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Invidious > Channel > INT News Channel

INT News Channel 4570 subscribers    RSS
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YT 6 minutes 51 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.01.01 - 《屠狼行動》 倒梁振英遊行 示威人士堵塞中環 - 1 (皇后大道中)
YT 6 minutes 16 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.01.01 - 《屠狼行動》 倒梁振英遊行 示威人士堵塞中環 - 2 (花園道)
YT 4 minutes 19 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.01.01 - 《屠狼行動》 倒梁振英遊行 示威人士堵塞中環 - 3 (的士乘客被困)
YT 3 minutes 9 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.01.01 - Not a good start for CY LEUNG
YT 6 minutes 44 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.01.12 - Underground motorway project sparked concerns overground
YT 20 minutes 21 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.01.13 - 基督教反性傾向立法音樂會 同性戀團體踩場
YT 8 minutes 40 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.01.13 - 基督教反性傾向立法音樂會 發言人見傳媒
YT 2 minutes 46 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.01.13 - Desperate attempt to stop gay right legislation in Hong Kong
YT 5 minutes 11 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.01.16 - CY LEUNG's maiden policy address
YT 1 minute 20 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.01.19 - 「突發」 藍田公屋單位起火 無人傷
YT 2 minutes 45 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.01.19 - Further concerns over the underground motorway project in Kowloon
YT 1 minute 24 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.01.25 - Rafael HUI and KWOK brothers are back in court over corruption charges
YT 6 minutes 56 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.01.27 - Fury over the proposed Company Law amendment in Hong Kong
YT 3 minutes 3 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.02.02 - 《上水反水貨客行動》 水貨客發難
YT 2 minutes 19 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.02.02 - 反水貨客團體要求檢討香港出入境政策
YT 24 minutes 6 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.02.11 - 蛇年賀歲煙花滙演 Year of Snake Firework Display in Hong Kong
YT 2 minutes 30 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.02.18 - 'Lamma Island Ferry Collision Inquiry' - Life jacket under the spotlight once again
YT 2 minutes 47 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.02.25 - 'Lamma Island Ferry Collision Inquiry' - Sea Smooth passengers' reaction recalled
YT 2 minutes 59 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.02.27 - The Budget 2013 .... don't expect too much
YT 1 minute 36 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.02.27 - 《南丫海難聆訊》 第四十一天 海泰號水手繼續作供
YT 4 minutes 34 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.02.28 - 'Lamma Island Ferry Collision Inquiry' - Ignoring the radar is very dangerous
YT 4 minutes 11 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.02.28 - 《南丫海難聆訊》 第四十二天 海泰號船長航行不看雷達
YT 2 minutes 53 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.03.03 - 網民反「反法輪功」行動」 - 1
YT 8 minutes 5 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.03.03 - 網民反「反法輪功」行動」 - 2 (警察扯爛「青關會」橫額)
YT 16 minutes 34 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.03.03 - 網民反「反法輪功」行動」 - 3 (「青關會」大戰 法輪功)
YT 5 minutes 47 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.03.03 - 網民上街反 「反法輪功」 行動
YT 1 minute 30 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.03.08 - Another court appearance for the KWOK brothers and Rafael HUI
YT 3 minutes 39 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.03.12 - 'Lamma Island Ferry Collision Inquiry' - Final day of hearing
YT 5 minutes 20 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.03.21 - Fresh political battle in Hong Kong over universal suffrage
YT 22 minutes 13 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.03.25 - 終院裁定外傭無香港永久居留權後 外傭工會見傳媒 - 1
YT 6 minutes 15 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.03.25 - "Domestic Maids' Right of Abode Saga" - Press Conference outside the CFA - 2
YT 7 minutes 51 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.03.25 - Foreign domestic maids are not entitled to claim permanent Hong Kong residency
YT 8 minutes 29 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.04.07 - 真普選聯政改論壇 建制派踩場 - 1 (開場五分鐘後發難)
YT 6 minutes 6 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.04.07 - 真普選聯政改論壇 建制派踩場 - 2
YT 4 minutes 26 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.04.07 - 真普選聯政改論壇 建制派踩場 - 3 (主辦單位朿手無策)
