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Invidious (YT)

Invidious > Channel > Vince Palamara

Vince Palamara 22100 subscribers    RSS
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YT 5 minutes
Vince Palamara
MORE Rare President Kennedy Motorcades - Great Security
YT 1 minute 7 seconds
Vince Palamara
Normal security for President Kennedy 1961-1963
YT 49 seconds
Vince Palamara
Tom Dillard (Dallas Morning News) Interview- flatbed truck cancelled 11/22/63
YT 30 seconds
Vince Palamara
President Kennedy 12/7/62 bubble top
YT 36 seconds
Vince Palamara
President Kennedy Costa Rica motorcade 3/18/63
YT 45 minutes 19 seconds
Vince Palamara
JFK's fault for lack of security?!? NO!
YT 3 minutes 52 seconds
Vince Palamara
President Kennedy's Berlin motorcade June 1963
YT 5 minutes 14 seconds
Vince Palamara
JFK limousine slowed compilation
YT 2 minutes 5 seconds
Vince Palamara
President Kennedy at Sam Rayburn Funeral in Bonham, Texas 11/18/61
YT 1 minute 28 seconds
Vince Palamara
Even Gerald Posner blames Bill Greer
YT 5 minutes 13 seconds
Vince Palamara
Unique 11/22/63 footage 11/22/63 CBS
YT 2 minutes 16 seconds
Vince Palamara
LIMO SLOWING almost to a stop: DPD Bobby Hargis, ABC's Robert Clark, Malcolm Summers + the films
YT 53 seconds
Vince Palamara
Malcolm Summers on the limo stop and the agent on the knoll
YT 39 minutes 49 seconds
Vince Palamara
Secret Service agents told me that JFK did NOT order them off his limo!!
YT 2 minutes 27 seconds
Vince Palamara
Presidential limousine almost came to a dead stop 11/22/63 (JFK assassination)
YT 1 minute 56 seconds
Vince Palamara
Press photographers flatbed truck cancelled at last minute 11/22/63 JFK assassination
YT 3 minutes 3 seconds
Vince Palamara
RARE motorcade to and from Bethesda footage 11/22/63
YT 1 hour 8 minutes 2 seconds
Vince Palamara
JFK assassination conference presentation 11/21/20 Vince Palamara Secret Service President Kennedy
YT 14 minutes 33 seconds
Vince Palamara
Many President Kennedy motorcades 1961-1963
YT 59 minutes 38 seconds
Vince Palamara
The Kennedy Detail Exposed: the real story about JFK's Secret Service
YT 5 minutes 45 seconds
Vince Palamara
YT 3 minutes 6 seconds
Vince Palamara
Ten foreign and domestic JFK motorcades- great security
YT 48 seconds
Vince Palamara
President Kennedy motorcade Houston 9/12/1962
YT 45 seconds
Vince Palamara
unusual JFK motorcade footage 11/21/63
YT 21 seconds
Vince Palamara
JFK: the final conversation
YT 8 minutes 33 seconds
Vince Palamara
President Kennedy motorcades San Diego, Hawaii, Latin America
YT 25 minutes
Vince Palamara
President Kennedy motorcades: Germany, Italy, Ireland, D.C.
YT 39 minutes 26 seconds
Vince Palamara
JFK's agents deny that President Kennedy ordered them off the limo
YT 34 minutes 13 seconds
Vince Palamara
JFK assassination: Secret Service Standdown VIDEO- MY DISCOVERY
YT 22 seconds
Vince Palamara
The press was even curious about the Secret Service on 11/22/63
YT 4 minutes 49 seconds
Vince Palamara
Police officer debunks new story by Secret Service Agent Clint Hill about JFK
YT 5 minutes 1 second
Vince Palamara
Secrets of the Secret Service- Kennedy Detail Vince Palamara
YT 1 minute 18 seconds
Vince Palamara
The Confession of Secret Service Agent Clint Hill
YT 45 seconds
Vince Palamara
RFK & Ethel ride in JFK death limo with LBJ plus another LBJ motorcade
YT 9 minutes 19 seconds
Vince Palamara
JFK era: rooftops WERE guarded (films, photos, articles and rare 11/22/63 video)- Nashville, etc.
