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Invidious (YT)

Invidious > Channel > しめさん Shimesan

しめさん Shimesan 93100 subscribers    RSS
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YT 9 minutes 34 seconds
しめさん Shimesan
The Coal Tit decided to move into the nest box immediately!! (Mar 31 Nestbox update 2023)
YT 13 minutes 32 seconds
しめさん Shimesan
Coal Tit lined the nest with dark chic animal hair! (Apr 1-3 Nest box update 2023)
YT 6 minutes 52 seconds
しめさん Shimesan
Coal Tit started to prepare the hollow of the nest! (Apr 9-11 Nest box update 2023)
YT 14 minutes 37 seconds
しめさん Shimesan
Coal Tit came to lay an egg in the morning instead of staying the day before! (Apr 14-18 2023)
YT 12 minutes 46 seconds
しめさん Shimesan
Coal Tit gets her nest drastically remodeled by another Coal Tit!! (Ep12 Apr 20-21 2023)
YT 15 minutes 41 seconds
しめさん Shimesan
Coal Tit lays _ eggs even if the nest is remodeled! (Ep13 Apr 22~25 2023)
YT 16 minutes 20 seconds
しめさん Shimesan
The Coal Tit continued to incubate the eggs quietly...so cute!(Ep16 Apr 26~May 8 2023)
YT 19 minutes 56 seconds
しめさん Shimesan
Coal Tit's eggs have finally hatched...but where is the ******? (Ep17 May 9~10 2023)
YT 12 minutes 54 seconds
しめさん Shimesan
Coal Tit's mother fought fiercely with the male who attacked her...and then! (Ep18 May 10 2023)
YT 19 minutes 54 seconds
しめさん Shimesan
Coal Tit chicks start to grow wings!! (Ep 22 May 10-14 2023)
YT 16 minutes 10 seconds
しめさん Shimesan
Coal Tit's mother is no longer staying in the nest box at such an early stage. (Ep23 May 15-17 2023)
YT 18 minutes 54 seconds
しめさん Shimesan
Coal Tit's mother still had to sleep with her chicks..😢 (Ep24 May 18-19 2023)
YT 19 minutes 45 seconds
しめさん Shimesan
The Coal Tit Chicks Start Chattering! [Nest Box Observation 2023 Ep26, May 20-22, 2023]
YT 22 minutes 13 seconds
しめさん Shimesan
[Nest Box Observation EP28] Coal Tit chicks were pushed out by mom from the nest cup... (May 23-25)
YT 19 minutes 6 seconds
しめさん Shimesan
Observing Nest Boxes 2023 EP29: Coal Tit Chicks Finally Fledge!! (May 26-27, 2023)