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Invidious (YT)

Invidious > Channel > Bastián Olea Herrera

Bastián Olea Herrera 179 subscribers    RSS
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YT 59 minutes 26 seconds
Shining Bright: A Recap of R Shiny Insights from posit::conf 2023
YT 45 minutes 24 seconds
Unlocking Performance and Responsiveness: Async Programming in Shiny
YT 14 minutes 24 seconds
useR! Conference
Leveraging R-Ladies Paris Reach for Community Impact - Chaima Boughanmi
YT 1 hour 31 seconds
useR! Conference
Deploy and Monitor ML Pipelines with Open Source and Free Applications - Rami Krispin
YT 52 minutes 29 seconds
useR! Conference
Automating Updates to Shiny Dashboards Deployed on Shinyserver - Clinton David
YT 19 minutes 37 seconds
useR! Conference
Oops All Solvers: Democratizing Access to Water Treatment Models Using R - Sierra Johnson
YT 1 hour 3 minutes 12 seconds
Best practices for coding Shiny apps with Rhino Team
YT 1 hour 28 minutes 26 seconds
Hazla con Datos
¿Qué es la Ciencia de Datos?
YT 12 minutes 55 seconds
useR! Conference
One Container to Rule Them All - Magnus Mengelbier
YT 20 minutes 49 seconds
useR! Conference
Stop Making Spaghetti (Code) - Nicola Rennie
YT 16 minutes 28 seconds
Josiah Parry
S3 Objects and Functions in R
YT 8 minutes 26 seconds
Josiah Parry
Valve: R belongs in production
YT 20 minutes 38 seconds
Bruno Rodrigues
Why use Github Actions (as an R programmer) ?
YT 3 hours 8 minutes 48 seconds
R Consortium
Next Generation Shiny Apps with {bslib}
YT 25 minutes 8 seconds
Posit PBC
Quarto: Elevating R Markdown for Advanced Publishing | Christophe Dervieux
YT 1 hour 17 minutes 58 seconds
Posit PBC
Introducing Positron, a new data science IDE - posit conf 2024
YT 19 minutes 47 seconds
Posit PBC
Shannon Pileggi - Context is King
YT 26 minutes 18 seconds
Posit PBC
Quarto Dashboards 1: Hello, Dashboards! | Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel | Posit
YT 13 minutes 36 seconds
Albert Rapp
Run Many Calculations All at Once With Map Functions | Step-by-Step R Tutorial
YT 20 minutes
Posit PBC
David Keyes - Report Design in R: Small Tweaks that Make a Big Difference
YT 18 minutes 27 seconds
Posit PBC
Quarto Websites 1: Build your homepage | Charlotte Wickham & Emil Hvitfeldt | Posit
YT 2 hours 15 minutes 4 seconds
Milos Makes Maps
3D map with rayshader and ggplot2 in R
YT 1 hour 31 seconds
R-Ladies Rome
R-Ladies Rome (English) - Using GitHub Copilot (and others LLM) with R - Yanina Bellini Saibene