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Invidious (YT)

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YT 16 minutes 13 seconds
TEDx Talks
The psychology of seduction | Raj Persaud | TEDxUniversityofBristol
YT 20 minutes 12 seconds
My stroke of insight | Jill Bolte Taylor | TED
YT 19 minutes 29 seconds
Morgan Spurlock: The greatest TED Talk ever sold
YT 17 minutes 41 seconds
The history of our world in 18 minutes | David Christian | TED
YT 21 minutes 3 seconds
Your Body Language May Shape Who You Are | Amy Cuddy | TED
YT 18 minutes 56 seconds
TEDx Talks
The surprising secret to speaking with confidence | Caroline Goyder | TEDxBrixton
YT 20 minutes 50 seconds
The power of vulnerability | Brené Brown | TED
YT 14 minutes 4 seconds
Inside the Mind of a Master Procrastinator | Tim Urban | TED
YT 18 minutes 21 seconds
TEDx Talks
Change your mindset, change the game | Dr. Alia Crum | TEDxTraverseCity
YT 12 minutes 35 seconds
TEDx Talks
Why comfort will ruin your life | Bill Eckstrom | TEDxUniversityofNevada
YT 14 minutes 43 seconds
Everything you think you know about addiction is wrong | Johann Hari | TED
YT 16 minutes 31 seconds
TEDx Talks
TEDxDanubia 2011 - Andrew Feldmár - Lunar Eclipse -- A Life Worth Living
YT 15 minutes 36 seconds
TEDx Talks
Quantum Physics for 7 Year Olds | Dominic Walliman | TEDxEastVan
YT 21 minutes 51 seconds
Do we see reality as it is? | Donald Hoffman | TED
YT 19 minutes 5 seconds
The power of introverts | Susan Cain | TED
YT 15 minutes 41 seconds
The unheard story of David and Goliath | Malcolm Gladwell
YT 13 minutes 46 seconds
TEDx Talks
The Power of Mindfulness: What You Practice Grows Stronger | Shauna Shapiro | TEDxWashingtonSquare
YT 17 minutes 36 seconds
TEDx Talks
THIS is computer music: Ge Wang at TEDxStanford