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Invidious (YT)

Invidious > Channel > Higher Sofia

Higher Sofia 4450 subscribers    RSS
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YT 9 minutes 57 seconds
Academy of Ideas
Carl Jung and the Psychology of the Man-Child
YT 11 minutes 3 seconds
Academy of Ideas
How to Integrate Your Shadow - The Dark Side is Unrealized Potential
YT 8 minutes 13 seconds
Rebel Wisdom
How to integrate your shadow - Jordan Peterson
YT 10 minutes 31 seconds
Academy of Ideas
How to Stop Being a Coward
YT 3 minutes 14 seconds
See U in History / Mythology
Zeus and Ganymede: The Cup-Bearer of the Gods - Greek Mythology - See U in History
YT 1 hour 7 minutes 53 seconds
This Jungian Life
PUER - PUELLA: Are you trapped by your inner child?
YT 56 minutes 37 seconds
Minnesota Men's Conference
James Hillman Lecture: Fathering the Boy Inside (1988)
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 5 minutes 22 seconds
Individuation Portal
Marie Louise Von Franz - The Different Between Fake And True Jungian Psychology
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 1 hour 29 minutes 32 seconds
Inner Leader
YT 1 hour 2 minutes 54 seconds
Higher Sofia
[JUNGIAN] 'Puer Aeternus' by Marie-Louise von Franz - chap 2 - Audiobook.
YT 6 minutes 54 seconds
Eternal Youth and its Traps [via Robert Bly, James Hollis, Marie Louise von Franz]
YT 59 minutes 27 seconds
Independent Celtic Audiobooks (I.C.A.)
[JUNGIAN] 'Puer Aeternus' by Marie-Louise von Franz - chap 1
YT 6 minutes 26 seconds
Rippley Ripples
Alan Watts on Hermits and Outcasts
YT 9 minutes 51 seconds
sualtam macRoich
MGTOW - How insecure societies behave towards people refuse to play their game
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 8 minutes 11 seconds
Delta del Tempo
Peter Pan & Wendy | Could Wendy be a strong female character?
YT 38 minutes 32 seconds
Hullo! It's Icy Speaking
Peter and Wendy 📚 Peter Pan Part 1 of ? ❄️ Icy Reads 20211027 #peterpan
YT 38 minutes 39 seconds
Stiftelsen Humania
Humania: Patologisering av livet (Tor-Johan Ekeland) (norwegian)
YT 1 hour 49 minutes 57 seconds
C.G. Jung Reading Study Group
Marie Louise von Franz's Puer Aeturnus : Lecture 1 - 03/07/21
YT 3 minutes 1 second
Individuation Portal
Marie-Louise von Franz - Men With A Split Anima Due To A Mother Complex
YT 11 minutes 12 seconds
Academy of Ideas
Why are So Many Men Psychologically Infantile?