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Invidious (YT)

Invidious > Channel > Johan Rodén

Johan Rodén 704 subscribers    RSS
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YT 51 seconds
MarloweDK - Bass lessons, licks and low notes
L27 Blues scale bass fill in A
YT 44 seconds
MarloweDK - Bass lessons, licks and low notes
L48 Blues bass lick in A
YT 58 seconds
MarloweDK - Bass lessons, licks and low notes
L05 E7 slap bass line with slides
YT 1 minute 15 seconds
MarloweDK - Bass lessons, licks and low notes
L19 A7 bluesy bass riff with turnaround
YT 1 minute 13 seconds
MarloweDK - Bass lessons, licks and low notes
L75 G7 16'th swing groove
YT 1 minute 30 seconds
MarloweDK - Bass lessons, licks and low notes
L88 8th note bass line in G
YT 1 minute 6 seconds
MarloweDK - Bass lessons, licks and low notes
L74 Simple chording E major to A major
YT 48 seconds
MarloweDK - Bass lessons, licks and low notes
L72 Swing slap bass in Dm
YT 1 minute 4 seconds
MarloweDK - Bass lessons, licks and low notes
L71 Swing slap in G
YT 1 minute 33 seconds
MarloweDK - Bass lessons, licks and low notes
L67 Medium slow slap bass in G
YT 1 minute 3 seconds
MarloweDK - Bass lessons, licks and low notes
L68 Fast soul/funk bass
YT 46 seconds
MarloweDK - Bass lessons, licks and low notes
L61 Slap bass line in E
YT 39 seconds
MarloweDK - Bass lessons, licks and low notes
L57 Slap Bass fill in Em
YT 56 seconds
MarloweDK - Bass lessons, licks and low notes
L49 Em Pentatonic bass fill with open strings
YT 2 minutes 6 seconds
MarloweDK - Bass lessons, licks and low notes
L271 D9 Bass groove with open D string
YT 1 minute 32 seconds
MarloweDK - Bass lessons, licks and low notes
L313 Slap bass in medium-slow tempo
YT 1 minute 46 seconds
MarloweDK - Bass lessons, licks and low notes
L130 Funky oldschool bass D7
YT 1 minute 31 seconds
MarloweDK - Bass lessons, licks and low notes
L128 Bluesy bass line G7
YT 2 minutes 53 seconds
Johan Rodén
Green Day- Hitchin' a Ride (bass Cover)