YT 1 minute 29 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.04.07 - 真普選聯政改論壇 建制派踩場 - 4 (拉隊離場)
YT 3 minutes 53 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.04.07 - Unwelcomed visitors brought hurdles to a constitutional reform public forum
YT 7 minutes 58 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.04.22 - 《碼頭風雲》 第二十六日 工人遊行往政府總部期間與警察發生衝突
YT 1 minute 41 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.04.22 - MAK Chai-kwong and TSANG King-man reappeared at court over conspiracy to defraud
YT 6 minutes 15 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.04.22 - 《碼頭風雲》 第二十六日 工人代表見記者
YT 2 minutes 58 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.04.25 - A clearer picture over the bogus housing allowance claim scandal
YT 6 minutes 44 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.04.29 - 七一遊行非法集結案 黃毓民 陳偉業 罪成 押後宣判
YT 3 minutes 4 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.05.01 - Mayday call on May Day over poor working conditions
YT 3 minutes 4 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.05.05 - 真普選聯盟論壇 - 1 (陳廣文 發言)
YT 6 minutes 42 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.05.05 - 真普選聯盟論壇 - 2 (建制派 成員發言)
YT 5 minutes 5 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.05.05 - 真普選聯盟論壇 - 3 (陳廣文 離場時被包圍)
YT 6 minutes 10 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.05.05 - 真普選聯盟論壇 泛民 建制派 勢不兩立
YT 1 minute 37 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.05.09 - 'Lamma Island Ferry Collision' - Coxwains reappeared at court
YT 4 minutes 18 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.05.11 - Fresh fury over land reclamation in Hong Kong
YT 5 minutes 39 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.05.16 - 七一遊行非法集結案 黃毓民 陳偉業 押後判刑
YT 3 minutes 10 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.05.17 - 三萬人到長洲欣賞太平清醮飄色巡遊
YT 5 minutes 1 second
INT News Channel
2013.05.21 - 七一遊行非法集結案 黃毓民 陳偉業 判緩刑及罰款
YT 3 minutes 9 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.06.01 - 立法會帳目委員會聆訊後 前廉政專員湯顯明見記者
YT 10 minutes 8 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.06.01 - 立法會帳目委員會聆訊廉署混帳 湯顯明繼續左閃右避
YT 9 minutes 15 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.06.04 - 立法會帳目委員會聆訊廉署混帳 廉政公署再度捱轟
YT 2 minutes 19 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.06.05 - Henry TANG's underground palace case adjourned
YT 5 minutes 46 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.06.09 - 《佔領中環》 首場商討日 - 建制派踩場
YT 5 minutes 8 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.06.09 - Occupy Central Movement seminar - A chat between Benny TAI and foreign correspondent
YT 29 minutes
INT News Channel
2013.06.09 - 《佔領中環》 首場商討日 - 中段記者會
YT 1 minute 55 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.06.14 - 'Lamma Island Ferry Collision' - Another adjournment for the case
YT 4 minutes 51 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.06.19 - Hong Kong officials remained silent over Edward SNOWDEN's extradition
YT 2 minutes 22 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.06.24 - MAK Chai-kwong and TSANG King-man found guilty over bogus tendency allowance claim
YT 6 minutes 26 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.06.25 - 立法會討論港台編輯自主 鄧忍光再度捱批
YT 6 minutes 55 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.07.01 - 狂風暴雨下的七一大遊行
YT 3 minutes 36 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.07.07 - Property agents on the street over anti-speculation measures
YT 2 minutes 46 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.07.11 - Lisa KUO pleaded guilty over the illegal underground palace
YT 7 minutes 13 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.07.13 - 東涌發展論壇 僧人也發火
YT 1 minute 21 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.07.19 - Three men reappeared at court over the Mercantile Exchange scam
YT 6 minutes 44 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.07.25 - 立法會發展事務委員會會議 侯志強罵: 四五十歲都無物業是廢人
YT 5 minutes 30 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.07.25 - 立法會發展事務委員會會議後 陳茂波見記者
YT 5 minutes 29 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.07.25 - 囤地風波未了 茂波繼續茅波
YT 1 minute 31 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.07.26 - 'Lamma Island Ferry Collision' - Another four weeks adjournment for the case
YT 4 minutes 44 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.07.28 - 千人上街反茂波 「打茅波」
YT 4 minutes 1 second
INT News Channel
