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Invidious (YT)

Invidious > Channel > Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC

Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC 186000 subscribers    RSS
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YT 4 minutes 8 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Is Your High Cholesterol Good Or Bad?
YT 10 minutes 5 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Combine Atkins And Veganism For Your Benefit?
YT 1 minute 11 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Alkaline Diet (plants) vs Acidosis
YT 1 minute 39 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Mold and Health
YT 18 minutes 36 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Know The Difference Of Health And Death At The Cellular Level
YT 19 minutes 46 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
How To Think Improving From Chronic Illness | 6 Posters, 30 Years
YT 2 minutes 25 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
2 Seminars Coming Up For Natural Healthcare Providers
YT 2 minutes 49 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Meet Dr. Ivor Mechten | Drive With Me
YT 35 minutes 5 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Collar Up Focal Infections Causing Systemic Disease | The Scourge of Modern Health
YT 51 minutes 6 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Energy Production Interview with Jaban Moore, DC + Darren Schmidt, DC
YT 2 minutes 19 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
I Ate Half A Cow In 4 months Then Rated Premium Plus For Life Insurance
YT 12 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Discharging A Blood Fluke Through The Skin
YT 4 minutes 38 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
For Holistic Practitioners Only | Seminar Schedule
YT 35 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Do Not Watch The Last 6 Seconds!
YT 1 minute 2 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
All 3 Major Symptoms Resolved in 3 Days | Success Story
YT 2 minutes 41 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Why Ketosis Is Important | Holistic Doctor Vlog
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 19 minutes 23 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Lab Testing For Top Causes of Chronic Illness.
YT 27 minutes 18 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
webinar 1 start
YT 5 minutes 18 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
When Half the Body Has Problems
YT 21 minutes 41 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Introducing The Most Powerful Detox Supplement I've Ever Worked With! Carboxy From Cellcore.
YT 21 minutes 41 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
The Most Powerful Detox Supplement I Have Ever Taken. Carboxy.
YT 18 minutes 4 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Masks and Nutrition and People and Things.
YT 7 minutes 46 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Banned From Netflix: Root Cause Documentary
YT 4 minutes 30 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
PROTECT YOURSELF FROM VIRUSES | Supplements that help support your lung, immune system & body health
YT 22 minutes 26 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Weird Things I Say In Healthcare | Clinical Notes Seminar Style
YT 12 minutes 30 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Lessons Learned From Patients | Figuring Out The Puzzle of Health
YT 2 minutes 19 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Download the Free Ebook: Follow The Physiology Formula
YT 32 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Get my free ebook: Rediscovering The Most Common Mechanism of Chronic Disease
YT 1 minute 48 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Young Doctor Wants You To Be Safe and Eat Healthy Foods.
YT 22 minutes 39 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Stupid Brain Burnout? Nutritional Help For Students, Teachers, and Parents
YT 3 minutes 50 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Medically Incurable Arthritis Improving!
YT 19 minutes 3 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Research Gradients Needed To Prevent The Next Pandemic's Deaths | Can The Laws Be Changed?
YT 19 minutes 16 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
My Letter Back to FTC- ALL Is Illegal | Fauci's Wife | Who Started Shutdown
YT 30 minutes 48 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Alternative Medicine | In Defense of Homeopathy
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 20 minutes 1 second
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
The Most Important Thing I Learned | Toxic Mold Lawsuit Settled
YT 10 minutes 56 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Medical Specialties Boom Roasted
YT 2 minutes 33 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
FTP Formulas Free Ebook 2:32
YT 5 minutes 45 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Too Many Specialties
YT 4 minutes 9 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Hello From Kerry Cradit At The NHCAA
YT 6 minutes 59 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
"Drainage" = As Important As Killing the Microorganism | How To Do It.
