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Invidious (YT)

Invidious > Channel > Rudolph Boshoff - Ad Lucem Ministries

Rudolph Boshoff - Ad Lucem Ministries 959 subscribers    RSS
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YT 11 minutes 41 seconds
Rudolph Boshoff - Ad Lucem Ministries
Twisted Scripture | 1.Inaccurate quotation | Judge NOT! (Matt.7:1-5) | Ps Rudolph Boshoff | Ad Lucem
YT 20 minutes 44 seconds
Rudolph Boshoff - Ad Lucem Ministries
Twisted Scripture | 2.Twisted translation | Ps Rudolph Boshoff | Ad Lucem Ministries
YT 20 minutes 24 seconds
Rudolph Boshoff - Ad Lucem Ministries
Twisted Scripture | 3.The Bible Hook | Ps Rudolph Boshoff | Ad Lucem Ministries
YT 7 minutes 25 seconds
Rudolph Boshoff - Ad Lucem Ministries
Twisted Scripture | 4. Context (Mark 10:29-30) | Ps Rudolph Boshoff | Ad Lucem Ministries
YT 12 minutes 58 seconds
Rudolph Boshoff - Ad Lucem Ministries
Twisted Scripture | 5.The Collapsing of Contexts (Isa.55:11) | Rudolph Boshoff | Ad Lucem Ministries
YT 10 minutes 4 seconds
Rudolph Boshoff - Ad Lucem Ministries
Twisted scripture | 6. Oversimplification | Ps. Rudolph Boshoff | Ad Lucem Ministries.
YT 3 minutes 40 seconds
Rudolph Boshoff - Ad Lucem Ministries
Twisted Scripture | 7.Word Play | Pastor Rudolph Boshoff | Ad Lucem Ministries
YT 5 minutes
Rudolph Boshoff - Ad Lucem Ministries
Twisted Scripture | 8.The Figurative Fallacy | Pastor Rudolph Boshoff | Ad Lucem Ministries
YT 4 minutes 36 seconds
Rudolph Boshoff - Ad Lucem Ministries
Twisted Scripture | 9.The speculative reading of predictive prophecy | Pastor Rudolph Boshoff
YT 3 minutes 17 seconds
Rudolph Boshoff - Ad Lucem Ministries
Twisted Scripture | 10.Saying but not citing | Pastor Rudolph Boshoff
YT 4 minutes 50 seconds
Rudolph Boshoff - Ad Lucem Ministries
Twisted Scripture | 11. Selective Citing | Pastor Rudolph Boshoff
YT 4 minutes 37 seconds
Rudolph Boshoff - Ad Lucem Ministries
Twisted Scripture | 12. Inadequate evidence | Pastor Rudolph Boshoff
YT 5 minutes 49 seconds
Rudolph Boshoff - Ad Lucem Ministries
Twisted Scripture | 13. Confused Definition | Pastor Rudolph Boshoff
YT 5 minutes 53 seconds
Rudolph Boshoff - Ad Lucem Ministries
Twisted Scripture | 14 Ignoring Alternative Explanations | Pastor Rudolph Boshoff
YT 5 minutes 26 seconds
Rudolph Boshoff - Ad Lucem Ministries
Twisted Scripture | 15 Obvious Fallacy | Pastor Rudolph Boshoff