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Invidious (YT)

Invidious > Channel > Reasons to Believe

Reasons to Believe 56600 subscribers    RSS
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YT 11 minutes
Reasons to Believe
Science-Faith Connection: On Being a Christian in Academia
YT 10 minutes 23 seconds
Reasons to Believe
Science-Faith Connection: Possibilities for the Christmas Star
YT 10 minutes 10 seconds
Reasons to Believe
Science-Faith Connection: Examining the Out-of-Africa Hypothesis
YT 11 minutes 33 seconds
Reasons to Believe
Science-Faith Connection: Celebrating by Feasting
YT 11 minutes 2 seconds
Reasons to Believe
Science-Faith Connection: Having Reasons, Living with Hope
YT 8 minutes 17 seconds
Reasons to Believe
Science-Faith Connection: Will an Ice Age Destroy Humanity?
YT 10 minutes 47 seconds
Reasons to Believe
Science-Faith Connection: Where Does Science Affirm the Bible?
YT 10 minutes 32 seconds
Reasons to Believe
Science-Faith Connection: Does Life Require Such a Large Universe?
YT 10 minutes 43 seconds
Reasons to Believe
Science-Faith Connection: The Strongest Evidence for Christianity
YT 11 minutes 9 seconds
Reasons to Believe
Science-Faith Connection: Is Chromosome 2 a Merger?
YT 8 minutes 21 seconds
Reasons to Believe
Science-Faith Connection: Did the Shroud of Turin Cover Jesus?
YT 10 minutes
Reasons to Believe
Science-Faith Connection: Geological Evidence for Design
YT 11 minutes 8 seconds
Reasons to Believe
Science-Faith Connection: Creating Conversations on Faith
YT 10 minutes 25 seconds
Reasons to Believe
Science-Faith Connection: Can Science Test the Truth of a Religion?
YT 10 minutes 29 seconds
Reasons to Believe
Science-Faith Connection: The Hand of God in Life’s Origin
YT 10 minutes 31 seconds
Reasons to Believe
Science-Faith Connection: Searching for Dark Matter with Particle Accelerators
YT 9 minutes 37 seconds
Reasons to Believe
Science-Faith Connection: Is the Trinity Important to Science?
YT 11 minutes 9 seconds
Reasons to Believe
Science-Faith Connection: Did Genesis Borrow from Ancient Texts?
YT 10 minutes 5 seconds
Reasons to Believe
Science-Faith Connection: Why Can Humans Do Science?
YT 12 minutes 21 seconds
Reasons to Believe
Science-Faith Connection: A Philosophical Perspective on Theistic Evolution
YT 9 minutes 45 seconds
Reasons to Believe
Science-Faith Connection: Was the Flood A Real Event?
YT 10 minutes 58 seconds
Reasons to Believe
Science-Faith Connection: Do Neanderthals Have Human Souls?
YT 10 minutes 4 seconds
Reasons to Believe
Science-Faith Connection: The Difference between Animal and Human Death
YT 10 minutes 2 seconds
Reasons to Believe
Science-Faith Connection: Understanding Contradictions in Science and the Bible
YT 9 minutes 59 seconds
Reasons to Believe
Science-Faith Connection: Did the Resurrection Actually Happen?
YT 8 minutes 37 seconds
Reasons to Believe
Science-Faith Connection: Addressing Shame and Guilt Cultures
YT 11 minutes 32 seconds
Reasons to Believe
Science-Faith Connection: How Do We Know Christianity Is True?
YT 9 minutes 21 seconds
Reasons to Believe
Science-Faith Connection: Why Would God Allow Natural Disasters?
YT 10 minutes 31 seconds
Reasons to Believe
Science-Faith Connection: Is There Scientific Evidence for Biblical Plagues?
YT 12 minutes 36 seconds
Reasons to Believe
Science-Faith Connection: Dinosaur Blood and the Age of the Earth
YT 9 minutes 40 seconds
Reasons to Believe
Science-Faith Connection: Does Science Prove God?
YT 10 minutes 59 seconds
Reasons to Believe
Science-Faith Connection: Did Water Cover the Entire Earth?