YT 34 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
YT 30 sec. ad
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 8 minutes 3 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Satiety is Key!...For Long Term Healthy Weight Loss
YT 10 minutes 24 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Quarantine Was Worthless Comparing Countries | Rating a Medical Protocol
YT 34 minutes 58 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
distance training for docs
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 11 minutes 24 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
How Parasites Make Viruses Thrive!
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 9 minutes 21 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Eating Lung for Healthy Lungs!
YT 3 minutes 53 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Get my free ebook!
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 19 minutes 51 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Follow This Roadmap To Health | Regardless of Chronic Illness Diagnosis
YT 10 minutes 57 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
See Proof These Nutrients "Command Order" Inside Your Body, Increasing Health!
YT 9 minutes 8 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
96% Of Your Body Is C, H, and O But Why Aren't Your Multi Mineral Supplements?
YT 11 minutes 55 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Cellular Defense Response | Don't Get Stuck In Any Of The 4 Phases!
YT 7 minutes 51 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Horrific and Amazing! Parasites Coming out of Nose!
YT 11 minutes 48 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Disgusting And Amazing | Healing Necrosis with Carnivore Diet.
YT 13 minutes 14 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Lab Results Hard to Lower | Personal Story
YT 13 minutes 45 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Common Mental Illness Caused by Meds: Akathisia- "Inward Trembling".
YT 7 minutes 39 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Inositol - Your New Candy for Low-Carbers Craving Sugar.
YT 36 minutes 32 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
3 Min. Speeches at the 2020 USDA Dietary Guidelines Cmte | My Assessment
YT 12 minutes 12 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Detoxing Poisonous Insecticide | When I Walked Under The Sprayer
YT 27 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Banana Nut Bread www.goodfat.bar
YT 20 minutes 45 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Family Farm Sold After 89 yrs. | Who I Am
YT 25 minutes 8 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Many Case Studies, Successes + Thoughts Ending 2019. Plans for 2020 Almost Ready!
YT 18 minutes 20 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
You asked for it. Yoo2ube On Blast
YT 42 minutes 25 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Vegan "Science" Debunked! Vegan Dr. EMBARRASSES Ted talk.
YT 14 minutes 7 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
ONLY RESULTS MATTER! All Else Is Just Talk. 5 Case Studies - Heart Repair and Lactate Lowering.
YT 22 minutes 47 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
How To Use Pubmed To Discover How To Starve Your Cancer
YT 12 minutes 24 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Is CBD Even Legal?... Legit?... Smart? Get Updated Here!
YT 6 minutes 38 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Lowering CAC - Actual Case Study. You can too!
YT 19 minutes 41 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
How To Recover From (A Case Study) Stroke, Diabetes, Kidney Failure, Daily Dizzy + Vomiting.
YT 8 minutes 50 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Animal Fats And Heart Disease | You Cannot Say They Are Bad!
YT 15 minutes 13 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Your Roadmap to Health. You Gotta See This One! (New Data)
YT 12 minutes 46 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Improve Cardiovascular Health
YT 13 minutes 17 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Improve Cardiovascular Health
YT 18 minutes 42 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Thyroid Labs Interpretation
YT 8 minutes 37 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Chronic Lyme Disease
YT 12 minutes 22 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Cars and 🍗 Carnivory
YT 10 minutes 37 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Best food for CHF/ swollen ankles. Keto? Vegan? Fasting? Carnivore?
YT 22 minutes 47 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Test Kit video.
YT 9 minutes 4 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
4 Autoimmune Thyroid Successes and Cases.
YT 15 minutes 35 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Vegans Think Surveys Are Science. 🚫Real Science🚫. Help Fix My FB Rating!🍖
YT 34 minutes 25 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
The USDA Food Committee Is Not Following the LAW!
