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Invidious (YT)

Invidious > Channel > Andrew Millison

Andrew Millison 574000 subscribers    RSS
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YT 1 hour 23 minutes 36 seconds
Nate Hagens
Andrew Millison: "Geomorphology, Permaculture, and The Good Work" | The Great Simplification #64
YT 5 minutes 26 seconds
Cody Lundin
Making a bowdrill set with Cody Lundin
YT 5 minutes 44 seconds
Cody Lundin
Cody Lundin interview for Current TV
YT 6 minutes 34 seconds
Cody Lundin
Cody Lundin's sustainable home
YT 2 minutes 1 second
Bruce Weaver
Organic Valley Rap
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 3 minutes 58 seconds
HoW tO mAkE A wOrM BiN
YT 43 minutes 13 seconds
Greg Peterson
Andrew Millison on Scaling up Permaculture
YT 41 minutes 58 seconds
Nicholas Burtner - School of Permaculture
World Changer Interview Series - Nicholas Burtner Interviews Andrew Millison
YT 6 minutes 34 seconds
Bruce Weaver
Cody Lundin's sustainable home self-designed, passive solar earth home
YT 3 minutes 25 seconds
Nicholas Burtner - School of Permaculture
Permaculture Tip of the Day - Suburban Chicken System
YT 7 minutes 30 seconds
Culture Collective
Permaculture in the Eco-Hood
YT 3 minutes 33 seconds
The Ecohood Model - Andrew Millison
YT 6 minutes 26 seconds
Bruce Weaver
Ecomachine with Dr. John Todd
YT 29 minutes 57 seconds
Willi Paul
Conversations with Willi Paul - Permaculture. Teacher Andrew Millison, OSU
YT 10 minutes 8 seconds
Oregon State University Ecampus
Heiko's World of Permaculture Plants: Soil Building Methodologies
YT 4 minutes 49 seconds
Oregon State University Ecampus
Heiko's World of Permaculture Plants: Hazelnuts, Chestnuts and Walnuts