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YT 8 minutes 1 second
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩看点】徐怀钰 A-Lin黄丽玲《不要再孤单》排练幕后:两大天后完美和声 用歌声重拾回忆|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 8 minutes 3 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩看点】Amber刘逸云 A-Lin黄丽玲 芝芙Chi Pu《隆里电丝》同台PK!合作舞台观赏性拉满!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 8 minutes 43 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩看点】乘风五公排名揭晓!谢娜队荣获第一 全员晋级!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 6 minutes 25 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【纯享】《隆里电丝》芝芙Chi Pu/刘逸云Amber/黄丽玲A-Lin - 无论solo 还是齐舞都是满满惊喜,三种风格超迷人| Ride The Wind 2023 | MangoTV
YT 4 minutes 28 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【纯享】《不要再孤单》黄丽玲A-Lin/徐怀钰 - 两大Vocal联手用歌声传递力量| Ride The Wind 2023 | MangoTV
YT 2 minutes 29 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩看点】五公训练室大公开!A- Lin黄丽玲 徐怀钰《不要再孤单》无比和谐|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 2 minutes 15 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩看点】《long li》训练室版!Amber刘逸云 芝芙Chi Pu A-Lin黄丽玲魅力十足|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 8 minutes 6 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩看点】A-Lin黄丽玲独创舞蹈记忆法,过于搞怪带坏徐怀钰!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 8 minutes 1 second
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩看点】A-Lin黄丽玲 徐怀钰求教《不要再孤单》原唱徐佳莹,竟然建议她们舞台扮情敌?!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 46 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩抢先看】徐怀钰黄丽玲寻找原唱徐佳莹求支招|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 8 minutes 17 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩看点】宿舍告别party,秋瓷炫再现经典名场面,表白姐姐们“一辈子对你好”!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 9 minutes 59 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩看点】Amber刘逸云 芝芙Chi Pu五公表演同一首歌,终于不再错过|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 11 minutes 27 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩看点】实力歌姬A-Lin黄丽玲 徐怀钰终于合作!超级期待五公《和你好好的》|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 1 minute 4 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩看点】万众期待!黄丽玲A-Lin徐怀钰迎来首次对决|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 2 minutes 30 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩看点】刀马旦组为曾可妮庆生!姐姐们一起为小妮子唱生日歌~|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 4 minutes 11 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【心动直拍】黄丽玲A-Lin《刀马旦》四公舞台 Focus Cam | Ride The Wind 2023 Touching Moments | MangoTV
YT 8 minutes 52 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩抢先看】四公刀马旦舞台上线 戏腔开场搭配京胡和京剧 国风舞台亮眼诠释|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 4 minutes 24 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【纯享】《刀马旦》黄丽玲A-Lin/曾可妮/贾静雯/秋瓷炫/刘雅瑟 - 戏腔开场搭配京胡和京剧,氛围感直接拉满!| Ride The Wind 2023 | MangoTV
YT 43 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩抢先看】周笔畅黄丽玲美依礼芽三位大vocal 梦幻联动《First Love》|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023 | MangoTV
YT 2 minutes 8 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩看点】《刀马旦》幕后直击!贾静雯挑战京剧念白,曾可妮rap唱段展现惊人实力|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 1 hour 1 minute 24 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
《乘风2023》第六号宿舍第6期:曾可妮开启碎嘴模式 黄丽玲吉娜在线“驯服四肢”|Ride The Wind 2023 No.6 Dormitory EP6|MangoTV
YT 3 minutes 55 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【心动直拍】黄丽玲A-Lin《千里万里》三公舞台 Focus Cam | Ride The Wind 2023 Touching Moments | MangoTV
YT 2 minutes 26 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩看点】姐姐们的夜宵局!A-Lin黄丽玲四处夹菜,完全放弃减肥这回事!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 1 hour 6 minutes 28 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【限时转免】《乘风2023》直播训练室第3期:谢娜现场帮曾可妮卸妆 谢欣化身“助教”教学吉娜·爱丽丝 | Ride The Wind 2023 Training Room Live丨MangoTV
YT 2 minutes 3 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【独家片段】人类早期被驯化的珍贵影像!吉娜·爱丽丝、A-Lin黄丽玲笨拙跳起《Super Star》! |《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 2 minutes 31 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩抢先看】游戏王者A-Lin黄丽玲,捏耳朵挑战一次成功!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 4 minutes 4 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【纯享】《千里万里》黄丽玲A-Lin/瞿颖/吴优 - 迪士尼musical即视感 尽情起舞吧oyna oyna | Ride The Wind 2023 | MangoTV
YT 2 minutes 25 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【独家片段】A-Lin黄丽玲坚定转型唱跳歌手!吴优赞美她早已转型成功|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 4 minutes 21 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【独家片段】不愧是“天生歌姬”黄丽玲和朱珠演唱的《我离开我自己》竟然唱哭评委?! |《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 50 minutes 33 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