YT 15 minutes 54 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Starve Prostate Cancer Cells Protocol
YT 11 minutes 40 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Detox Success Story, Viral Summit, Nutrition Seminar, Keto Creamer
YT 45 minutes 3 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Turning Oncology Upside-Down! How To Starve Cancer by Jane McLelland
YT 3 minutes 50 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
The 4 Components of Junk Food
YT 7 minutes 46 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Banned From Netflix: Root Cause Documentary
YT 41 minutes 3 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Is It Really NONSENSE? Response Bart Kay's Critiques
YT 23 minutes 16 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Time To Update Your Keto Knowledge
YT 9 minutes 44 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Opioids and Opiates
YT 12 minutes 35 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
How To Find and Fix Heart Valves with Nutrition
YT 15 minutes 11 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
How to Clean Up Dirty Electricity in Your Environment + Detox Your Body
YT 8 minutes
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
The Mother of All Epidemiological Studies Says This About Total Cholesterol...
YT 30 minutes
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Whose Behind The Push Toward a Drugged Society??!
YT 13 minutes 24 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Toxic Mold/ Detox Results. Proof!!
YT 1 hour 4 minutes 28 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Calcifying Nanoparticles Live- A Commonality of Many Chronic Health Conditions!
YT 11 minutes 31 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Debunking Dr. Greger "Cholesterol = Bad"
YT 15 minutes 42 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Debunking Mic the Vegan "Cholesterol Bad"
YT 16 minutes 36 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Interesting and Funny Discussion at the End of Frank Tufano and Schmidt Collab.
YT 39 minutes 44 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Debunking The TOP 10 BEST Vegan Studies
YT 9 minutes 4 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
History and Future of Stem Cells and Related Therapies. PRP, Exosomes, etc.
YT 9 minutes 22 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Lung Supplements Emphysema, Bronchitis, Congestion. Clinical Reference Guide, Herb-Drug Interactions
YT 8 minutes
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
The Mother of All Epidemiological Studies Says This About Total Cholesterol...
YT 30 minutes
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Whose Behind The Push Toward a Drugged Society??!
YT 13 minutes 24 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Toxic Mold/ Detox Results. Proof!!
YT 1 hour 4 minutes 28 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Calcifying Nanoparticles Live- A Commonality of Many Chronic Health Conditions!
YT 11 minutes 31 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Debunking Dr. Greger "Cholesterol = Bad"
YT 15 minutes 42 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Debunking Mic the Vegan "Cholesterol Bad"
YT 16 minutes 36 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Interesting and Funny Discussion at the End of Frank Tufano and Schmidt Collab.
YT 39 minutes 44 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Debunking The TOP 10 BEST Vegan Studies
YT 9 minutes 4 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
History and Future of Stem Cells and Related Therapies. PRP, Exosomes, etc.
YT 9 minutes 22 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Lung Supplements Emphysema, Bronchitis, Congestion. Clinical Reference Guide, Herb-Drug Interactions
YT 19 minutes 55 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Supplements for Feeding Organs, Causes, and Mechanisms
YT 13 minutes 14 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Does Red Meat Detox the Body? Too Acidic? It's Effect on Chronic Disease Mechanism?
YT 8 minutes
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
These Skin Products Reduced That "Spot"
YT 22 minutes 14 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Finally, A Modern Description of Lactic Acidosis. Ketosis is Vital!
YT 12 minutes 19 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Explaining The Last Video. Drinking Blood.
YT 59 minutes 10 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Sp web video
YT 1 hour 38 minutes 53 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Farming, Carnivore, Veganism, People Over Ideals Discussion
YT 16 minutes 44 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
"Follow The Physiology" Puts It All Together!
YT 5 minutes 17 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Use This Calculator to Lower Fat, Increase Muscle!
YT 14 minutes
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
How To Help Change The USDA Food Policy Using Sound Science +Data Quality Act of 2001
YT 44 minutes 31 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
“Be Your Own Detective” With Dave from www.headsuphealth.com
YT 6 minutes 53 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Cure for Zombie-ism, Sign Update, It's The Animal Rights Activists/Not All Vegans!
