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Invidious (YT)

Invidious > Channel > Kirsten Joy Weiss

Kirsten Joy Weiss 340000 subscribers    RSS
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YT 11 minutes 9 seconds
Kirsten Joy Weiss
Long Range TRICK SHOT - STANDING Position! - EGG (Crazy TINY Target)
YT 10 minutes 3 seconds
Kirsten Joy Weiss
Oreo Cookie Shots | Trick Shots & Extra Fun
YT 3 minutes 36 seconds
Kirsten Joy Weiss
Shooting With Both Hands Tied Behind My Back | Trick Shots
YT 4 minutes 20 seconds
Kirsten Joy Weiss
GUN YOGA With WWII Pistol - P38 - Kirsten Joy Weiss
YT 4 minutes 23 seconds
Kirsten Joy Weiss
TRICK SHOT | Shooting Upside Down With Pinky! - Have You Tried This??
YT 3 minutes 58 seconds
Kirsten Joy Weiss
Shooting A Pistol BLINDFOLDED?? | Shooting Blindfolded Ep. 2
YT 3 minutes 51 seconds
Kirsten Joy Weiss
Shooting BLINDFOLDED & Clearing Plate Rack!? | Shooting Blindfolded EP. 3
YT 4 minutes 18 seconds
Kirsten Joy Weiss
Double Barrel 1911 TRICK SHOT - Two Cards One Shot! - Crazy SLOW MOTION - First Ever
YT 4 minutes 16 seconds
Kirsten Joy Weiss
3 Guns, a Girl, and a Helicopter | 3 Crazy Moving Target Challenges | Kirsten Joy Weiss
YT 3 minutes 1 second
Kirsten Joy Weiss
Shooting A Fidget Spinner!? - Trick Shots - MAJOR Spin!
YT 2 minutes 43 seconds
Kirsten Joy Weiss
TRICK SHOT Blindfolded Shooting a Rifle - Accurately?! | Shooting Blindfolded EP. 1
YT 4 minutes 5 seconds
Kirsten Joy Weiss
TRICK SHOT - Longest Backwards Card Split Using A Mirror - Annie Oakley Trick Shots
YT 6 minutes 16 seconds
Kirsten Joy Weiss
Trick Shots - Balancing on a Shaky Tree - Are You Adaptable?
YT 3 minutes 49 seconds
Kirsten Joy Weiss
Can You Split A Card? - Annie Oakley - Trick Shot
YT 10 minutes 39 seconds
Kirsten Joy Weiss
TRICK SHOTS With The GUNNY (R Lee Ermy) & Kirsten Joy Weiss | Ep. 1
YT 3 minutes 21 seconds
Kirsten Joy Weiss
Is It Possible To Shoot Accurately Without Sights On Your Gun? - Trick Shot -Kirsten Joy Weiss
YT 5 minutes 25 seconds
Kirsten Joy Weiss
Shooting A Blowgun! - With Kirsten Joy Weiss
YT 2 minutes 29 seconds
Kirsten Joy Weiss
Blowing Out A Candle With A Bullet - G.I. JOE Movie Tribute Trick Shot |• Kirsten Joy Weiss
YT 2 minutes 41 seconds
Kirsten Joy Weiss
Invisible Eraser - Trick Shot - Rifle - Kirsten Joy Weiss
YT 1 minute 10 seconds
Kirsten Joy Weiss
Can You Shoot The Lead Off A Pencil? Trick Shot - Iron Sights -- Kirsten Joy Weiss
YT 1 minute 27 seconds
Kirsten Joy Weiss
Gun Pilates?? TRICK SHOT! | Shooting | Flexibility | Kirsten Joy Weiss
YT 3 minutes 26 seconds
Kirsten Joy Weiss
Shooting Through A SPINNING CD? - Trick Shot & A Surprise! | Dual Trick Shot
YT 2 minutes 1 second
Kirsten Joy Weiss
Shooting A Gun While Hanging Upside Down From A Tree! | Trick Shots - Kirsten Joy Weiss
YT 3 minutes 11 seconds
Kirsten Joy Weiss
Ninjas & Guns - DIVE ROLL TRICK SHOT | Kirsten Joy Weiss
YT 1 minute 54 seconds
Kirsten Joy Weiss
Gun Yoga! TRICK SHOT - Balance | Kirsten Joy Weiss
YT 3 minutes 14 seconds
Kirsten Joy Weiss
COLORED EXPLOSIVES And FIREPOWER!! - Shooting - Tutorial - Fourth of July (Independence Day!)
YT 3 minutes 47 seconds
Kirsten Joy Weiss
Baseball & Guns! Shooting A Baseball Out Of The Air With A RIFLE | Aerial TRICK SHOT
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 3 minutes 55 seconds
Kirsten Joy Weiss
Shooting Shoes Off A Power Line With A Gun?
YT 2 minutes 45 seconds
Kirsten Joy Weiss
Shooting Love, Valentines Day 3 Bullet Tribute
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 3 minutes 30 seconds
Kirsten Joy Weiss
Hunger Games, Shooting To Pick Apples
YT 2 minutes 39 seconds
Kirsten Joy Weiss
How To Shoot A Rifle With Both Hands Tied - Trick Shot - Kirsten Joy Weiss
YT 1 minute 40 seconds
Kirsten Joy Weiss
Snow White's Revenge - Shooting Fun - Kirsten Joy Weiss
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 3 minutes 37 seconds
Kirsten Joy Weiss
How Many Peeps Will Stop A Bullet?? | Peep Mayhem ep. 1
YT 2 minutes 57 seconds
Kirsten Joy Weiss
How To Survive Without Sights On Your Gun | Pro Shooting Tips #1
YT 1 minute 59 seconds
Kirsten Joy Weiss
Shooting Game - Damsel in Distress - Gun 'n' Games - Kirsten Joy Weiss
YT 25 seconds
Kirsten Joy Weiss
Motorcycle Trick Shot - 3 Balloons 1 Shot Each - 2nd Video - Kirsten Joy Weiss
YT 1 minute 22 seconds
Kirsten Joy Weiss
The Girl, The Gun, and The Motorcycle - Trick Shot Premiere - Kirsten Joy Weiss
YT 2 minutes 45 seconds
Kirsten Joy Weiss
AR15 Trick Shot | Annie Oakley RELOADED
YT 3 minutes 28 seconds
Kirsten Joy Weiss
This Is Harder Than It Looks! 🤯 TRICK SHOTS