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Invidious (YT)

Invidious > Channel > Aaron Shafovaloff

Aaron Shafovaloff 21700 subscribers    RSS
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YT 54 minutes 27 seconds
Aaron Shafovaloff
I'm Mitz Nelson, and I'm an Ex-Mormon
YT 1 hour 23 minutes 59 seconds
Aaron Shafovaloff
From Mormon Apologist to Christian: The Story of Michael Flournoy
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 1 hour 1 minute 4 seconds
Aaron Shafovaloff
From Polygamy to Jesus: The Testimony of Susan Ray Schmidt
YT 48 minutes 16 seconds
Aaron Shafovaloff
Hi, my name is Connie, and I'm an ex-Mormon Christian (testimony at piano concert)
YT 1 hour 18 minutes 39 seconds
Aaron Shafovaloff
I'm Randy Gavin and I'm an Ex-Mormon
YT 11 minutes 41 seconds
Aaron Shafovaloff
The Testimony of Edy Meredith: Out of Mormonism Into a Saving Relationship with Jesus Christ
YT 11 minutes 54 seconds
Aaron Shafovaloff
Paige Richardson's Testimony out of Mormonism and into the Arms of Jesus
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 9 minutes 2 seconds
Aaron Shafovaloff
Mitz Nelson's Testimony out of Mormonism Into Christianity
YT 10 minutes 19 seconds
Aaron Shafovaloff
Tara Sivulka's Testimony Out of Mormonism
YT 17 minutes 5 seconds
Aaron Shafovaloff
Brian Mackert's Testimony Out of Mormonism into Christianity
YT 11 minutes 25 seconds
Aaron Shafovaloff
Mark Champneys' Testimony Out of Mormonism Into Christianity
YT 4 minutes 57 seconds
Aaron Shafovaloff
Tosh's Testimony Out of Mormonism into Christianity
YT 5 minutes 8 seconds
Aaron Shafovaloff
Gene's Testimony out of Mormonism into Christianity
YT 7 minutes 12 seconds
Aaron Shafovaloff
Gabriel Williams' testimony out of Mormonism to Christ
YT 9 minutes 40 seconds
Aaron Shafovaloff
Dave's Testimony Out of Mormonism into Christianity
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 12 minutes 37 seconds
Aaron Shafovaloff
Angela Haisten's Testimony Out of Mormonism to Christianity
YT 6 minutes 10 seconds
Aaron Shafovaloff
Ginny and Bud Gundersen's Testimony out of Mormonism
YT 2 minutes 43 seconds
Aaron Shafovaloff
Blaine Hunsaker's Testimony out of Mormonism to Christ
YT 2 minutes 56 seconds
Aaron Shafovaloff
Judy Hartvigsen's Testimony out of Mormonism to Christ
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 3 minutes 18 seconds
Aaron Shafovaloff
LaKan Gibb's Testimony out of Mormonism intro Christianity
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 1 hour 26 minutes 32 seconds
Aaron Shafovaloff
Mormons Who Left
YT 55 minutes 14 seconds
I Was Almost a Mormon: Aaron Shafovaloff
YT 18 minutes 28 seconds
Aaron Shafovaloff
I was a Mormon Fundamentalist: Joseph Martin
YT 10 minutes 24 seconds
Aaron Shafovaloff
Tara Sivulka's Testimony Out of Mormonism into Christianity