YT 9 minutes 5 seconds
Reasons to Believe
Science-Faith Connection: Can All Religions Be True?
YT 10 minutes 44 seconds
Reasons to Believe
Science-Faith Connection: Scientific Evidence for Old-Earth Creationism
YT 9 minutes 9 seconds
Reasons to Believe
Give and Take: BioInspired Anti-icing Surfaces
YT 8 minutes 47 seconds
Reasons to Believe
Give and Take: Thought-to-Text Technology
YT 10 minutes 9 seconds
Reasons to Believe
Give and Take: Creation’s Connection to Salvation
YT 10 minutes 14 seconds
Reasons to Believe
Give and Take: Francis Collins and Respectful Discourse
YT 9 minutes 13 seconds
Reasons to Believe
Give and Take: Designed to Prevent Myopia
YT 9 minutes 26 seconds
Reasons to Believe
Give and Take: Augustine on Existentialism
YT 10 minutes 31 seconds
Reasons to Believe
Give and Take: Is Truth Oppressive and Racist?
YT 10 minutes 38 seconds
Reasons to Believe
Give and Take: Kreb Cycle Design
YT 9 minutes 56 seconds
Reasons to Believe
Give and Take: Responding to the Puddle Analogy
YT 10 minutes 54 seconds
Reasons to Believe
Give and Take: Do Viruses Point to Design?
YT 9 minutes 35 seconds
Reasons to Believe
Give and Take: Are Physical Constants Constant?
YT 9 minutes 55 seconds
Reasons to Believe
Give and Take: Did Genesis Borrow from Ancient Myths?
YT 8 minutes 26 seconds
Reasons to Believe
Give and Take: Cave Art Points to God
YT 7 minutes 41 seconds
Reasons to Believe
Culture Talk: Will “Moon Wobble” Cause Flooding?
YT 10 minutes 17 seconds
Reasons to Believe
Give and Take: Are Animals Created in God’s Image
YT 7 minutes 35 seconds
Reasons to Believe
Give and Take: Moon’s Magnetic Field Made Humanity Possible
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 10 minutes 19 seconds
Reasons to Believe
Give and Take: Responding to God's "Hiddenness"
YT 9 minutes 10 seconds
Reasons to Believe
Give and Take: Black Carbon and Climate Change
YT 10 minutes 7 seconds
Reasons to Believe
Give and Take: C02's Effect on Earth
YT 9 minutes 12 seconds
Reasons to Believe
Give and Take: Looking for Aliens Requires ID
YT 9 minutes 35 seconds
Reasons to Believe
Give and Take: How Important Is Melting Arctic Ice?
YT 9 minutes 4 seconds
Reasons to Believe
Give and Take: DNA Optimization Points to a Designer
YT 10 minutes 31 seconds
Reasons to Believe
Give and Take: Truth, Goodness, and Beauty
YT 10 minutes 22 seconds
Reasons to Believe
Give and Take: What Is Neuralink?
YT 9 minutes 12 seconds
Reasons to Believe
Give and Take: Evidence for Cosmic Inflation Event
YT 9 minutes 9 seconds
Reasons to Believe
Give and Take: What Questions Are Skeptics Asking Today?
YT 9 minutes 29 seconds
Reasons to Believe
Give and Take: Why Do We Have 3 Different Vaccines?
YT 9 minutes 12 seconds
Reasons to Believe
Give and Take: Engaging Your Neighbor's Faith
YT 8 minutes 39 seconds
Reasons to Believe
Give and Take: How Do We Know Christ Rose from the Dead?
YT 9 minutes 44 seconds
Reasons to Believe
Give and Take: Should Christians get a COVID-19 vaccine?
YT 9 minutes 5 seconds
Reasons to Believe
Give and Take: Flying Beetles Point to a Designer
YT 9 minutes 33 seconds
Reasons to Believe
Give and Take: What’s Special about the COVID-19 Vaccines?
YT 8 minutes 52 seconds
Reasons to Believe
Give and Take: Was the Early Earth Dark?
