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Invidious (YT)

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YT 8 minutes 7 seconds
Speed Graphic Film and Video
Bridge Construction on the Arthur Kill: the Goethals Bridge and Outerbridge Crossing, 1927-1928
YT 10 minutes 9 seconds
Speed Graphic Film and Video
Groundbreaking for the New West Side Line, December 1929
YT 6 minutes 14 seconds
Speed Graphic Film and Video
Miller Highway Groundbreaking and Construction, 1929-1930
YT 2 minutes 7 seconds
Speed Graphic Film and Video
Work on the Queensboro Bridge, March 1931
YT 2 minutes 51 seconds
Speed Graphic Film and Video
The Queensboro Bridge in 1928-1929
YT 20 minutes 38 seconds
Speed Graphic Film and Video
The Great Gray Bridge: the George Washington Bridge Under Construction, 1929
YT 7 minutes 18 seconds
Speed Graphic Film and Video
Construction Work on the Bear Mountain Bridge, 1924