FULL《乘风2023》EP6-三公抢先看:龚琳娜徐怀钰惊艳练唱 蔡少芬芝芙再创名场面 Ride The Wind 2023丨MangoTV
YT 43 minutes 16 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
ENG SUB《乘风2023》EP5-2 Ella谢娜刘逸云抢人组队 Ride The Wind 2023 EP5-2丨MangoTV
YT 55 minutes 33 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
ENG SUB《乘风2023》EP5-1 三公开启新赛段 Ride The Wind 2023 EP5-1丨MangoTV
YT 2 minutes 29 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【独家片段】沈腾给吉娜起的名字念出来满满东北味!孙悦听完笑得停不下来|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 2 minutes 27 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【独家片段】隐藏游戏高手A-Lin黄丽玲!记忆力敏捷度惊人!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 3 minutes 15 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【独家片段】四秒一吹?”铁肺女王“黄丽玲展示绝活,爆笑全场!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 1 minute 1 second
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩抢先看·三公选曲】刘惜君遭遇选择恐惧Ella谢娜Amber争相邀请!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 4 minutes 37 seconds
A-Lin【乘風2023】二公花絮vlog - #充電吧音樂人 20230518
YT 15 seconds
A-Lin黃麗玲《我離開我自己》- COSMO 二公登場宣傳片【乘風2023】
YT 4 minutes 20 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【心动直拍】黄丽玲A-Lin《我离开我自己》二公舞台 Focus Cam | Ride The Wind 2023 Touching Moments | MangoTV
YT 4 minutes 15 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩瞬间】不愧是“天生歌姬”!A-Lin《有一种悲伤》让评委共情!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 1 minute 23 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【未播片段】朱珠怀念刘逸云直言心疼,谢娜掏出美食诱惑Amber?!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 1 minute
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
《乘风2023》6月2日看点:全新赛段开启!三公抢歌大战一触即发 Ride The Wind 2023 Trailer丨MangoTV
YT 1 hour 22 minutes 23 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
ENG SUB《乘风2023》EP4-3 二公强强对决 谢欣刘逸云摇滚秀炸场 Ride The Wind 2023 EP4-3 | MangoTV
YT 2 minutes 27 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【独家片段】A- Lin黄丽玲挑战布鲁斯版本《我离开我自己》,朱珠化身忠实听众小迷妹!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 10 minutes 11 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【独家片段】王牌唱将沦为“搞笑担当”?A-Lin展示“烂手”笑翻全场。|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 15 minutes 31 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【独家片段】龚琳娜串烧“新歌”泄漏!?A-Lin究竟是“巨肺”女王还是“爆笑”女王?|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 55 minutes 46 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
ENG SUB《乘风2023》EP4-1 二公阵营挑战赛 Ride The Wind 2023 EP4-1 | MangoTV
YT 39 minutes 20 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
ENG SUB《乘风2023》EP4-2 首轮淘汰小考开启 Ride The Wind 2023 EP4-2 | MangoTV
YT 7 minutes 47 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩抢先看】黄丽玲朱珠合作《我离开我自己》太感人!A-Lin排练自己竟被歌曲打动痛哭!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 4 minutes 22 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【纯享】《我离开我自己》A-Lin黄丽玲/朱珠 - 彼此相依,深情对唱,细腻声线与水上弦乐队适配度拉满!| Ride The Wind 2023 | MangoTV
YT 3 minutes 51 seconds
A-Lin【乘風2023】一公花絮&小龍蝦粉絲見面會 vlog - #充電吧音樂人 20230518
YT 41 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩抢先看】抢先听!双vocal黄丽玲朱珠练习室开唱|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 11 minutes 31 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩抢先看·二公选曲】二公作品选择开始,军师谢娜为A-Lin出谋划策,不料全被“截胡”|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 8 minutes 46 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩抢先看·二公选曲】新乘风创始人诞生,刘惜君芝芙A-Lin当选!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 52 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩抢先看】期待双vocal!黄丽玲A-Lin朱珠组队冲击二公|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 2 minutes 28 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【独家片段】吴优因舞台镜头太少面露不满,暖心娜姐及时调整顺序让出C位!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 2 minutes 30 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【独家片段】Ella陈嘉桦传授A-Lin黄丽玲减肥秘籍!照着这个食谱吃,不出三天就会瘦“死”!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 2 minutes 10 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【独家片段】舞蹈黑洞刘雅瑟,怎么会有人把《龙拳》跳出广场舞的感觉啊!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 1 minute 57 seconds
A-Lin【乘風2023】初舞台花絮 vlog - #充電吧音樂人 20230511
YT 36 seconds
A-Lin黃麗玲/謝娜/劉雅瑟/吳優/曾可妮《龍拳》組 - 芭莎一公登場宣傳片【乘風2023】
YT 12 seconds
YT 1 minute 46 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【纯享】黄丽玲 A-Lin 再次用歌声介绍自己,《有一种悲伤》百听不厌! ​| 大美中国,乘风而上!《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023| MangoTV
YT 4 minutes 19 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
《乘风2023》主题曲《风之所向》MV首发!33位成员集结乘风扶摇上 | 乘风2023 Ride the Wind 2023 Main Theme MV | MangoTV
YT 1 second

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