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Invidious (YT)

Invidious > Channel > Sunny SandStorm (Chris Di)

Sunny SandStorm (Chris Di) 89900 subscribers    RSS
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YT 12 seconds
Sunny SandStorm (Chris Di)
Pinkie Pie - A baby?! Shining Armor and Princess Cadance are having a baby?!
YT 11 seconds
Sunny SandStorm (Chris Di)
Pinkie Pie - A top secret surprise?! That means I have to keep the exciting news... to myself!
YT 7 seconds
Sunny SandStorm (Chris Di)
Fluttershy - Aww, look at the cute little ant farm!
YT 7 seconds
Sunny SandStorm (Chris Di)
Pinkie Pie - Did you take that from Pound Cake? Don't you know it's wrong to steal from a baby?
YT 10 seconds
Sunny SandStorm (Chris Di)
Rainbow Dash & Pinkie Pie - Uh, how did you know all that? Uh... Pinkie Sense?
YT 8 seconds
Sunny SandStorm (Chris Di)
Pinkie Pie - Gotta bounce!
YT 5 seconds
Sunny SandStorm (Chris Di)
Pinkie Pie & Wacky Waving Inflatable Arm Flailing Tube Mare - Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!
YT 14 seconds
Sunny SandStorm (Chris Di)
Applejack & Twilight Sparkle - Do you think he liked his surprise? He couldn't stop raving about it!
YT 7 seconds
Sunny SandStorm (Chris Di)
Pinkie Pie - I did it, I did it, I did it, I did it! Go, Pinkie.
YT 14 seconds
Sunny SandStorm (Chris Di)
Pinkie Pie & Fluttershy - She has to tell the pony next to her what it is or she might explode?!
YT 8 seconds
Sunny SandStorm (Chris Di)
Rarity - The pony who ruins a surprise for somepony else has to live with that guilt forever!
YT 28 seconds
Sunny SandStorm (Chris Di)
Rainbow Dash - Whatever it is, you can tell us! We're best friends! Friends! Tell! Tell!
YT 5 seconds
Sunny SandStorm (Chris Di)
Pinkie Pie - Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!
YT 7 seconds
Sunny SandStorm (Chris Di)
Pinkie Pie - There's a lot of things I know! That you don't know I know!
YT 4 seconds
Sunny SandStorm (Chris Di)
Princess Cadance & Shining Armor - We're having a baby!