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Invidious (YT)

Invidious > Channel > Chemist8897

Chemist8897 2410 subscribers    RSS
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YT 5 minutes 13 seconds
Iowa Trombones
Using False Tones to Develop the Valve Range on Tenor Trombone
YT 3 minutes 52 seconds
YT 4 minutes 58 seconds
Charlie Buzzing
YT 21 minutes 21 seconds
NICOLA FERRO NirFoN Composer Trombone Player
SLURS & Audio Nicola Ferro
YT 15 minutes 59 seconds
Launy Grondahl Trombone Concerto 1st movement. Jesper Juul.
YT 15 minutes 2 seconds
Launy Grondahl Trombone Concerto 2nd movement. Jesper Juul.
YT 6 minutes 23 seconds
Matthew Parunak
Brass Tip S1E2 - Expanding Your Range on Trombone!
YT 5 minutes 50 seconds
Aidan Ritchie
False tone practice!
YT 6 minutes 56 seconds
University of Michigan Trombone Studio
O Magnum Mysterium
YT 2 hours 7 minutes 54 seconds
First Church Truth of God Broadcast
Truth of God Broadcast 1257-1258 Detroit Pastor Gino Jennings HD Raw Footage!
YT 37 minutes 42 seconds
Human Jukebox Media
Southern vs. Prairie View | Zero Quarter 2019
YT 12 minutes 6 seconds
Javier Yera
Técnica del trombón con Jose Vicente Soler CSM Jaén
YT 37 minutes 55 seconds
Paul Elam
Killing Sports with Gynocentrism and Social Justice - Regarding Men
YT 18 minutes 28 seconds
Peter Steiner
Flexibility - Peter Steiner Masterclass
YT 9 minutes 26 seconds
Daniel K Johansson
Basic Arpeggio Deep Dive For Jazz Trombonists!