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Invidious (YT)

Invidious > Channel > Still Incorrigible

Still Incorrigible 22300 subscribers    RSS
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YT 3 minutes 25 seconds
Still Incorrigible
2.6m strivers to lose £1600 from Osborne's latest welfare cuts
YT 58 minutes 44 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Question Time (26 Nov 2015)
YT 24 minutes 31 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Osborne's Spending Review: not such a genius after all
YT 15 minutes 7 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Tristram Hunt doesn't have a clue about social inequality or how to solve it
YT 6 minutes 54 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Heidi Allen on new MP's and rebellion
YT 9 minutes 8 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Tristram Hunt on social inequality and Labour party division (Marr Show)
YT 19 minutes 46 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Iain Duncan Smith interviewed on Andrew Marr Show
YT 4 minutes 22 seconds
Still Incorrigible
750,000 privately rented homes are a danger to live in
YT 7 minutes 56 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Will Finland's basic income plan work?
YT 13 minutes 13 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Cameron's EU negotiation undone by benefit tourism overeach
YT 10 minutes 52 seconds
Still Incorrigible
New born babies taken into 'care'
YT 23 minutes 54 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Who Cares?: We are failing to protect our most vulnerable children
YT 35 minutes 33 seconds
Still Incorrigible
PMQs: Cameron v Corbyn (16 Dec 2015)
YT 7 minutes 54 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Addressing Oxbridge bias against state school pupils
YT 11 minutes 47 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Still Lonely at Christmas
YT 58 minutes 7 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Question Time (17 Dec 2015)
YT 15 minutes 15 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Nigel Farage slams Cameron's EU renegotiation
YT 14 minutes 35 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Andrew Marr Show: paper review (20 Dec living wage, Brexit, Corbyn, Lords' reform )
YT 9 minutes 52 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Angela Eagle on Corbyn, Labour policies and party in-fighting
YT 3 minutes 24 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Homeless and alone at Christmas
YT 6 minutes 28 seconds
Still Incorrigible
The refugee crisis at Christmas
YT 23 minutes 45 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Ann Coulter on Donald Trump: true American idiots
YT 8 minutes 12 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Minimum Wage
YT 3 minutes 48 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Cameron's "gamechanging" affordable homes plan dismantled in 3 mins by Mark Easton
YT 15 minutes 26 seconds
Still Incorrigible
How is Cameron's EU renegotiation going?
YT 5 minutes 26 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Housing is key battleground in London Mayoral election
YT 8 minutes 37 seconds
Still Incorrigible
David Cameron's affordable housing plan is about PR not homes
YT 13 minutes 2 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Cameron on the Marr Show: Tories' civil war over EU referendum (10 Jan 16)
YT 12 minutes 29 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Marr Show newspaper review (Corbyn, Trident, Cologne, Housing) 10 Jan 2016
YT 12 minutes 16 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Rebel MPs force Corbyn and Cameron to end collective cabinet responsibility
YT 13 minutes 2 seconds
Still Incorrigible
David Davis: "Two thirds" of Tory MPs would vote to leave the EU
YT 11 minutes 9 seconds
Still Incorrigible
40,000 Syrians in forced starvation - the real hunger games
YT 5 minutes 28 seconds
Still Incorrigible
'Back to the 1980s': BBC Sunday Politics' verdict on Corbyn's policy initiatives
YT 11 minutes 30 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Andrew Marr Show paper review: Brexit, Corbyn, inequality, living wage (17 Jan 16)
YT 5 minutes 45 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Will Cameron's "rabbit out of the hat" EU ploy impress voters
YT 15 minutes 29 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Cameron's EU negotiation and Brexit: Nigel Farage v Ken Clarke
YT 8 minutes 36 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Jeremy Corbyn sets out his "social agenda"
YT 14 minutes 57 seconds
Still Incorrigible
PMQs 20 Jan 16 Corbyn v Cameron: Student Grants and Beatlemania
YT 5 minutes 45 seconds
Still Incorrigible
62 people own the same wealth as the poorest 3 billion
YT 12 minutes 44 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Marr Show papers: Litvinenko, China crisis, EU brake, Google tax and the super rich (24 Jan 16)
YT 9 minutes 5 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Zac Goldsmith: Don't turn the taps-off by banning the super rich
YT 13 minutes 36 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Nicola Sturgeon: Indy Ref inevitable if UK backs Brexit (Marr Show)
YT 15 minutes 17 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Is the Beckett Report into Labour's election defeat a "whitewash"?
