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Invidious (YT)

Invidious > Channel > 嘉義大學音樂系校友管樂團

嘉義大學音樂系校友管樂團 106 subscribers    RSS
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YT 5 minutes 51 seconds
Hsieh barbara
John Williams: Hymn to the Fallen
YT 6 minutes 26 seconds
Hsieh barbara
James Horner: Titanic
YT 8 minutes 14 seconds
Hsieh barbara
Robert W Lowden: Selections from ROCKY
YT 9 minutes 28 seconds
Hsieh barbara
Alan Jay Lerner: My fair lady
YT 11 minutes 40 seconds
Hsieh barbara
Richard Rodgers: The Sound of Music
YT 4 minutes 59 seconds
Hsieh barbara
John Williams: Can you read my mind!
YT 5 minutes 50 seconds
Hsieh barbara
John Williams: Hymn to the Fallen
YT 9 minutes 23 seconds
Hsieh barbara
John de Meij: Lord of the Ring V
YT 4 minutes
Hsieh barbara
Eric Coates: The Dam Busters
YT 2 minutes 19 seconds
Hsieh barbara
[encore] Jan van Kraeydonck: The James Bond Theme