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Invidious (YT)

Invidious > Channel > NASA Shill

NASA Shill 8830 subscribers    RSS
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YT 2 hours 7 minutes 35 seconds
Mike Winger
My MAIN challenge to Flat Earth Proponents
YT 1 hour 36 minutes 17 seconds
Mike Winger
Refuting Those "Flat Earth Bible Verses": You Should Have Checked the Context.
YT 1 hour 3 minutes 24 seconds
Mike Winger
Some Flat Earth Ramblings and Q&A
YT 25 minutes 15 seconds
Conspiracy Toonz
200 Verses: Flat Earth
YT 25 minutes 4 seconds
Answers in Genesis Canada
We Examined the THREE Most Common Arguments by Christian Flat-Earthers
YT 58 minutes 35 seconds
NASA Shill
Does Science & Scripture Support a Flat Earth? | Answers In Genesis
YT 1 hour 2 minutes 16 seconds
Answers in Genesis
Does The Bible Describe the Earth as Flat?
YT 49 minutes 5 seconds
NASA Shill
Dr. Jason Lisle | Biblical & Scientific Reasons Not To Believe In a Flat Earth
YT 1 hour 19 minutes 1 second
Answers in Genesis
Debunking the Flat Earth (with Dr. Danny Faulkner)
YT 1 hour 17 minutes
Is Genesis History?
Countering the Flat Earth Phenomenon - Dr. Danny Faulkner (Conf Lecture)
YT 1 hour 27 minutes 17 seconds
NASA Shill
Biblical Answers to Flat Earth Questions | Mike Hoggard
YT 30 minutes 7 seconds
Michael Hoggard
YT 10 minutes 8 seconds
NASA Shill
Is Earth Flat Or Spherical? | Christian Astronaut Barry Wilmore Answers
YT 1 hour 6 minutes 21 seconds
Humans of Earth
Dr Danny Faulkner - Live Interview with Q and A
YT 59 minutes 22 seconds
Creation Museum
What We Predicted. What We See.
YT 29 minutes 37 seconds
The Bible Explained
Did the James Webb Space Telescope Disprove the Big Bang? - Dr. Danny Faulkner Interview
YT 1 hour 8 minutes 46 seconds
Calvary Chapel of Manassas
Calvary Chapel of Manassas - Astronomy Reveals Creation (By Dr. Jason Lisle)
YT 1 hour 15 minutes 25 seconds
Astronomy Reveals Creation: How the Secrets of the Cosmos Confirms Creation Dr. Jason Lisle
YT 58 minutes 57 seconds
Indian Hills Community Church
The Secret Code of Creation - Dr. Jason Lisle
YT 1 hour 13 minutes 18 seconds
Indian Hills Community Church
Secrets of the Cosmos that Confirm the Bible - Dr. Jason Lisle
YT 49 minutes 8 seconds
Indian Hills Community Church
The Solar System Declares the Glory of God - Dr. Jason Lisle
YT 52 minutes 50 seconds
Guest Speaker | Dr. Jason Lisle | Biblical Science Institute
YT 2 hours 4 minutes 41 seconds
Revealed Apologetics
Jason Lisle & Hugh Ross: Young Earth vs. Old Earth Creationism
YT 1 hour 53 minutes 28 seconds
Calvary Chapel Chester Springs Media Ministry
Science Confirms Biblical Creation - Dr. Jason Lisle
YT 12 minutes 47 seconds
Southern Seminary
Why are literary genres important when studying the Bible?