YT 15 minutes 19 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Zac Goldsmith defends unimaginative mayoralty campaign
YT 4 minutes 24 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Refugee crisis has become a UK housing disgrace
YT 4 minutes 41 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Housing benefit cuts to force 82,000 homes for the vulnerable to close
YT 6 minutes 31 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Pensioners' benefits and the BBC licence fee
YT 11 minutes 23 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Vote Leave: Cameron's brake on migrant benefits is a bad joke
YT 15 minutes 21 seconds
Still Incorrigible
PMQs Corbyn V Cameron: an unhealthy dose of lies (3 Feb 16)
YT 9 minutes 19 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Cameron on his EU deal
YT 13 minutes 8 seconds
Still Incorrigible
750,000 refugee children missing out on education and in danger of radicalisation
YT 3 minutes 39 seconds
Still Incorrigible
EasyFood is one step up from food banks: welcome to Tory Britain
YT 13 minutes 32 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Eric Pickles: Cameron has delivered on EU negotiation
YT 11 minutes 43 seconds
Still Incorrigible
The EU's democratic deficit: George Galloway v Stephen Kinnock
YT 11 minutes 57 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Tory housing policy: an end to social housing in London?
YT 8 minutes 50 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Osborne boxed in on all sides by his own economic failure
YT 13 minutes 29 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Who will win the Scottish elections
YT 14 minutes 41 seconds
Still Incorrigible
PMQs Corbyn v Cameron and a whole lotta Rosie
YT 12 minutes 45 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Question Time Part 4: Would Brexit be a way of controlling immigration? (cont)
YT 11 minutes 59 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Daily Politics - PMQs analysis (10 Feb)
YT 14 minutes 4 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Little Matty Hancock defends Tory manifesto policy record
YT 9 minutes 13 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Is there really a gender pay gap?
YT 14 minutes 27 seconds
Still Incorrigible
What is Boris Johnson's mayor of London legacy?
YT 8 minutes 56 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Jacob Rees Mogg admits Tories want to abandon European employment rights
YT 4 minutes 54 seconds
Still Incorrigible
James O'Brien and Iain Dale call out media scaremongering over migrants and benefits
YT 14 minutes 24 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Gang violence and mental health
YT 6 minutes 23 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Cameron's EU renegotiation summit enters key stage
YT 4 minutes 3 seconds
Still Incorrigible
EU facts and fiction Pt. 2: Are we better off in or out?
YT 10 minutes 35 seconds
Still Incorrigible
What is joint enterprise?
YT 9 minutes 48 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Question Time pt 4: The great British energy market rip-off (18 Feb 16)
YT 3 minutes 46 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Generation rent 'waste' £50,000 before buying first home
YT 14 minutes 36 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Marr Show: David Cameron announces EU referendum (part 1)
YT 10 minutes 11 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Marr Show: David Cameron announces EU referendum (part 2)
YT 15 minutes 26 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Brexit, security and Tory civil war: Iain Duncan Smith vs Ken Clarke
YT 10 minutes 10 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Heidi Allen and Alison McGovern fire warning shots over Tory welfare cuts
YT 15 minutes 6 seconds
Still Incorrigible
PMQs Corbyn v Cameron (24 Feb 16): the kindergarden session
YT 11 minutes 11 seconds
Still Incorrigible
PMQs analysis (NHS, excess deaths, Brexit)
YT 10 minutes 55 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Boris Johnson's 'corrupt' property deals exposed (pt 2): Affordable housing
YT 7 minutes 54 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Boris Johnson's 'corrupt' property deals exposed (pt 3): Sadiq Khan v a suit full of bugger all
YT 14 minutes 39 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Question Time 1 of 4: Must we leave the EU to control migration?
YT 10 minutes 56 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Will community land trusts be the answer to London's housing crisis?