YT 1 minute 54 seconds
Vince Palamara
President Kennedy motorcade 5/12/62 Milwaukee, WI: building rooftops guarded
YT 6 minutes 5 seconds
Vince Palamara
Excellent security for President Kennedy 11/18/63 Tampa and Miami, Florida
YT 6 minutes 45 seconds
Vince Palamara
The Secret Service protected Kennedy before Dallas: rooftops guarded and other measures used
YT 20 minutes 32 seconds
Vince Palamara
Vince Palamara 11/21/2021 JFK assassination Secret Service presentation [Power Point/video part]
YT 2 hours 46 minutes 21 seconds
Vince Palamara
11/21/2021 JFK assassination conference, Dallas, TX (DAY 3 of 3)
YT 45 minutes 9 seconds
Vince Palamara
My actual narrated 11/21/21 JFK assassination Secret Service presentation
YT 1 hour 54 minutes 47 seconds
Vince Palamara
The Secret Service stand down on the day of the JFK assassination EXPLAINED: Agents Lawton & Rybka
YT 1 hour 4 minutes 31 seconds
Vince Palamara
The Secret Service stand down on the day of the JFK assassination EXPLAINED: one hour version
YT 1 hour 22 minutes 57 seconds
Vince Palamara
Clint Hill, Gerald Blaine and other Kennedy Detail Secret Service agents: I am always on their minds
YT 1 hour 4 seconds
Vince Palamara
JFK Secret Service agents Clint Hill & Gerald Blaine: POINT\COUNTER POINT- what they allege vs facts
YT 8 minutes 43 seconds
Vince Palamara
JFK assassination documentary 2021: the Secret Service
YT 13 minutes 42 seconds
Vince Palamara
JFK assassination Secret Service documentary: the Kennedy agents 2016
YT 59 minutes 54 seconds
Vince Palamara
JFK Secret Service conference presentation 11/22/2019 Dallas, TX Kennedy assassination
YT 32 minutes 39 seconds
Vince Palamara
Secret Service books I am in and other major achievements
YT 13 minutes 7 seconds
Vince Palamara
President Kennedy and the bubble top: a Secret Service decision
YT 30 minutes 23 seconds
Vince Palamara
President Kennedy: Secret Service Protection Before Dallas 11/22/1963
YT 29 minutes 1 second
Vince Palamara
MORE President Kennedy: Secret Service Protection Before Dallas 11/22/1963
YT 1 hour 15 minutes 29 seconds
Vince Palamara
The JFK Assassination: Premonitions, Warnings, Failings and Anomalies
YT 51 minutes 54 seconds
Vince Palamara
Debunking The Kennedy Detail and the propaganda of Clint Hill and Gerald Blaine (JFK assassination)
YT 51 minutes 5 seconds
Vince Palamara
Vince Palamara DELUXE demo reel JFK assassination Secret Service President Kennedy other Presidents
YT 4 minutes 29 seconds
Vince Palamara
YT 2 hours 11 minutes 35 seconds
Vince Palamara
Paul Brandus JFK Assassination book premise DEBUNKED (Countdown to Dallas) #propaganda #pablum
YT 7 minutes 23 seconds
Vince Palamara
UPDATED: Building rooftops WERE guarded before and during the JFK era! 11/22/63
YT 24 seconds
Vince Palamara
JFK using the Ike bubble top in Germany June 25 1963
YT 44 minutes 49 seconds
Vince Palamara
JFK and the bubble top UPDATED plus more security (Secret Service) issues explored in depth
YT 14 minutes 45 seconds
Vince Palamara
The ANSWER as to WHY the Secret Service destroyed motorcade records in 1995
YT 4 minutes 48 seconds
Vince Palamara
JFK limousine slowed or stopped compilation with Doug Horne and others
YT 31 minutes 40 seconds
Vince Palamara
The Secret Service protection or lack thereof for President Kennedy on 11/22/63 #JFKassassination
YT 3 minutes 10 seconds
Vince Palamara
JFK Secret Service Agent Jerry Dolan plus President Kennedy's Chicago trips- good security
YT 2 minutes 37 seconds
Vince Palamara
JFK & Jackie 12/29/62 Orange Bowl Miami FL
YT 23 seconds
Vince Palamara
The Dave Powers Film 11/22/63
YT 1 hour 7 minutes 31 seconds
Vince Palamara
CLASSICS: "Dangerous World: The Kennedy Years" 1997 (Seymour Hersh book; interviewed 4 agents)
YT 10 minutes
Vince Palamara
JFK Secret Service agents interviewed or referenced in "Dangerous World: The Kennedy Years"
YT 11 minutes 15 seconds
Vince Palamara
JFK Agents Tim McIntire + Emory Roberts and my other 2 Secret Service suspects
YT 6 minutes 27 seconds
Vince Palamara
11/22/63: First 2-plus minutes of Dallas motorcade includes slow motion of Love Field recall
YT 7 minutes 34 seconds
Vince Palamara
JFK Secret Service agent Don Lawton: rode on rear of limo in Chicago & Tampa + Tampa trip security
YT 1 minute 3 seconds
Vince Palamara
Excellent security for JFK 6/26/63 Germany
YT 8 minutes 10 seconds
Vince Palamara
Excellent security for JFK 7/1-7/2/63 Italy
YT 1 hour 5 minutes 47 seconds
Vince Palamara
JFK assassination Secret Service compilation TIK TOK
YT 1 hour 53 minutes 26 seconds
Vince Palamara
JFK assassination conference presentation by Vince Palamara 2016 Dallas, TX + BONUS PRESENTATION
YT 7 minutes 52 seconds
Vince Palamara
YT 52 minutes 50 seconds
