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Invidious (YT)

Invidious > Channel > Nigel Verney

Nigel Verney 3710 subscribers    RSS
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YT 24 seconds
Nigel Verney
Like an eagle in a dovecote
YT 5 minutes 24 seconds
Nigel Verney
Talbot and the Countess
YT 2 minutes 15 seconds
Nigel Verney
Marina's Song - Pericles - Shakespeare
YT 28 seconds
Nigel Verney
Falstaff meets The Douglas
YT 3 minutes 23 seconds
Nigel Verney
Falstaff - Sack
YT 9 minutes 11 seconds
Nigel Verney
Cymbeline - Shakespeare - Most welcome bondage!
YT 5 minutes 53 seconds
Nigel Verney
Hector meets the Greeks - Troilus & Cressida - Act 4 Scene 5
YT 3 seconds
Nigel Verney
Showing Contempt
YT 26 minutes 37 seconds
Nigel Verney
John Gielgud's Greatest Hits - side b
YT 7 minutes 53 seconds
Nigel Verney
Shakespeare Souvenir Record - Side b
YT 6 minutes 9 seconds
Nigel Verney
Falstaff - Ehi! Taverniere! - Fischer-Dieskau