YT 10 minutes 52 seconds
Reasons to Believe
Give and Take: Exploring Artificial Intelligence
YT 9 minutes 29 seconds
Reasons to Believe
Give and Take: Goosebumps As Evidence For Creation
YT 9 minutes 16 seconds
Reasons to Believe
Give and Take: Explaining Earth’s Oxygen
YT 11 minutes
Reasons to Believe
Give and Take: Does a Computer Algorithm Explain Life?
YT 9 minutes 34 seconds
Reasons to Believe
Give and Take: Why Does a Mathematician Believe in God?
YT 10 minutes 52 seconds
Reasons to Believe
Give and Take: Why Does a Mathematician Believe in God?
YT 9 minutes 11 seconds
Reasons to Believe
Give and Take: Pagan Gods and Human Idolatry
YT 9 minutes 56 seconds
Reasons to Believe
Give and Take: Do Superhabitable Planets Exist?
YT 9 minutes 56 seconds
Reasons to Believe
Give and Take: God’s Mercy in Pain
YT 10 minutes 5 seconds
Reasons to Believe
Give and Take: Why I’m Not a Theistic Evolutionist
YT 10 minutes 8 seconds
Reasons to Believe
Give and Take: Is Cruelty in Nature Evil?
YT 13 minutes 21 seconds
Reasons to Believe
Give and Take: Against the Tide
YT 10 minutes 44 seconds
Reasons to Believe
Give and Take: Fallacies and Cognitive Biases
YT 10 minutes 29 seconds
Reasons to Believe
Give and Take: Earth’s Extraordinary Water
YT 10 minutes 3 seconds
Reasons to Believe
Give and Take: What about Evolution?
YT 9 minutes 38 seconds
Reasons to Believe
Give and Take: Can Christianity and Islam Both Be True?
YT 10 minutes 7 seconds
Reasons to Believe
Give and Take: Assessing the Intellectual Climate
YT 10 minutes 17 seconds
Reasons to Believe
Give and Take: Are Neanderthals Human?
YT 9 minutes 44 seconds
Reasons to Believe
Give and Take: Is the Sun Special?
YT 10 minutes 18 seconds
Reasons to Believe
Give and Take: Discovery of Proteins in Meteorites
YT 10 minutes 29 seconds
Reasons to Believe
Give and Take: Reasonable Approach to Climate Change
YT 9 minutes 25 seconds
Reasons to Believe
Give and Take: American and French Revolutions Compared
YT 10 minutes 9 seconds
Reasons to Believe
Give and Take:Is Science a Worldview?
YT 9 minutes 13 seconds
Reasons to Believe
Give and Take: Why God Made Supernovae
YT 10 minutes 9 seconds
Reasons to Believe
Give and Take: Update on the ENCODE Project
YT 10 minutes 9 seconds
Reasons to Believe
Give and Take: Is God Responsible for COVID-19?
YT 10 minutes 9 seconds
Reasons to Believe
Give and Take: Can Evolution Explain Beauty?
YT 8 minutes 48 seconds
Reasons to Believe
28:19 Give and Take: Have Astronomers Found Another Earth?
YT 8 minutes 48 seconds
Reasons to Believe
28:19 Give and Take: Have Astronomers Found Another Earth?
YT 9 minutes 12 seconds
Reasons to Believe
28:19 Give and Take: Is Big Bang Cosmology in Trouble?
YT 8 minutes 44 seconds
Reasons to Believe
28:19 Give and Take: Why Would God Allow COVID-19?
YT 8 minutes 48 seconds
Reasons to Believe
28:19 Give and Take: Beauty as an Argument for God
YT 9 minutes 9 seconds
Reasons to Believe
28:19 Give and Take: Spider Silk Points to a Creator
YT 9 minutes 9 seconds
Reasons to Believe
28:19 Give and Take: Spider Silk Points to a Creator
YT 9 minutes 9 seconds
Reasons to Believe
28:19 Give and Take: Spider Silk Points to a Creator
YT 8 minutes 37 seconds
Reasons to Believe
28:19 Give and Take: The State of Theology
YT 9 minutes 30 seconds
Reasons to Believe
28:19 Give and Take: Do Ice Ages Point to God?
YT 8 minutes 27 seconds
Reasons to Believe
2819 Episode 100 Give and Take
YT 7 minutes 59 seconds
Reasons to Believe
28:19 Give and Take: Is Worshipping on Sunday Pagan?