YT 1 minute 11 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Andrew Neil's biting comment on Cameron's homeless Britain
YT 15 minutes 28 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Mark Serwotka on why he rejoined Corbyn's Labour party
YT 10 minutes 42 seconds
Still Incorrigible
John McDonnell: Prosperity must be shared
YT 13 minutes 25 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Marr papers: Brexit, the queen and Osborne's budget con (13 Mar 16)
YT 12 minutes 59 seconds
Still Incorrigible
George Osborne 1/2: £18bn blackhole means further spending cuts
YT 8 minutes 25 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Wading through treacle with Seema Malhotra
YT 14 minutes 19 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Newsnight budget review (part 1/4): Overview
YT 15 minutes 29 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Newsnight budget review (part 2/4): Well fair? Sajid Javid v Seema Malhotra
YT 10 minutes 27 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Newsnight budget review (part 3/4): Sugar Tax and Wiltshire Tories
YT 10 minutes 14 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Newsnight budget review (part 4/4): The experts' view
YT 12 minutes
Still Incorrigible
Channel 4 News: Budget 2016 overview
YT 9 minutes 27 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Budget 2016: Sajid Javid tries to defend the indefensible - and fails
YT 8 minutes 14 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Budget 2016: Osborne raises over £4bn from cutting disability support
YT 3 minutes 41 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Legacy of Hope: Running blades for child amputees
YT 14 minutes 15 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Question time (1/4): Why is govt cutting corporation tax at the expense of the disabled? (17 Mar 16)
YT 15 minutes 20 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Question time (2/4): Will a sugar tax deter parents from buying fizzy drinks? (17 Mar 16)
YT 11 minutes 51 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Nick Gibb gets the James O'Brien treatment over academy schools
YT 9 minutes 42 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Osborne's attack on the disabled causes party revolt
YT 7 minutes 52 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Day Two of budget debate - disability, foodbanks and the sugar tax
YT 9 minutes 26 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Osborne's budget ubershambles
YT 11 minutes 21 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Tory rebellion over disability benefits cut
YT 13 minutes 51 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Marr Show papers: Iain Duncan Smith's resignation and budget shambles (20 Mar 16)
YT 13 minutes 20 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Iain Duncan Smith (1/2): Cuts to working age benefits have gone too far
YT 8 minutes 4 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Iain Duncan Smith (2/2): We are not all in it together
YT 9 minutes 4 seconds
Still Incorrigible
David Laws: IDS opposed many welfare cuts during the coalition
YT 13 minutes 51 seconds
Still Incorrigible
IDS resignation sparks open warfare in the Tory party
YT 9 minutes 39 seconds
Still Incorrigible
IFS: cutting disability benefits to fund tax cuts is a political choice
YT 8 minutes 8 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Owen Smith: Tories are "lying" about disability benefits spending
YT 7 minutes 6 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Heidi Allen: Iain Duncan Smith had "no choice" but to resign
YT 12 minutes 4 seconds
Still Incorrigible
The Week Ahead: the return of the nasty party and a good week for Brexit
YT 13 minutes 12 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Budget 2016 impact on London: Cross Rail 2 and housing crisis
YT 7 minutes 15 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Will the minor parties have an impact on the election for Mayor of London
YT 15 minutes 18 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Nicky Morgan's nightmare defending Osborne's nasty budget
YT 6 minutes 44 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Will there really be no more cuts to welfare?
YT 8 minutes 55 seconds
Still Incorrigible
BBC news on Iain Duncan Smith resignation fallout
YT 15 minutes 29 seconds
Still Incorrigible
PMQs Corbyn v Cameron: the myth of the fair budget session (23 Mar 16)
YT 6 minutes 4 seconds
Still Incorrigible
IDS resignation: Trevor Kavanagh v Polly Toynbee
YT 5 minutes 18 seconds
Still Incorrigible
National elections in Scotland, Wales and Northern ireland
YT 12 minutes 15 seconds
Still Incorrigible
PMQs analysis: Corbyn misses an open goal (23 Mar 16)
YT 14 minutes 38 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Newsnight 6 Jan 2014 Conservative war on the poor
YT 4 minutes 15 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Cameron's legacy: record numbers of homeless Britons
YT 3 minutes 15 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Hundreds of libraries closed by Tory austerity
YT 9 minutes 19 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Tata to shutdown UK steel production
YT 11 minutes 23 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Angela Eagle: "we must preserve the UKs ability to manufacture steel"
YT 14 minutes 18 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Should the government help the British steel industry? (part 2/2)
YT 13 minutes 44 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Tories on holiday as Corbyn visits Port Talbot and calls for UK govt support
YT 3 minutes 20 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Can we stop Tata steel's Port Talbot shutdown becoming a re-run of Redcar?
