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Invidious (YT)

Invidious > Channel > Pedro Palatnik

Pedro Palatnik 2400 subscribers    RSS
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YT 20 minutes 46 seconds
Steve Jobs building NeXT
YT 8 minutes 3 seconds
John Sculley On How Steve Jobs Got Fired From Apple | Forbes
YT 59 minutes 13 seconds
BBC Documentary: Steve Jobs - Billion Dollar Hippy
YT 4 minutes 34 seconds
Apple's decline: What would Steve Jobs do?
YT 7 minutes 30 seconds
Jonathan Ive - Tribute to Steve Jobs
YT 1 second

[Deleted video]
YT 4 minutes 8 seconds
Steve Jobs y Autobiografía de un yogui
YT 56 minutes 25 seconds
(HD) Steve Jobs One Last Thing with subtitles
YT 15 minutes 55 seconds
Joni Mälkki
Steve Jobs in Sweden, 1985 [HQ]
YT 26 minutes 21 seconds
Curtiu Isto
Steve Jobs Speech (1995) - The Future of Animation
YT 42 minutes 34 seconds
Awais Akhtar
iGenius How Steve Jobs Changed The World
YT 1 hour 23 minutes 2 seconds
Arjun Agarwal
The Steve Jobs 95 Interview unabridged
YT 7 minutes
Rene Brokop
Best marketing strategy ever! Steve Jobs Think different / Crazy ones speech (with real subtitles)
YT 1 minute
Mac History
1984 Apple's Macintosh Commercial (HD)
YT 1 minute 2 seconds
Jose Checo
Anuncio The Crazy Ones con Steve Jobs subtitulado
YT 3 minutes 54 seconds
Evan Carmichael
Steve Jobs Interview: Managers, Marketing, and Continuous Process Improvement!
YT 39 minutes 38 seconds
Evan Carmichael
Steve Jobs Speeches on Motivation, Management, Inspiration, Wisdom & Staying Hungry & Foolish!
YT 19 minutes 19 seconds
American Society for Quality, Quality Management Division
Steve Jobs on Joseph Juran and Quality
YT 2 minutes 47 seconds
Steve Jobs (4/10) Movie CLIP - Here's What I'm Going to Do (2015) HD
YT 5 minutes 48 seconds
Larry Stranger
Steve Jobs (2015) Bicycle for the Mind Scene
YT 20 minutes 46 seconds
Steve Jobs On How to Start a Company — What Made Apple Successful
YT 7 minutes 39 seconds
Motivation Vault
Steve Jobs Speech - Best Motivational Video
YT 1 minute 18 seconds
Bicycle of the mind
YT 6 minutes 59 seconds
Evan Carmichael
Mentorship Ideas - Who are my greatest mentors? - Steve Jobs, A.P. Giannini Success Stories
YT 2 minutes 29 seconds
CNN Business
Steve Jobs gave Marc Benioff this advice, changed his life
YT 7 minutes 35 seconds
St George International School of English
Steve Jobs Presentation Skills
YT 3 minutes 21 seconds
Vanity Fair
Apple's Jony Ive on the Lessons He Learned From Steve Jobs | Vanity Fair
YT 4 minutes 36 seconds
Why I Dropped Out of College | Steve Jobs
YT 2 minutes 26 seconds
Steve Jobs talks about managing people
YT 2 minutes 10 seconds
Steve Jobs: We don't ship junk, HD version
YT 21 minutes 3 seconds
Manufacturing Intellect
Steve Jobs and John Lasseter interview on Pixar (1996)
YT 1 hour 12 minutes 54 seconds
MIT Video Productions
Steve Jobs President & CEO, NeXT Computer Corp and Apple. MIT Sloan Distinguished Speaker Series
YT 1 hour 29 minutes 36 seconds
Steve Jobs and Bill Gates Together in 2007 at D5