YT 8 minutes 49 seconds
Reasons to Believe
28:19 Give and Take: Should We Seek to Prove Christianity?
YT 9 minutes 6 seconds
Reasons to Believe
28:19 Give and Take: Does Dinosaur Soft-tissue Mean the Earth Is Young?
YT 8 minutes 45 seconds
Reasons to Believe
28:19 Give and Take: How Does Geology Point to God?
YT 9 minutes
Reasons to Believe
28:19 Give and Take: Does Monogamy Go against Nature?
YT 8 minutes 8 seconds
Reasons to Believe
28:19 Give and Take: Is Carbon-14 Dating Reliable?
YT 7 minutes 14 seconds
Reasons to Believe
28:19 Give and Take: What Kind of World Does Science Need to Work?
YT 8 minutes 38 seconds
Reasons to Believe
28:19 Give and Take: Is Jesus's Resurrection Believable?
YT 7 minutes 58 seconds
Reasons to Believe
28:19 Give and Take: Is Death in Creation Evil?
YT 8 minutes 39 seconds
Reasons to Believe
28:19 Give and Take: Why Don't We Eat Healthy?
YT 10 minutes 5 seconds
Reasons to Believe
28:19 Give and Take: A Theoretical Physicist's Take on the Strongest Evidence for Christianity
YT 8 minutes 45 seconds
Reasons to Believe
28:19 Give and Take: What Makes a Diet Healthy?
YT 8 minutes 42 seconds
Reasons to Believe
28:19 Give and Take: Does Science Disprove Christianity?
YT 8 minutes 20 seconds
Reasons to Believe
28:19 Give and Take: What Is the Strongest Evidence for Christianity? A Former Muslim's Perspective
YT 8 minutes 43 seconds
Reasons to Believe
28:19 Give and Take: Does Information Come from a Mind?
YT 8 minutes 1 second
Reasons to Believe
28:19 Give and Take: Does the Bible Teach Big Bang Cosmology?
YT 8 minutes 4 seconds
Reasons to Believe
28:19 Give and Take: Is the Human Genome Complete?
YT 9 minutes 40 seconds
Reasons to Believe
28:19 Give and Take: Does Old-Earth Creationism Make God Deceptive?
YT 9 minutes 29 seconds
Reasons to Believe
28:19 Give and Take: Did Hominids Engage in Purposeful Burial?
YT 7 minutes 12 seconds
Reasons to Believe
28:19 Give and Take: Could Aliens Travel to Earth?
YT 8 minutes 17 seconds
Reasons to Believe
28:19 Give and Take: Augustine's Views on the Creation Days
YT 9 minutes 10 seconds
Reasons to Believe
28:19 Give and Take: Does Quantum Mechanics Allow for Uncaused Events?
YT 8 minutes 43 seconds
Reasons to Believe
28:19 75 Give and Take: Is the Sun's Mass Finely Tuned?
YT 10 minutes 13 seconds
Reasons to Believe
28:19 Give and Take: Finding Common Ground on the Age of the Earth Debate?
YT 9 minutes 47 seconds
Reasons to Believe
28:19 Give and Take: Strongest Evidence for Christianity?
YT 8 minutes 57 seconds
Reasons to Believe
28:19 Give and Take: Does Transhumanism Diminish Humanity’s Value?
YT 7 minutes 37 seconds
Reasons to Believe
28:19 Give and Take: Is There an Apologetic Silver Bullet?
YT 8 minutes 41 seconds
Reasons to Believe
28:19 Give and Take: Can We Expect Much from Younger Generations?
YT 9 minutes 29 seconds
Reasons to Believe
28:19 Give and Take: Magnetic Reversals and Life on Earth
YT 8 minutes 48 seconds
Reasons to Believe
28:19 Give and Take: Is the Immune System Designed?
YT 8 minutes 19 seconds
Reasons to Believe
28:19 Give and Take: Should We Wipe Out Malaria?
YT 8 minutes 50 seconds
Reasons to Believe
28:19 Give and Take: What to Do with the Endosymbiont Hypothesis
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 6 minutes 16 seconds
Reasons to Believe
28:19 Give and Take: Do Whales Impact Global Warming?