YT 15 minutes 9 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Tories fiddle as the British steel industry burns
YT 6 minutes 57 seconds
Still Incorrigible
A dignified funeral now beyond the reach of the poor
YT 14 minutes 16 seconds
Still Incorrigible
What should Cameron do about Tata steel? Paul Mason v. Ken Clarke
YT 15 minutes 1 second
Still Incorrigible
Marr papers: British Steel, Port Talbot, Brexit and Woman's Hour (3 Apr 16)
YT 9 minutes 32 seconds
Still Incorrigible
John McDonnell: short term nationalisation could save steel communities
YT 3 minutes 20 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Young will now be hit by lower pensions
YT 5 minutes 27 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Can Sanjeev Gupta's Liberty House save British steel?
YT 15 minutes 27 seconds
Still Incorrigible
The future of the arts in Britain
YT 11 minutes 44 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Norman Smith's stupid taxi cab interview with Sadiq Khan
YT 13 minutes 35 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Norman Smith's stupid taxi cab interview with Zac Goldsmith
YT 15 minutes 21 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Question Time (2/4): Can we have a just society when only the little people pay tax?
YT 12 minutes 15 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Question Time (4/4): should we nationalise british steel? (cont)
YT 12 minutes 7 seconds
Still Incorrigible
George Galloway's struggle to be Mayor of London
YT 6 minutes 51 seconds
Still Incorrigible
"Dodgy Dave" and "low achievers": Cameron's statement to parliament turns nasty
YT 10 minutes 9 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Cameron's tax return leaves many unanswered questions
YT 5 minutes 53 seconds
Still Incorrigible
"Taxing people twice" the big inheritance tax lie
YT 11 minutes 53 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Criticising tax avoidance: champagne socialist or the politics of envy?
YT 12 minutes 26 seconds
Still Incorrigible
As predicted Osborne's national living wage is a con
YT 4 minutes 52 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Are higher wages a migration pull factor?
YT 6 minutes 25 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Race for London mayor turns nasty
YT 14 minutes 40 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Question Time (3/4): Has the time come to abolish inheritance tax?
YT 12 minutes 41 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Question Time (4/4): At what stage does a politician's private life wander into the public interest?
YT 11 minutes 13 seconds
Still Incorrigible
May elections: a big test for Jeremy Corbyn?
YT 11 minutes 57 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Martin Lewis conforonts Osborne over his living wage con
YT 15 minutes 19 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Osborne defends the Treasury Brexit report on The Agenda
YT 11 minutes 7 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Will John McDonnell's fiscal rules work for Labour? Paul Mason Vs John Rentoul
YT 9 minutes 44 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Philip Davies' filibustering: he's still an idiotic arsehole
YT 9 minutes 49 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Revolutionary politics in the UK
YT 15 minutes 11 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Michael Gove's big Vote Leave speech: Dominic Raab vs Chuka Umunna
YT 8 minutes 15 seconds
Still Incorrigible
John Redwood on the future of British steel
YT 5 minutes 45 seconds
Still Incorrigible
What is the point of Western intervention in Afghanistan?
YT 11 minutes 27 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Caroline Pidgeon's LibDems London campaign
YT 12 minutes 3 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Sian Berry: Is the Green Party's radical bid for London Mayor "too nice"
YT 5 minutes 23 seconds
Still Incorrigible
What have the SNP achieved in the last 5 years?
YT 10 minutes 59 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Question Time (4 of 4): Is it time for a maximum wage?
YT 11 minutes 39 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Is the gap between rich and poor too wide?
