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Invidious (YT)

Invidious > Channel > Sunny SandStorm (Chris Di)

Sunny SandStorm (Chris Di) 89900 subscribers    RSS
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YT 9 seconds
Sunny SandStorm (Chris Di)
Twilight Sparkle & Fluttershy - Isn't this exciting?! Oh! You were called, too?! Thank goodness.
YT 16 seconds
Sunny SandStorm (Chris Di)
Fluttershy - Did somepony leave a light on? Oh, it's me. Oh! It's me!
YT 9 seconds
Sunny SandStorm (Chris Di)
Twilight Sparkle - How would it look if I couldn't solve a friendship problem?
YT 10 seconds
Sunny SandStorm (Chris Di)
Big Daddy McColt - Well, if you ain't fer us, you're agin' us.
YT 20 seconds
Sunny SandStorm (Chris Di)
Fluttershy & Twilight - Shouldn't our cutie marks glowing? They should be glowing any minute now...
YT 7 seconds
Sunny SandStorm (Chris Di)
Twilight Sparkle - Well, that didn't work. I was so sure it would.
YT 12 seconds
Sunny SandStorm (Chris Di)
Fluttershy & Twilight - Snacks, books, blankets, books. You said books twice. A lot of books.
YT 7 seconds
Sunny SandStorm (Chris Di)
Twilight - Have you tried meeting at a neutral location, talking and listening to each other?
YT 19 seconds
Sunny SandStorm (Chris Di)
Twilight Sparkle - Stop! You have to listen to me! Everypony freeze!
YT 2 seconds
Sunny SandStorm (Chris Di)
Big Daddy McColt - What?! No!
YT 3 seconds
Sunny SandStorm (Chris Di)
Ma Hooffield - Yeah! Haha!
YT 12 seconds
Sunny SandStorm (Chris Di)
Fluttershy - Um, if you could just not yell so much or maybe stop saying words altogether...
YT 8 seconds
Sunny SandStorm (Chris Di)
Ma Hooffield - Friendship is so much better than winnin' a silly argument.
YT 12 seconds
Sunny SandStorm (Chris Di)
Fluttershy & Twilight - Yay! I told you we'd figure it out. We just needed each other.
YT 21 seconds
Sunny SandStorm (Chris Di)
Twilight Sparkle - So, what do you think will happen next? We've all been called by the map now.