YT 2 minutes 14 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
$2,000+ Vandalism to Sign NHCAA
YT 10 minutes 57 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
How to use Cronometer APP! (not the website)
YT 10 minutes 59 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
How To Win A Nutrition Debate
YT 12 minutes 33 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Chemical Poisoning and Exposures; Detox Principles
YT 38 minutes 54 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Interview by Dr. Jason Dean
YT 8 minutes 47 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Do I Have Melanoma?, How To Gain Weight With Keto, More Meat=Less Food Eaten, Reversing Osteoporosis
YT 3 minutes 9 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
How To Order from NHCAA website
YT 23 minutes 2 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Protein Lecture Summarized + With Higher Quality Video And Audio
YT 1 hour 1 minute 59 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Protein Quantities and Qualities
YT 9 minutes 21 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Red Meat and Mental Health
YT 6 minutes 43 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Get Into the Mitochondria And Add These Nutrients To Prevent Chronic Disease! (Hint=meat)
YT 3 minutes 44 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Is It For You? Chiropractic Crunchiness
YT 8 minutes 56 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Walter Willett MD, Joel Kahn MD, Nina Teicholz, Mold Notes, Lab Tests
YT 5 minutes 19 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Crohn’s Success, Homeopathy, No Emotional Evaluations, Endocannabinoid System
YT 11 minutes 30 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Smaller Aortic Aneurysm, 25 yrs raw 🍖 , Crazy Lady Protocol, Bad Thoughts Better,
YT 2 minutes 17 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Dec. 2018 Testimonial
YT 4 minutes 25 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Blood Pressure and Mold, Blue Blocking Shields
YT 11 minutes 45 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Carnivore Success, Vegetable Police, Parasite Stories, Weight Loss After Organ Function is Restored,
YT 11 minutes 31 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Reverse Engineer the Chronic Disease Cycle!
YT 16 minutes 6 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Fasting vs Keto Diet, Oscar the Dog, I'm Not An MD!, 6 Ways We Make Energy, Digest Bones, Bad Breath
YT 8 minutes 3 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Nanobactx + Ketosis Update For CAC Heart Health. More Results Are In!
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 18 minutes 51 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Featuring Maria Emmerich, Internationally Known Keto Author
YT 14 minutes 12 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Keto: OK to Eat More Protein!
YT 24 minutes 52 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
12 Subjects: Satiety, Carnivore, Int. Fasting, Blood Type Diet, Dehydration, Hormones, T2D
YT 43 minutes 10 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Great Interview by Jodellefit!
YT 53 minutes 41 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Time Stamped Interview (See 1st Comment) Many Intersting Subjects.
YT 1 hour 15 minutes 16 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Carnivore Diet, Intermittent Fasting, "Are Plants Valuable?", Ketosis
YT 6 minutes 3 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
new supp
YT 4 minutes 7 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Intermittent Fasting: Kids vs. Adults. Doesn't Happen on Day 1 for Beginners.
YT 6 minutes 22 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
How To Be An Apex Predator 5,000 Years Ago
YT 17 minutes 54 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
My Top 12 Favorite Graphics! Ketosis, IF, Lactic Acidosis, LDL, Iron, Fung, Cancer, Diabetes.
YT 3 minutes 15 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Raw Data China Study. Not What You've Been Told!
YT 2 minutes 36 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Magic Happens At 12 Hours When Intermittent Fasting!
YT 4 minutes 54 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
"Digest Carbs Before Fats" According to the Body! Watch to the End For Full Comprehension.
YT 3 minutes 18 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Low Carb is Official for the American Diabetes Association!
YT 13 minutes
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
How Trolls Troll. vegans, "experts", "authorities", "scientists"
YT 10 minutes 57 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
💖 Artery Health! Ketosis vs. Veganism. CIMT.
YT 5 minutes 37 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Is Public Funded Research More Virtuous Than Private?
YT 12 minutes 48 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Identify Junk Nutrition "science" In Under 15 Seconds.