2013.07.30 - Sentence adjourned over the illegal underground palace
YT 3 minutes 59 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.08.03 - Fresh concerns over Hong Kong Airport third runway project
YT 5 minutes 29 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.08.08 - Suspended sentence for MAK Chai-kwong and TSANG King-man over conspiracy to defraud
YT 5 minutes 1 second
INT News Channel
2013.08.11 - 梁振英到天水圍落區 場外起衝突 - 1
YT 3 minutes 12 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.08.11 - 梁振英到天水圍落區 場外起衝突 - 2
YT 1 minute 43 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.08.11 - 梁振英到天水圍落區 場外起衝突 - 3
YT 1 minute 5 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.08.14 - Severe Typhoon Utor hits Hong Kong
YT 5 minutes 6 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.08.17 - 網民炮轟版權 (修訂) 條例諮詢會
YT 2 minutes 14 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.08.18 - 梁振英到觀塘落區 - 1 (訪問毛孟靜)
YT 1 minute 45 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.08.18 - 梁振英到觀塘落區 - 2 (訪問林卓廷)
YT 7 minutes 31 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.08.18 - 梁振英到觀塘落區 - 3 (警察留難傷殘人士)
YT 2 minutes 52 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.08.18 - 梁振英到觀塘落區 - 4 (訪問「建設派」高達斌)
YT 7 minutes 38 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.08.18 - 梁振英到觀塘落區 - 5 (示威人士被帶走)
YT 2 minutes 35 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.08.18 - 梁振英到觀塘落區 - 6 (梁振英離場)
YT 1 minute 32 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.08.21 - LEW Mon-hung at court over perverting the course of justice
YT 1 minute 48 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.08.23 - 'Lamma Island Ferry Collision' - Another six weeks adjournment for the case
YT 4 minutes 59 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.08.28 - 《電視風雲》 支持亞洲電視集會 魏秋樺 見傳媒
YT 5 minutes 42 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.08.28 - 《電視風雲》 亞洲電視絕地反抗集會
YT 6 minutes 12 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.09.07 - 村民咆哮洪水橋發展公眾論壇
YT 7 minutes 29 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.09.15 - 梁振英到灣仔落區 - 1 (「傅振中」舌戰黃浩銘)
YT 6 minutes 18 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.09.15 - 梁振英到灣仔落區 - 2 (示威人士在閘外被警方抬走 - a)
YT 7 minutes 38 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.09.15 - 梁振英到灣仔落區 - 3 (示威人士在閘外被警方抬走 - b)
YT 3 minutes 31 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.09.15 - 梁振英到灣仔落區 - 4 (梁振英離場)
YT 2 minutes 2 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.09.22 - Severe Typhoon Usagi hits Hong Kong
YT 4 minutes 56 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.09.23 - 長遠房屋策略文件公眾諮詢 市民批評藥石亂投
YT 1 minute 45 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.10.04 - 'Lamma Island Ferry Collision' - Another four weeks adjournment for the case
YT 3 minutes 20 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.10.06 - 北區家長上街抗議雙非童搶學位
YT 3 minutes 20 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.10.06 - 北區家長上街抗議雙非童搶學位
YT 9 minutes 5 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.10.18 - 立法會帳目委員會第八度聆訊廉署混帳 湯顯明依然一團混帳
YT 6 minutes 53 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.10.20 - 《電視風雲》 香港電視員工遊行抗議發牌不公
YT 6 minutes 12 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.11.02 - 《佔領中環》 第二場商討日 朱耀明 見傳媒
YT 9 minutes 10 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.11.08 - 《電視風雲》 發牌風波未了 政府再次捱批
YT 5 minutes 31 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.11.09 - 《香港同志遊行二零一三》 平機會主席 周一嶽 見傳媒
YT 3 minutes 11 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.11.09 - 《香港同志遊行二零一三》 遊行完結後 發言人 見傳媒
YT 4 minutes 51 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.11.09 - Hong Kong Gay Parade 2013
YT 8 minutes 28 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.11.10 - 《佔領中環》 文藝漫畫界商討日 朱耀明 見傳媒
YT 3 minutes 43 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.11.21 - 《政改風暴》 中國人大常委副秘書長 李飛 與律政司司長 袁國強 會唔 (現場)
YT 6 minutes 8 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.11.22 - 《政改風暴》 李飛傳話兼設框 港普選料有名無實
YT 5 minutes 3 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.11.27 - 《廉署混帳》 立會帳委員會 「痛斥」 湯顯明
YT 14 minutes 12 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.12.04 - 《政改風暴》 林鄭月娥 宣佈啟動政改諮詢 (全文)
YT 12 minutes 44 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.12.04 - 《政改風暴》 林鄭月娥 回應立法會議員提問 (部份)
YT 4 minutes 23 seconds
INT News Channel
2013.12.04 - 《政改風暴》 林鄭月娥 發表講話後 立法會議員 田北辰 見傳媒