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Invidious (YT)

Invidious > Channel > University of Dayton

University of Dayton 14400 subscribers    RSS
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YT 55 minutes 51 seconds
University of Dayton
Agape Latte with Dr. Eric Spina: "Hop, Skip, and a Leap"
YT 30 minutes
University of Dayton
Agape Latte with Brother Tom Pieper: "Caught in Perfect? Finding God Beyond the Rules"
YT 39 minutes 8 seconds
University of Dayton
Agape Latte with Dr. Paul Benson: "Bread for the Journey"
YT 35 minutes 6 seconds
University of Dayton
Agape Latte with Jason Pierce "Finding Saragossa: The Importance of Departures in My Faith Journey"
YT 23 minutes 32 seconds
University of Dayton
Agape Latte with Daria Graham: "Pauses in Persistence"
YT 34 minutes 25 seconds
University of Dayton
Agape Latte with Time & Mary Ellen Dillon "A Love Story: The Circus Meets the Monastery"
YT 47 minutes 38 seconds
University of Dayton
Agape Latte with Sue and Bill Trollinger: "Surprised by Grace"
YT 35 minutes 1 second
University of Dayton
Agape Latte with Chris Schramm: "The Big Blessing Theory"
YT 44 minutes 42 seconds
University of Dayton
Agape Latte with Bro. Ray Fitz: "The Journey to Educating Servant Leaders"
YT 1 hour 2 minutes 52 seconds
University of Dayton
Agape Latte with Dr. Andrew Henrick: "What's Next? Developing Your Frame"
YT 33 minutes 10 seconds
Flyer TV
Agape Latte - November 4, 2019 (Mary Kate Gallagher)
YT 50 minutes 51 seconds
Flyer TV
Agape Latte Carlos Stewart
YT 54 minutes 42 seconds
Flyer TV
Agape Latte - September 10, 2019 (Susan Ferguson)