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Invidious (YT)

Invidious > Channel > Christopher Booth

Christopher Booth 449 subscribers    RSS
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YT 2 minutes 17 seconds
Christopher Booth
From Paradise Lost, Book I, Lines 1 to 26
YT 2 minutes 44 seconds
Christopher Booth
From Paradise Lost, Book II, Lines 562-595
YT 6 minutes 40 seconds
Christopher Booth
From _Paradise Lost_, Book IV, Lines 205 to 294
YT 16 minutes 23 seconds
Christopher Booth
MacFlecknoe by John Dryden
YT 7 minutes 55 seconds
Christopher Booth
"Errours Den"; Excerpt from THE FAERIE QUEENE by Edmund Spencer
YT 3 minutes 18 seconds
Christopher Booth
"On Silence" by Alexander Pope
YT 55 seconds
Christopher Booth
Marriage a-la-Mode, by John Dryden
YT 3 minutes 45 seconds
Christopher Booth
From _Ulysses_, Chapter 3, "Proteus", the Opening Passage