YT 9 minutes 1 second
Reasons to Believe
28:19 Give and Take: When Did Humans Get the Image of God?
YT 6 minutes 59 seconds
Reasons to Believe
28:19 Give and Take: Should We Use Antibiotics?
YT 8 minutes 14 seconds
Reasons to Believe
28:19 Give and Take: Does Life's Origin Require God?
YT 8 minutes 47 seconds
Reasons to Believe
28:19 Give and Take: Is Raising Children with Religion Child Abuse?
YT 8 minutes 12 seconds
Reasons to Believe
28:19 Give and Take: Why Would God Have Ice Ages on Earth?
YT 7 minutes 45 seconds
Reasons to Believe
28:19 Give and Take: Why Would We Expect Mathematics to Apply to the Universe?
YT 8 minutes 17 seconds
Reasons to Believe
28:19 Give and Take: Will Humans Ever Travel in Space?
YT 7 minutes 7 seconds
Reasons to Believe
28:19 Give and Take: Should We Redefine Life to Include Viruses?
YT 8 minutes 39 seconds
Reasons to Believe
28:19 Give and Take: Would Darwin Still Believe in Evolution Today?
YT 8 minutes 2 seconds
Reasons to Believe
28:19 Give and Take: Are Viruses Clever?
YT 6 minutes 8 seconds
Reasons to Believe
28:19 Give and Take: Can Insisting on 24-hour Creation Days Undermine Faith?
YT 8 minutes 3 seconds
Reasons to Believe
28:19 Give and Take: Is Language Evidence of Creation?
YT 8 minutes 35 seconds
Reasons to Believe
28:19 Give and Take: Will Scientists Find Life Beyond Earth Soon?
YT 8 minutes 26 seconds
Reasons to Believe
28:19 Give and Take:Why Does the Genetic Code Look So Designed?
YT 8 minutes 40 seconds
Reasons to Believe
28:19 Give and Take: Can Science Show that God Is Personal?
YT 8 minutes 38 seconds
Reasons to Believe
28:19 Give and Take: Were Neanderthals Human?
YT 8 minutes 15 seconds
Reasons to Believe
28:19 Give and Take: Should Christians Use Science to Defend Christianity?
YT 8 minutes 23 seconds
Reasons to Believe
28:19 Give and Take: Transferring Memories: Are We Creating Frankenstein's Monster?
YT 7 minutes 51 seconds
Reasons to Believe
28:19 Give and Take: Highlights from a Year of Give and Take
YT 7 minutes 17 seconds
Reasons to Believe
28:19 Give and Take: Why Does Earth Have So Little Water?
YT 8 minutes 24 seconds
Reasons to Believe
28:19 Give and Take: Does Faith Stifle Scientific Advance?
YT 8 minutes 50 seconds
Reasons to Believe
28:19 Give and Take: Does Evolution in Action Prove Darwin Was Right?
YT 8 minutes 40 seconds
Reasons to Believe
28:19 Give and Take: Do Scientific Breakthroughs Eliminate Need for God?
YT 8 minutes 29 seconds
Reasons to Believe
28:19 Give and Take: How Common Is Life in the Universe?
YT 8 minutes 52 seconds
Reasons to Believe
28:19 Give and Take: Did Christ Really Rise from The Dead?
YT 8 minutes 47 seconds
Reasons to Believe
28:19 Give and Take: What Does Water on Mars Mean?
YT 9 minutes 11 seconds
Reasons to Believe
28:19 Give and Take: Indisputable Facts about Jesus that Need Explaining
YT 8 minutes 35 seconds
Reasons to Believe
28:19 Give and Take: What Is the Strongest Evidence for Christianity?
YT 8 minutes 51 seconds
Reasons to Believe
28:19 Give and Take: The Strongest Evidence for Christianity
YT 8 minutes 36 seconds
Reasons to Believe
28:19 Give and Take: What if Scientists Create Self-aware Creatures?
YT 8 minutes 24 seconds
Reasons to Believe
28:19 Give and Take: Were Viruses Caused by the Fall?
