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Invidious (YT)

Invidious > Channel > ExtremePragmatist

ExtremePragmatist 121 subscribers    RSS
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YT 6 minutes 4 seconds
Big Think
Are humans evil? Rutger Bregman on 'veneer theory' | Big Think
YT 16 minutes 46 seconds
Setting Up & Playing Classic Arcade Game PCBs
YT 11 minutes 19 seconds
Nostalgia Nerd
Why is a Fossilised Keyboard in this Pavement? | Nostalgia Nerd
YT 14 minutes 48 seconds
Is 5G Spelling Our DOOM?! How EM Waves Can Hurt
YT 39 minutes 23 seconds
Wrestling With Gaming
The Story Of NEO GEO | Featuring Modern Vintage Gamer, RetroRGB, Jenovi, & Neo-Alec
YT 2 minutes 48 seconds
Flight Simulator 4.0 on IBM 5151 Monochrome Monitor
YT 22 minutes
Fully Charged Show
Yes, we can RECYCLE EV batteries. Here's how | Fully Charged
YT 1 hour 2 minutes 20 seconds
Transport Evolved
Solid State Breakthrough Batteries? Here's What You Need To Know!
YT 23 minutes 8 seconds
Sebi's Random Tech
Best Value ThinkPads in 2020
YT 18 minutes 1 second
Adrian's Digital Basement
How to remove chips without damaging the circuit board
YT 14 minutes 56 seconds
8-Bit Keys
Casio MT 540 & Space Quest III
YT 10 minutes 59 seconds
CGP Grey
Spaceship You
YT 9 minutes 6 seconds
Startup Division
How Tesla Battery Farms Changed the Lives of Australians
YT 16 minutes 33 seconds
Using a 1930 Teletype as a Linux Terminal
YT 4 minutes 26 seconds
Tom Scott
British Plugs Are Better Than All Other Plugs, And Here's Why
YT 2 minutes 3 seconds
COBOL in 100 seconds
YT 21 minutes 13 seconds
No Strings Prd
Dune - The Grandfather of Real-Time Strategy
YT 32 minutes 47 seconds
Ben Eater
The world's worst video card?
YT 11 minutes 26 seconds
Driving a VGA Display?! Getting started with an FPGA! (TinyFPGA)
YT 8 minutes 19 seconds
Now You Know
Why Utility Grids are Afraid of Elon Musk
YT 1 minute 36 seconds
The world's fastest booting PC
YT 2 minutes 44 seconds
NWJ Davidson
Gravitricity - fast, long-life energy storage
YT 3 minutes 13 seconds
Insider Tech
3D-Printed Home Can Be Constructed For Under $4,000
YT 35 minutes 24 seconds
XOXO Festival
Lindsay Ellis, Video Essayist - XOXO Festival (2019)
YT 14 minutes 24 seconds
Curious Droid
Shinkansen vs TGV - Is One Better Than the Other?
YT 13 minutes 30 seconds
Big Think
Penn Jillette on Atheism and Islamaphobia | Big Think
YT 3 minutes 46 seconds
Big Think
Tiny humans, big universe: How to balance anxiety and wonder in astrophysics | Michelle Thaller
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 6 minutes 32 seconds
Late Night with Seth Meyers
Rep. Rashida Tlaib on Growing Up in Detroit, Holocaust Comments and Fighting Poverty
YT 5 minutes 23 seconds
Big Think
Does life feel too short? Get off your ass. | Erling Kagge | Big Think
YT 6 minutes 31 seconds
The Young Turks
College Students Are Going Hungry
YT 1 minute 49 seconds
Ash Dove-Jay - OrbAstro
Elon Musk - Electric Aircraft
YT 1 hour 15 minutes 54 seconds
Accursed Farms
"Games as a service" is fraud.
YT 30 minutes 42 seconds
Choosing a Retro PC for Games: Advice & What to Look For
YT 6 minutes 34 seconds
How to ADHD
Why Is It So Hard to Do Something That Should Be Easy? (Wall of Awful pt. 1)
YT 20 minutes 9 seconds
This game engine will disrupt the industry... introducing the Godot Engine
YT 11 minutes 19 seconds
Is your country at risk of becoming a dictatorship? Here's how to know | Farida Nabourema
YT 12 minutes 44 seconds
CGP Grey
Fable of the Dragon-Tyrant
YT 7 minutes 17 seconds
CGP Grey
7 Ways to Maximize Misery 😞
YT 5 minutes 5 seconds
Big Think
6 ways to let go of pointless possessions | Gretchen Rubin | Big Think
YT 8 minutes 56 seconds
The Young Turks
Playboy Targets Ana, She Fights Back!
YT 10 minutes 37 seconds
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert
Donald Trump Jr. Is His Own 'Deepthroat'
YT 1 second

[Deleted video]
YT 43 minutes 27 seconds
Tony Seba
Keynote - Anticipating & Leading Market Disruption - BMC Engage 2014 Closing Keynote
YT 9 minutes 34 seconds
The Most Terrifying Video You'll Ever See
YT 4 minutes 55 seconds
Richard Yan
In the Hands Riffle Shuffle Tutorial
YT 10 minutes 10 seconds
In The Hands Riffle Card Shuffle Tutorial (with bridge ending)