 Day35)
YT 17 minutes 56 seconds
しめさん Shimesan
Two Japanese Tit chicks pooped at the same time while they were fighting for food!! (Jul 19 2022)
YT 15 minutes 47 seconds
しめさん Shimesan
Fledging day! All six Japanese Tit chicks left the nest at 6:00 pm!! (Jul 20 2022)
YT 15 minutes 1 second
しめさん Shimesan
Coal Tit's mother, no longer staying overnight in the nest box... (Jun 11 2022)
YT 19 minutes 20 seconds
しめさん Shimesan
The Coal Tit chick made a threat toward her mother!! (Jun 12-13 2022)#CoalTit #Nest box
YT 17 minutes 35 seconds
しめさん Shimesan
Coal Tit chicks, still tucked cutely in their hollows! (Jun 14-15 2022) #CoalTit #Nest box
YT 19 minutes 45 seconds
しめさん Shimesan
Coal Tit's chicks have kicked their mother out of the nest!! (Jun 16 2022) #CoalTit #Nest box
YT 21 minutes 14 seconds
しめさん Shimesan
[Fledging Day!] One Coal Tit chick suddenly left the nest first, but the other eight all left later!