Vince Palamara
The JFK bubble top: Sam Kinney's decision + all the times it was used (1/3 of all motorcades)
YT 12 minutes 33 seconds
Vince Palamara
WHY the Secret Service destroyed JFK motorcade records
YT 38 minutes 42 seconds
Vince Palamara
The ARRB's John Tunheim mad about Secret Service destruction of JFK records and the reasons why
YT 6 minutes 55 seconds
Vince Palamara
President Kennedy's San Diego motorcade dissected 6/6/63
YT 13 minutes 4 seconds
Vince Palamara
TWO JFK presidential limousine specials
YT 1 hour 43 minutes 56 seconds
Vince Palamara
A Masterclass on the JFK Secret Service and their protection of President Kennedy before 11/22/63
YT 1 hour 16 minutes 16 seconds
Vince Palamara
PRE-Dallas motorcades for JFK: why Lisa McCubbin & Clint Hill have some explaining to do (KENNEDY)
YT 46 minutes 59 seconds
Vince Palamara
Secret Service protection for JFK pre-11/22: Lisa McCubbin & Clint Hill have some explaining to do
YT 4 minutes 25 seconds
Vince Palamara
RARE film of the only other JFK/LBJ motorcade: 9/13/60 DALLAS/FORT WORTH! Good security and press
YT 13 minutes 31 seconds
Vince Palamara
Secret Service Agent Clint Hill fibs and is called out by his colleagues and himself
YT 1 hour 51 minutes 34 seconds
Vince Palamara
Author Vince Palamara thru the years 1991-2023: JFK assassination conferences and TV appearances
YT 1 hour 43 minutes 36 seconds
Vince Palamara
The Secret Service failed and is responsible for the JFK assassination II (compilation)
YT 1 hour 4 minutes 24 seconds
Vince Palamara
The Secret Service failed and is responsible for the JFK assassination I (compilation)
YT 1 second

[Deleted video]
YT 2 hours 48 minutes 41 seconds
Vince Palamara
Vince Palamara 2020 + conference presentations 2021 and 2019 (JFK assassination, Secret Service)
YT 58 minutes 20 seconds
Vince Palamara
The motorcade and the Secret Service - JFK assassination
YT 3 hours 20 minutes 31 seconds
Vince Palamara
President Kennedy motorcades
YT 27 minutes 15 seconds
Vince Palamara
YT 18 minutes 20 seconds
Vince Palamara
President Kennedy motorcade films – very rare! Paul Brandus debunked again!
YT 2 hours 48 minutes 59 seconds
Vince Palamara
The JFK Assassination 60th Anniversary
YT 44 minutes 4 seconds
Vince Palamara
The Kennedy Assassination 60th Anniversary Deluxe Compilation
YT 11 minutes 34 seconds
Vince Palamara
The Secret Service BEFORE the JFK Assassination
YT 27 minutes 19 seconds
Vince Palamara
The Secret Service and the JFK Assassination
YT 11 minutes 9 seconds
Vince Palamara
Presidential Protection Before & On 11/22/63 (JFK assassination) compilation
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 15 minutes 5 seconds
Vince Palamara
UPDATED: All the times President Kennedy used the bubble top on his limousine
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 15 minutes 5 seconds
Vince Palamara
UPDATED: All the times President Kennedy used the bubble top on his limousine
YT 1 hour 28 minutes 13 seconds
America's Untold Stories
The United States Secret Service Pt 3 w/ Vince Palamara
YT 5 minutes 34 seconds
Vince Palamara
Paul Landis new JFK Assassination book - BEWARE
YT 49 minutes 56 seconds
Vince Palamara
President Kennedy's Secret Service Detail Exposed: Paul Landis, Clint Hill & More -JFK Assassination
YT 1 hour 30 minutes 34 seconds
Vince Palamara
Ultra RARE JFK Assassination and related photos within 2 special programs
YT 53 minutes 4 seconds
Vince Palamara
Vince Palamara - Program About The JFK Assassination and the Secret Service
YT 2 minutes 33 seconds
Vince Palamara
CIA Presence On 11/22/63
YT 1 hour 3 minutes 12 seconds
Vince Palamara
Secret Service Destruction of Motorcade Records (compilation)
YT 1 hour 42 seconds
Vince Palamara
Vince Palamara: My Best JFK Assassination Secret Service Presentation (by request - deluxe edition)
YT 1 minute
Vince Palamara
YT 2 hours 9 minutes 39 seconds
Vince Palamara
Exclusive: All President Kennedy Motorcades & Secret Service Protection 1961-1963 JFK assassination
YT 1 hour 35 minutes 42 seconds
Out Of The Blank
Out Of The Blank #1648 - Vince Palamara
YT 1 minute 53 seconds
Vince Palamara
Tampa motorcade lead motorcycle officer Russell Groover 2013 plus
YT 4 minutes 50 seconds
Vince Palamara
Vince Palamara on Tik Tok: about my six books
YT 2 hours 5 minutes 17 seconds
Vince Palamara
President Kennedy should have survived Dallas - why the JFK assassination should not have happened
YT 1 second

[Deleted video]
YT 35 minutes 37 seconds
Vince Palamara
JFK should have survived Dallas - why the Kennedy assassination should not have happened
YT 13 minutes 41 seconds
J. Keven Hofeling
Vince Palamara on the Secret Service Stand Down and Security Stripping, from 'A Coup In Camelot'