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Invidious (YT)

Invidious > Channel > Matthieu Roussotte

Matthieu Roussotte 7750 subscribers    RSS
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YT 6 minutes 19 seconds
Matthieu Roussotte
Lots of white-crowned #sparrows at the birdbath on 1/18/2021
YT 1 minute 38 seconds
Matthieu Roussotte
hummingbird gets interrupted at the birdbath
YT 59 seconds
Matthieu Roussotte
#Hummingbirds at the feeder on 1/18/2021
YT 1 minute
Matthieu Roussotte
Kiwi the #wren visits the birdbath on 1/18/2021
YT 15 seconds
Matthieu Roussotte
#Mockingbird visits the birdbath on 1/18/2021
YT 1 minute 23 seconds
Matthieu Roussotte
Yellow Rumped #Warlbler
YT 52 seconds
Matthieu Roussotte
Another #hummingbird at the birdbath
YT 7 minutes 29 seconds
Matthieu Roussotte
White-Crowned #Sparrows in the #birdbath