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Invidious (YT)

Invidious > Channel > Ben Brandt

Ben Brandt 17000 subscribers    RSS
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YT 3 minutes 35 seconds
Ben Brandt
The Video Tether - wirelessly controlled precision motorized camera slider (prototype)
YT 9 minutes 7 seconds
Ben Brandt
Hacking a FREE Flashlight into an LED Backlit Sign
YT 10 minutes 48 seconds
Ben Brandt
Making a Pegboard-mounted Wire Dispenser
YT 6 minutes 17 seconds
Ben Brandt
Jet Air Filter Repair - Capacitor Replacement
YT 2 minutes 34 seconds
Ben Brandt
Converting an LED Flashlight from White to Blue
YT 3 minutes 2 seconds
Ben Brandt
From The Bench: Vexta Stepper Motor, Arduino, and EasyDriver
YT 5 minutes 12 seconds
Ben Brandt
Toy Hack: Turn down the volume on a noisy toy
YT 51 seconds
Ben Brandt
5x4 Charlieplexed LED grid, powered by ATTiny85
YT 48 seconds
Ben Brandt
5x4 Charlieplexed LED grid, powered by ATTiny85
YT 6 minutes 19 seconds
Ben Brandt
My Kids' First Breadboard Project
YT 4 minutes 41 seconds
Ben Brandt
Box Jointed Cement & Walnut USB Hub | #USBHubChallenge inspired by Giaco Whatever
YT 7 minutes 31 seconds
Ben Brandt
How NOT to repair a headphone plug
YT 9 minutes 46 seconds
Ben Brandt
LED Backlit Sign from a Harbor Freight Flashlight: Version 2
YT 19 minutes 58 seconds
Ben Brandt
Fixing up my Laser Engraver with upgraded components
YT 27 minutes 24 seconds
Ben Brandt
Secret briefcase unlocks over the internet