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Invidious (YT)

Invidious > Channel > Jeffrey Donenfeld

Jeffrey Donenfeld 4910 subscribers    RSS
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YT 31 minutes 34 seconds
Jeffrey Donenfeld
Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station Antarctica Tour
YT 57 seconds
Betabrand's Antarctic Explorer
YT 14 minutes 31 seconds
Jeffrey Donenfeld
LC 130H3
YT 1 minute 47 seconds
Jeffrey Donenfeld
Training at the South Pole
YT 37 seconds
Jeffrey Donenfeld
South Pole Station Holiday Card Assembly
YT 8 minutes 37 seconds
Jeffrey Donenfeld
Tour of the Bicep2 Microwave Telescope at the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station
YT 8 minutes 37 seconds
Jeffrey Donenfeld
Met Balloon Launch with Phillip Marzette
YT 5 minutes 36 seconds
Jeffrey Donenfeld
YT 2 minutes 37 seconds
Jeffrey Donenfeld
YT 29 seconds
Jeffrey Donenfeld
YT 42 seconds
Jeffrey Donenfeld
YT 3 minutes 46 seconds
Jeffrey Donenfeld
Snowmobiling MVI 0812
YT 55 seconds
Jeffrey Donenfeld
Summercamp MAH02554
YT 25 seconds
Jeffrey Donenfeld
Russian Tour MAH06130
YT 44 seconds
Jeffrey Donenfeld
MCM MAH07568
YT 38 seconds
Jeffrey Donenfeld
Comms OFfice MAH01985
YT 7 seconds
Jeffrey Donenfeld
Aaron LindsdauMAH06421
YT 50 seconds
Jeffrey Donenfeld
Christchurch Danceomat IMG 0777
YT 21 seconds
Jeffrey Donenfeld
YT 23 minutes 37 seconds
Jeffrey Donenfeld
Getting A Hair Cut at the South Pole
YT 15 minutes 45 seconds
Jeffrey Donenfeld
NY Trav Fest Antarctica Talk
YT 57 minutes 52 seconds
Jeffrey Donenfeld
Percolate Inspire Antarctica Talk
YT 57 seconds
Jeffrey Donenfeld
Jeffrey Donenfeld is Betabrand's Antarctic Explorer