YT 15 minutes 26 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Is immigration really out of control?
YT 15 minutes 6 seconds
Still Incorrigible
What can we expect from Labour in May elections?: Lucy Powell
YT 13 minutes 58 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Marr papers (1 May 16): Labour anti-semitism, Zac Goldsmith's smears and BBC under attack
YT 10 minutes 52 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Will Tim Farron's leadership help the LibDems at the polls?
YT 9 minutes 59 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Tory local election campaign hindered by "bonkers" policies, Brexit wars and cuts for the poorest
YT 11 minutes 22 seconds
Still Incorrigible
The Week Ahead: May elections, Corbyn's future and Brexit
YT 5 minutes 27 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Our so called democracy is corrupt to the core and the poor pay the price
YT 15 minutes 21 seconds
Still Incorrigible
PMQs Corbyn v Cameron: Dodgy Dave's extreme porkie pie session (4 May 16)
YT 13 minutes 51 seconds
Still Incorrigible
PMQs Corbyn V Cameron: A tale of workers rights denied and Tory election 'fraud' (11 May 16)
YT 12 minutes 51 seconds
Still Incorrigible
PMQs analysis: Kuenssberg ignores Tory election fraud question in parliament, chooses Labour woes
YT 6 minutes 7 seconds
Still Incorrigible
EU Immigration and Brexit TV debates: Vote Leave are *really* angry
YT 2 minutes 58 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Reality check: How much does the EU cost, and where does the money go?
YT 14 minutes 54 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Andrew Neil exposes Iain Duncan Smith's "Brexit for the poor" hypocrisy (1/2)
YT 5 minutes 41 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Andrew Neil exposes Iain Duncan Smith's "Brexit's for the poor" hypocrisy (2/2)
YT 4 minutes 2 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Tata Steel: pension issues could scupper new investment
YT 58 minutes 23 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Question Time 16/11/17: minimum alcohol pricing, no deal Brexit, gender fluidity,, Labour borrowing
YT 30 minutes 10 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Shelagh Fogarty vs the "economic murder" of Tory austerity
YT 2 hours 25 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Budget 2017: an economy "fit for the future" or a government not fit for office?
YT 39 minutes 14 seconds
Still Incorrigible
PMQs 22/11/17: Corbyn vs May Brexit finally gets an outing
YT 39 minutes 28 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Question Time 23/11/17: what is the point of capitalism and fixing the housing crisis
YT 46 minutes 30 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Budget 2017: "taking from the poor and giving to the rich"
YT 11 minutes 48 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Solving the productivity puzzle: Mariana Mazzucato vs. Andrew Lilico
YT 37 minutes 37 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Budget 2017: Tories happy with Hammond but what's next?
YT 2 minutes 32 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Brexit fallout: Your Christmas dinner just got a lot more expensive
YT 5 minutes 19 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Opportunities for social mobility vanishing across the UK
YT 24 minutes 25 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Grenfell: Britain's Fire Safety Crisis
YT 58 minutes 25 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Question Time 30/11/17: Trump visit, Brexit divorce bill, arming Saudis, and coastal deprivation
YT 11 minutes 45 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Jeremy Corbyn: "when bankers say Labour is a threat they're right"
YT 19 minutes 6 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Child and pensioner poverty rises massively under Tory austerity
YT 1 hour 1 minute 17 seconds
Still Incorrigible
PMQs 6/12/17 Corbyn vs May: Tory Brexit chaos
YT 14 minutes 8 seconds
Still Incorrigible
No Home at Christmas 128,000 children living in temporary lodgings
YT 57 minutes 3 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Question Time 7/12/17: Brexit pantomime, Trump and Jerusalem, Social class and British ISIS fighters
YT 28 minutes 36 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Paper Review 10/12/17: Brexit deals and Brexit lies
YT 7 minutes 44 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Universal Credit leaves food banks picking up the DWP pieces
YT 23 minutes 26 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Sunday Politics London: Brexit deal, immigration, affordable housing and child poverty
YT 5 minutes 21 seconds
Still Incorrigible
Grenfell Fire: Equalities and Human rights Commission to launch inquiry