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Invidious (YT)

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YT 8 minutes 26 seconds
Big Think
Erik Verlinde: Gravity Doesn't Exist | Big Think
YT 12 minutes 25 seconds
Erik Verlinde: A new explanation of gravity
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 1 minute 3 seconds
Entropic Gravity
YT 1 hour 11 minutes 19 seconds
TVO Docs
Renate Loll on the Quantum Origins of Space and Time
YT 2 minutes 34 seconds
Dynamic Triangulation explained by Renate Loll (at JOUAL 2009)
YT 9 minutes 43 seconds
Towards a Spin Foam Model of Quantum Gravity
YT 9 minutes 32 seconds
Johanan Raatz
Causal Dynamical Triangulation: Booting Up The Space-Time Continuum
YT 1 hour 11 minutes 19 seconds
TVO Docs
Renate Loll on the Quantum Origins of Space and Time
YT 32 minutes 11 seconds
Fotini Markopoulou on QUANTIZATION
YT 1 hour 11 minutes 19 seconds
TVO Docs
Renate Loll on the Quantum Origins of Space and Time
YT 52 minutes 13 seconds
A Future of OUR Choosing
TVO S James Gates on Does Reality have a Genetic Basis
YT 1 hour 17 minutes 44 seconds
Johanan Raatz
Creating Spacetime
YT 37 minutes 50 seconds
Fotini Markopoulou-Kalamara: "Quantum Gravity", FQXi Azores Conference 2009
YT 9 minutes 43 seconds
Towards a Spin Foam Model of Quantum Gravity
YT 58 minutes 12 seconds
The Holographic Principle, Donald Marolf | Lecture 1 of 1
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 47 minutes 59 seconds
Scuola Normale Superiore
Anisotropic Weyl Anomalies and Lifshitz Holography, Petr HoĊ™ava
YT 49 minutes 32 seconds
Antoine Suarez
Nonlocality vs. many-worlds: The material world emerges from outside space-time.
YT 1 hour 33 minutes 14 seconds
Centre for Inquiry Canada
String Theory for the Scientifically Curious with Dr. Amanda Peet
YT 24 minutes 18 seconds
Are There Quantum Effects Coming from Outside Space-Time?
YT 50 minutes 32 seconds
Quantizable Models of Gravity, Jerzy Lewandowski
YT 12 minutes 25 seconds
Erik Verlinde: A new explanation of gravity
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 2 minutes 1 second
World Science Festival
The Black Hole Mystery That Keeps Physicist Raphael Bousso Up At Night
YT 4 minutes 34 seconds
Benjamin Bahr
Quantum Gravity in under five minutes [Fast Forward Science 2013]
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 2 minutes 11 seconds
Francis Villatoro
Quantum Spin Dynamics in Loop Quantum Gravity
YT 1 hour 40 seconds
Johanan Raatz
Physics From Consciousness
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 5 minutes 32 seconds
Quantum Relativity
YT 4 minutes 32 seconds
Big Think
Spooky Action 101: Is Space as We Know It a Kind of Illusion? | George Musser | Big Think
YT 16 minutes
The Good Stuff
Is The Universe A Hologram?
YT 1 second

[Deleted video]
YT 46 minutes 5 seconds
Centre for Quantum Technologies
Entanglement as the Glue of Spacetime
YT 21 minutes 22 seconds
Eleanor Knox (KCL) - The Curious Case of the Vanishing Spacetime
YT 18 minutes 23 seconds
Big Think
Space is dead: A challenge to the standard model of quantum mechanics | Lee Smolin | Big Think