YT 8 minutes 51 seconds
Reasons to Believe
28:19 Give and Take: Did Neanderthals Paint Cave Art?
YT 8 minutes 33 seconds
Reasons to Believe
28:19 Give and Take: Is Genetic Engineering a Good Thing?
YT 8 minutes 27 seconds
Reasons to Believe
28:19 Give and Take: Did Noah’s Flood Form the Grand Canyon?
YT 8 minutes 13 seconds
Reasons to Believe
28:19 Give and Take: Should Scientists Tinker With Creation?
YT 7 minutes 36 seconds
Reasons to Believe
28:19 Give and Take: What Is the Strongest Evidence for the Truth of Christianity?
YT 8 minutes 7 seconds
Reasons to Believe
28:19 Give and Take: Should We Throw Away Our Smartphones?
YT 8 minutes 17 seconds
Reasons to Believe
28:19 Give and Take: What Is the Strongest Evidence for the Truth of Christianity?
YT 8 minutes 39 seconds
Reasons to Believe
28:19 Give and Take: Did Humans Really Breed with Neanderthals?
YT 8 minutes 23 seconds
Reasons to Believe
28:19 Give and Take: How to Deal with the Galileo Affair
YT 8 minutes 23 seconds
Reasons to Believe
28:19 Give and Take: Does the Existence of Carbon Require a Miracle?
YT 8 minutes 34 seconds
Reasons to Believe
28:19 Give and Take: Caring for Creation
YT 8 minutes 17 seconds
Reasons to Believe
28:19 Give and Take: Has Science Been Hijacked by People Who Don’t Believe in God?
YT 9 minutes 36 seconds
Reasons to Believe
28:19 Give and Take: Do the Gospels Describe the Crucifixion With Medical Accuracy?
YT 8 minutes 18 seconds
Reasons to Believe
28:19 Give and Take: Is There Any Credibility to the Flat Earth Idea?
YT 8 minutes 28 seconds
Reasons to Believe
28:19 Give and Take: Why Are There So Many Scientists Who Are Atheists? Part 2
YT 8 minutes 11 seconds
Reasons to Believe
28:19 Give and Take: Why Are There So Many Scientists Who Are Atheists?
YT 8 minutes 29 seconds
Reasons to Believe
28:19 Give and Take: Why Does it Matter if the Bible is Accurate in Matters of Science and History?
YT 8 minutes 7 seconds
Reasons to Believe
28:19 Give and Take: What is the Strongest Scientific Evidence that God Exists?
YT 8 minutes 30 seconds
Reasons to Believe
28:19 Give and Take: Did Animals Die as a Result of Adam's Sin?
YT 8 minutes 4 seconds
Reasons to Believe
28:19 Give and Take: Is the Bible Error-Free when it Comes to History and Science?
YT 7 minutes 20 seconds
Reasons to Believe
28:19 Give and Take: What is the Strongest Scientific Evidence that God Exists?
YT 10 minutes 2 seconds
Reasons to Believe
28:19 Give and Take: Does Studying Science Destroy Your Faith?
YT 10 minutes 55 seconds
Reasons to Believe
28:19 Give and Take: Do Millions of Years Prove Evolution is True?
YT 10 minutes 14 seconds
Reasons to Believe
28:19 Give and Take: Is the Big Bang an Excuse for Scientists to Avoid God?
YT 10 minutes 26 seconds
Reasons to Believe
28:19 Give and Take: Does Millions of Years Undermine Scripture’s Authority?
YT 10 minutes 18 seconds
Reasons to Believe
28:19 Give and Take: Does Junk DNA Show Evidence that We Descended from a Common Ancestor?
YT 7 minutes 55 seconds
Reasons to Believe
28:19 Give and Take: Does RTB Support Intelligent Design?
YT 7 minutes 25 seconds
Reasons to Believe
28:19 Give and Take: Is the Christian Idea of “Faith” Just Wishful Thinking?
YT 10 minutes 22 seconds
Reasons to Believe
28:19 Give and Take: If Evolution is Correct, Does that Mean There is no God?
YT 10 minutes 19 seconds
Reasons to Believe
28:19 Give and Take: Why Should Christians Care About Science?