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Invidious > Channel > Economist Impact Events

Economist Impact Events 36400 subscribers    RSS
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YT 29 minutes 41 seconds
Economist Impact Events
Sidestepping hype to unleash efficiencies at the intersection of AI and quantum
YT 14 minutes 17 seconds
Economist Impact Events
IoP QBiG Prize winner Announcement
YT 17 minutes 13 seconds
Economist Impact Events
ET phone home? Opportunities for quantum communications in space
YT 14 minutes 33 seconds
Economist Impact Events
How do we drive successful partnerships in quantum, creating value today?
YT 12 minutes 29 seconds
Economist Impact Events
How to get tangible results right now? Biggest opportunity for quantum technology today?
YT 17 minutes
Economist Impact Events
Applying lessons from end-user-centric innovation in the cloud to quantum computing
YT 15 minutes 6 seconds
Economist Impact Events
“All is not lost”: imagining a world without GPS: could quantum fill the void?
YT 14 minutes 8 seconds
Economist Impact Events
Progress towards distributed-quantum computing: what is needed for a quantum internet?
YT 28 minutes 24 seconds
Economist Impact Events
What is the expected timeframe from quantum utility to advantage?
YT 15 minutes 13 seconds
Economist Impact Events
the industrialisation of quantum: getting ready to benefit business and society
YT 27 minutes 21 seconds
Economist Impact Events
Implementing the new NIST quantum-safe algorithms
YT 14 minutes 25 seconds
Economist Impact Events
Harnessing utility for quantum advantage
YT 29 minutes 33 seconds
Economist Impact Events
“Right on time”: redefining the second with the promise of optical atomic clocks
YT 15 minutes 47 seconds
Economist Impact Events
“Let’s go outside”: how to take quantum photonics from the research lab into the real world?
YT 30 minutes 31 seconds
Economist Impact Events
Panel discussion: speeding up chip-scale quantum computing: understanding the road map
YT 16 minutes 15 seconds
Economist Impact Events
A photonic approach: building the world’s first utility-scale, fault-tolerant quantum computer
YT 31 minutes 4 seconds
Economist Impact Events
Quantum entanglement fabric: enabling the modular and scalable quantum data centre
YT 16 minutes 14 seconds
Economist Impact Events
What can governments do to support quantum?
YT 14 minutes 25 seconds
Economist Impact Events
From probabilistic to deterministic
YT 42 minutes 38 seconds
Economist Impact Events
Exploring the secret sauce of sensing and imaging applications for society and industry
YT 1 hour 5 minutes 8 seconds
Economist Impact Events
Commercialising Quantum Global Insight Hour - What will it take to create the quantum internet?
YT 16 minutes 40 seconds
Economist Impact Events
Making the case for on premise quantum computers