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Invidious (YT)

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YT 3 minutes 11 seconds
A Moment of Science
Eastern Box Turtle
YT 2 minutes 31 seconds
A Moment of Science
Turkey Vulture
YT 2 minutes 17 seconds
A Moment of Science
Sea Lions
YT 3 minutes 1 second
A Moment of Science
Wild Science: Orangutan
YT 3 minutes 1 second
A Moment of Science
Wild Science: Timber Rattlesnake
YT 3 minutes 10 seconds
A Moment of Science
Wild Science: Opossum
YT 3 minutes 20 seconds
A Moment of Science
Wild Science: American Columbo
YT 2 minutes 41 seconds
A Moment of Science
Wild Science: Poison Ivy
YT 1 minute 56 seconds
A Moment of Science
Wild Science: American Crow
YT 2 minutes 1 second
A Moment of Science
Why Salt Makes You Thirsty | A Moment of Science | PBS
YT 2 minutes 26 seconds
A Moment of Science
Can Fish Smell? | A Moment of Science | PBS
YT 1 minute 47 seconds
A Moment of Science
Insect Color Vision | A Moment of Science | PBS
YT 2 minutes 27 seconds
A Moment of Science
A Bug's Gotta Have Heart | A Moment of Science | PBS
YT 2 minutes 9 seconds
A Moment of Science
How Paper Towels Absorb Water | A Moment of Science | PBS
YT 2 minutes 24 seconds
A Moment of Science
Alcohol on the Wound | A Moment of Science | PBS
YT 2 minutes 43 seconds
A Moment of Science
Mini Golf Physics | A Moment of Science | PBS
YT 2 minutes 34 seconds
A Moment of Science
Why Do Chili Peppers Burn? | A Moment of Science | PBS
YT 1 minute 59 seconds
A Moment of Science
Broccoli Pedigree | A Moment of Science | PBS
YT 2 minutes 1 second
A Moment of Science
Can You Refreeze Meat? | A Moment of Science | PBS
YT 2 minutes 10 seconds
A Moment of Science
The Smell of Rain | A Moment of Science | PBS
YT 3 minutes 10 seconds
A Moment of Science
Exploding Water | A Moment of Science | PBS
YT 2 minutes 32 seconds
A Moment of Science
Parking and Honking | A Moment of Science | PBS
YT 1 minute 40 seconds
A Moment of Science
Hypnic Jerks | A Moment of Science | PBS
YT 2 minutes 32 seconds
A Moment of Science
Guys and Video Games | A Moment of Science | PBS
YT 2 minutes 47 seconds
A Moment of Science
Are Dog Mouths Cleaner than Human Mouths? | A Moment of Science | PBS
YT 2 minutes 9 seconds
A Moment of Science
Caffeine Persuasion | A Moment of Science | PBS
YT 2 minutes 44 seconds
A Moment of Science
Facial Agnosia | A Moment of Science | PBS
YT 2 minutes 22 seconds
A Moment of Science
Get Angry, Think More Clearly | A Moment of Science | PBS
YT 3 minutes 22 seconds
A Moment of Science
Artificial Intelligence | A Moment of Science | PBS
YT 2 minutes 5 seconds
A Moment of Science
Why Do People Laugh? | A Moment of Science | PBS
YT 2 minutes 22 seconds
A Moment of Science
How Trick Candles Work | A Moment of Science | PBS
YT 2 minutes 4 seconds
A Moment of Science
Why Some Balls Don't Bounce | A Moment of Science | PBS
YT 1 minute 47 seconds
A Moment of Science
It's a Trap! | A Moment of Science | PBS
YT 2 minutes
A Moment of Science
How Mirrors Work | A Moment of Science | PBS
YT 1 minute 47 seconds
A Moment of Science
Why Things Float | A Moment of Science | PBS
YT 1 minute 33 seconds
A Moment of Science
Funnel Fun | A Moment of Science | PBS
YT 2 minutes 3 seconds
A Moment of Science
Penny Stack | A Moment of Science | PBS
YT 2 minutes 15 seconds
A Moment of Science
The Shape of a Whirlpool | A Moment of Science | PBS
YT 2 minutes 8 seconds
A Moment of Science
Mislabeled Magnets | A Moment of Science | PBS
YT 1 minute 57 seconds
A Moment of Science
The Floating Needle | A Moment of Science | PBS
YT 1 minute 44 seconds
A Moment of Science
Candle in the Dark | A Moment of Science | PBS
YT 1 minute 49 seconds
A Moment of Science
Swinging Physics | A Moment of Science | PBS
YT 2 minutes 8 seconds
A Moment of Science
Falling Balls | A Moment of Science | PBS
YT 1 minute 53 seconds
A Moment of Science
X Marks the Spot | A Moment of Science | PBS
YT 2 minutes 8 seconds
A Moment of Science
Why Does a Frisbee Fly | A Moment of Science | PBS
YT 1 minute 59 seconds
A Moment of Science
You Can't Knock Down a Clown | A Moment of Science | PBS
YT 1 minute 57 seconds
A Moment of Science
Cool Cash | A Moment of Science | PBS
YT 1 minute 44 seconds
A Moment of Science
Why Does a Yo-Yo Yo? | A Moment of Science | PBS
YT 2 minutes 6 seconds
A Moment of Science
How to Make a Diet Coke Float | A Moment of Science | PBS
YT 2 minutes 9 seconds
A Moment of Science
How's Your Fastball? | A Moment of Science | PBS