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Invidious (YT)

Invidious > Channel > Kaitlin Cornell Krusoe

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YT 12 minutes 59 seconds
The beauty of being a misfit | Lidia Yuknavitch
YT 15 minutes 25 seconds
The surprising habits of original thinkers | Adam Grant | TED
YT 9 minutes 29 seconds
TEDx Talks
Anxiety is an expert strategist | Damian Scarf | TEDxDunedin
YT 11 minutes 26 seconds
TEDx Talks
Be The Warrior Not The Worrier - Fighting Anxiety & Fear | Angela Ceberano | TEDxBedminster
YT 15 minutes 2 seconds
TEDx Talks
The Secret of Becoming Mentally Strong | Amy Morin | TEDxOcala
YT 15 minutes 32 seconds
TEDx Talks
Programming your mind for success | Carrie Green | TEDxManchester
YT 19 minutes 42 seconds
TEDx Talks
How To Skip the Small Talk and Connect With Anyone | Kalina Silverman | TEDxWestminsterCollege
YT 11 minutes 38 seconds
TEDx Talks
The Science of Flirting: Being a H.O.T. A.P.E. | Jean Smith | TEDxLSHTM
YT 15 minutes 10 seconds
TEDx Talks
Life is easy. Why do we make it so hard? | Jon Jandai | TEDxDoiSuthep
YT 12 minutes 37 seconds
TEDx Talks
The Magic of Not Giving a F*** | Sarah Knight | TEDxCoconutGrove