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Invidious (YT)

Invidious > Channel > Sunny SandStorm (Chris Di)

Sunny SandStorm (Chris Di) 89900 subscribers    RSS
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YT 13 seconds
Sunny SandStorm (Chris Di)
Twilight Sparkle + Mane 6 - Friendship is magic!
YT 5 seconds
Sunny SandStorm (Chris Di)
Spike - You, uh... really need to go ahead and do that whole "magic of friendship" thing now.
YT 4 seconds
Sunny SandStorm (Chris Di)
Adagio Dazzle - Really? I love it here!
YT 5 seconds
Sunny SandStorm (Chris Di)
Sunset Shimmer - None taken. Heh. I'm used to it.
YT 3 seconds
Sunny SandStorm (Chris Di)
Spike - Say what now?
YT 5 seconds
Sunny SandStorm (Chris Di)
Sonata Dusk - For realsies? Because I think this place is the worst.
YT 4 seconds
Sunny SandStorm (Chris Di)
Fluttershy - Did I get it?
YT 10 seconds
Sunny SandStorm (Chris Di)
Flash Sentry - Oh, yeah. Okay. I just, you know, thought I'd ask. Uh, keep on rockin' it.
YT 3 seconds
Sunny SandStorm (Chris Di)
Sonata Dusk - Wha- What did I say?
YT 4 seconds
Sunny SandStorm (Chris Di)
Pinkie Pie - I don't actually know what that is?!
YT 5 seconds
Sunny SandStorm (Chris Di)
Twilight Sparkle - Looks like we've got a party to crash.
YT 4 seconds
Sunny SandStorm (Chris Di)
Sonata Dusk - What do you know about good fruit punch!?
YT 9 seconds
Sunny SandStorm (Chris Di)
Adagio Dazzle - Being stuck here with you two isn't making this world any more bearable.
YT 6 seconds
Sunny SandStorm (Chris Di)
Sonata Dusk - But we can get lunch after though, right? It's Taco Tuesday!
YT 4 seconds
Sunny SandStorm (Chris Di)
Fluttershy - I don't think I like this story very much.
YT 3 seconds
Sunny SandStorm (Chris Di)
Sonata Dusk - Oh,... Right.
YT 12 seconds
Sunny SandStorm (Chris Di)
Maud Pie - Boulder was hungry.
YT 9 seconds
Sunny SandStorm (Chris Di)
Fluttershy - Uh-huh,... Oh, that's probably not it.
YT 7 seconds
Sunny SandStorm (Chris Di)
Rainbow Dash - They'll never even know what hit 'em!
YT 5 seconds
Sunny SandStorm (Chris Di)
Sonata Dusk - It's the fruit punch, isn't it? I knew I used too much grape juice!
YT 3 seconds
Sunny SandStorm (Chris Di)
Rarity - Oh, you can never have enough costumes!
YT 4 seconds
Sunny SandStorm (Chris Di)
Sunset Shimmer - It wasn't a fit of jealous rage!
YT 4 seconds
Sunny SandStorm (Chris Di)
Spike + Vinyl Scratch - Never takes off her headphones.
YT 4 seconds
Sunny SandStorm (Chris Di)
Pinkie Pie - Ba Dum Tss - Rimshot
YT 4 seconds
Sunny SandStorm (Chris Di)
Sonata Dusk - Too bad! So sad!
YT 4 seconds
Sunny SandStorm (Chris Di)
Trixie Lulamoon - This isn't over!
YT 4 seconds
Sunny SandStorm (Chris Di)
Pinkie Pie - Status update: Okey Dokey Lokey
YT 5 seconds
Sunny SandStorm (Chris Di)
Rainbow Dash - Sooo... about twenty percent less cool.
YT 4 seconds
Sunny SandStorm (Chris Di)
Trixie Lulamoon - This is a travesty! A travesty!
YT 4 seconds
Sunny SandStorm (Chris Di)
Aria Blaze - Ugh! I wish we'd never been banished to this awful place!
YT 6 seconds
Sunny SandStorm (Chris Di)
Sonata Dusk - Ohhhh, yeah. What she said I meant to say. That's what I meant. To say.
YT 4 seconds
Sunny SandStorm (Chris Di)
Adagio Dazzle - You'll have to excuse them. They're idiots.
YT 5 seconds
Sunny SandStorm (Chris Di)
Aria Blaze - Go back to sleep, Sonata.
YT 8 seconds
Sunny SandStorm (Chris Di)
Pinkie Pie - Pinkie playing the Theremin - Soooo magical!
YT 9 seconds
Sunny SandStorm (Chris Di)
Spike - Eh, that sounded way better than the last five times you've played it. Heh heh.
YT 5 seconds
Sunny SandStorm (Chris Di)
Fluttershy - Don't know why I even asked...
YT 12 seconds
Sunny SandStorm (Chris Di)
Pinkie Pie - She's gone! Oh, wait. There she is.
YT 3 seconds
Sunny SandStorm (Chris Di)
Octavia Melody - I knew she was still trouble!
YT 6 seconds
Sunny SandStorm (Chris Di)
Principal Celestia - Dark magic? I find that very hard to believe.
YT 8 seconds
Sunny SandStorm (Chris Di)
Rarity, Sunset Shimmer, Fluttershy & Spike - Selfie - Photobomb
YT 5 seconds
Sunny SandStorm (Chris Di)
Flash Sentry - Uh, you guys hear something?
YT 4 seconds
Sunny SandStorm (Chris Di)
Flash Sentry - Now that's the bad girl we love to hate!
YT 12 seconds
Sunny SandStorm (Chris Di)
Applejack & Rainbow Dash playing a video game - Hey! I was about to beat you! I doubt it.
YT 8 seconds
Sunny SandStorm (Chris Di)
Derpy's Band - The Muffins - Derpy Hooves, Blueberry Pie & Raspberry Fluff - Musical Showcase
YT 6 seconds
Sunny SandStorm (Chris Di)
Adagio Dazzle & Sonata Dusk - This is it, girls. The moment we've been waiting for. Lunch?!
YT 7 seconds
Sunny SandStorm (Chris Di)
Twilight Sparkle - Flash Sentry was asking about me?! Isn't that nice?
YT 12 seconds
Sunny SandStorm (Chris Di)
Flash Sentry - Rainbooms rule! That was amazing!
YT 12 seconds
Sunny SandStorm (Chris Di)
Sunset Shimmer - I also play guitar.
YT 28 seconds
Sunny SandStorm (Chris Di)
Real Human Twilight Sparkle - There's definitely something strange going on at that school.
YT 5 seconds
Sunny SandStorm (Chris Di)
Sunset Shimmer - Who could possibly need this much whipped cream?