YT 1 hour 2 minutes 35 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Muscle Testing Procedure- Follow The Physiology. Technical for Patients and Doctors.
YT 3 minutes 20 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
After 2.5 years I’m done trying to disprove it.
YT 11 minutes 32 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Tour Moldy Places and Find Solutions With Me.
YT 52 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Meet Nutrition Heroes!
YT 14 minutes 56 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Live Longer Eating More Meat/ Less Plants?
YT 6 minutes 9 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
How Long Does It Take To Get Better?
YT 11 minutes 11 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Order Your Own Lab Tests!
YT 16 minutes 26 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Ketosis vs. Veganism part 3. A1C and other long term changes.
YT 9 minutes 20 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Should you Carnivore Diet? Origin of Atkins. New Multiglandular Supplement coming soon..
YT 8 minutes 48 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
The New NHCAA Office Is OPEN! Take a Tour With Me!
YT 10 minutes 51 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
8 More Clinical Tips and Successes From My Workdays Helping Patients.
YT 8 minutes 49 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Why MD's Overprescribe Psych Drugs
YT 9 minutes 56 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
7 Topics: Toughest questions, Avocado Oil Keto, No Gall Bladder, Diet Coke, Oxalates, Micronutrients
YT 11 minutes 33 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
4 high fat diets for 4 conditions (1940)
YT 13 minutes 33 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
RAISE LDL for Great Health! Examples of Higher Cholesterols Leading To Great Health Improvement!
YT 17 minutes 43 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Address 3 Steps When Healing Chronic Disease
YT 21 minutes 41 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Final takedown of vegan, Anti-fat, USDA, Anti-meat, food pyramid research (technical)
YT 4 minutes 5 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
How Low Can Your Sugar Go in Keto? Introducing Taggy, Our Newest Practitioner Speaks Arabic, French
YT 4 minutes 25 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
3 People Currently Using Keto For Cancer.
YT 3 minutes 58 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
The Value of Low Carb Eating. Glucagon up, Insulin down.
YT 13 minutes 17 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
New Advancements in Detoxification
YT 18 minutes 45 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Keto vs. Low-Fat Research. Debunking the 'Holy Grail' Low Fat study Teaching You How To Read Studies
YT 10 minutes 12 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
What's the Center of the Onion? Root cause of poor health, Lyme, Intra-cellular co-infections,
YT 9 minutes 50 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Brain and Lactic Acidosis Section of The "Follow The Physiology" Survey
YT 6 minutes 21 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Fill Out The "Follow The Physiology" Survey available now on www.thenhcaa.com.
YT 7 minutes 13 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Another Cancer Success With Keto!
YT 4 minutes 54 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
1)Where Paleo Ends and Keto Begins. 2) Attributes of Health.
YT 12 minutes 57 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
For New Visitors: Channel Trailer. Veteran viewers will like it too!
YT 12 minutes 24 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Heart Cancer... Why You've Never Heard Of It. Why is it so rare?
YT 10 minutes 28 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Ancient Keto Foods Our Ancestors Ate
YT 6 minutes 26 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Ascorbic Acid is not Vitamin C
YT 21 minutes 37 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
An intro on Heart Cancer and other topics.
YT 3 minutes 49 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
How Pharma Names Drugs to Market To You.
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 22 minutes 14 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Top vegans bash low-carb diets but don't tell you the full story and other misinfo..
YT 3 minutes 13 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Finally, Keto Cereal! Links below.
YT 11 minutes 15 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
You Are Probably Diabetic Unless you Cycle Ketosis.
YT 2 minutes 50 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Keto breakfast stand-up, no prep, over-the-sink, no heating, no baking, no mess, easy
YT 32 minutes 57 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Chronic Pain: Herbal and Nutritional Solutions.
YT 13 minutes 44 seconds
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Multiple notes: lean meat is dangerous, fatty salads rock, fructose is bad