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Invidious > Channel > 乘风2024 Ride the Wind

乘风2024 Ride the Wind 185000 subscribers    RSS
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YT 2 minutes 7 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩看点】俄罗斯姐姐卡捷琳娜手绘套娃送汪小敏 水晶定制3D画图 姐姐有心了!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 2 minutes 7 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩看点】俄罗斯姐姐卡捷琳娜手绘套娃送汪小敏 水晶定制3D画图 姐姐有心了!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 2 minutes 21 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩看点】朱珠分享公益义卖初衷 希望帮助到更多残障儿童|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 2 minutes 19 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩看点】美依礼芽收到超可爱卡通胶片相机 是最最适合二次元的礼物了!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 2 minutes 19 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩看点】美依礼芽收到超可爱卡通胶片相机 是最最适合二次元的礼物了!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 2 minutes 29 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩看点】秋瓷炫经纪人太暖心了吧!一个小小的举动让秋瓷炫于晓光感动不已|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 2 minutes 29 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩看点】秋瓷炫经纪人太暖心了吧!一个小小的举动让秋瓷炫于晓光感动不已|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 2 minutes 23 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩看点】Ella陈嘉桦给赵丽娜量腿长,真实数据惊呆一众姐姐|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 2 minutes 26 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩看点】运动姐姐李彩桦唯独偏爱卢靖姗 特别准备粉嫩少女滑板做礼物|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 2 minutes 10 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩看点】蔡少芬太搞笑了!竟然说自己每天训练完像条“臭咸鱼”?!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 2 minutes 10 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩看点】蔡少芬太搞笑了!竟然说自己每天训练完像条“臭咸鱼”?!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 2 minutes 16 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩看点】曾可妮“癫狂”演绎《I'm Not Yours》!没想到姐姐唱高音这么好听|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 2 minutes 26 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩看点】抱抱芝芙Chi Pu!加训到凌晨才回宿舍,一天才吃两片吐司|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 2 minutes 26 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩看点】抱抱芝芙Chi Pu!加训到凌晨才回宿舍,一天才吃两片吐司|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 2 minutes 25 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩看点】姐姐们的宿舍火锅局,龚琳娜带头举杯为Ella陈嘉桦庆生|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 2 minutes 25 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩看点】姐姐们的宿舍火锅局,龚琳娜带头举杯为Ella陈嘉桦庆生|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 2 minutes 28 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩看点】Ella陈嘉桦动情阐释《我要你好好的》演唱心态,张嘉倪听了眼泛泪光|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 2 minutes 29 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩看点】蔡少芬毒舌吐槽谢娜跳舞像“丫鬟”?亲自演示皇后走路仪态|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 2 minutes 29 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩看点】蔡少芬毒舌吐槽谢娜跳舞像“丫鬟”?亲自演示皇后走路仪态|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 10 minutes 53 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩看点】Ella回忆年少青春事,竟为这个原因与男友分手?谢娜、蔡少芬、朱珠、赵丽娜、张嘉倪、贾静雯、卢靖珊、刘雅瑟初登场|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 9 minutes 52 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩看点】国际姐姐初登场,众人纷纷化身“小迷妹”!刘逸云、芝芙 、许靖韵、黄丽玲、卡捷琳娜-凯丽、美依礼芽、等11位初登场!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 10 minutes 50 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩看点】回家的诱惑答谢宴!“老冤家“再聚首能否互相“谅解”?吴倩、李莎旻、李彩桦、陈冰、秋瓷炫、汪小敏、徐怀钰等11位初登场!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 9 minutes 20 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩看点】乘风2023全员集结!瞿颖孙悦压轴登场!乘风家宴开席!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 10 minutes 37 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩看点】姐姐初演规则公布!刘雅瑟《继续·给十五岁的自己》寻找歌者初心!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 10 minutes 15 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩看点·初舞台】贾静雯《路过人间》挑战自己脱离舒适圈! 芝芙 Chi Pu《红玫瑰》惊艳众人!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 12 minutes 46 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
YT 12 minutes 32 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
YT 16 minutes 26 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩看点·初舞台】朱珠《月半弯》 享受高光过程!秋瓷炫《无法原谅》首秀引大合唱!陈嘉桦 Ella《恋人未满》初舞台掀回忆杀!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 30 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩看点】敢教也敢学!芝芙的普通话老师居然是蔡少芬?|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 58 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩看点】三大喇叭见面了!Ella谢娜蔡少芬超有戏|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 1 minute 16 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩看点】美依礼芽初亮相采访名场面,没人能拒绝甜妹!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 8 minutes 46 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩看点】当徐怀钰再度唱起《分飞》,你的思绪有没有跟着“雨纷飞”一起翻涌?|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 10 minutes 8 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩看点】唱跳Rap四连击!浪姐们的秘密武器库!还有什么惊喜是我们不知道的?|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 1 second

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YT 9 minutes 2 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩看点】休息时间小插曲:一本正经的中文教学课,一个敢教,一个敢学!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 9 minutes 5 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩看点】一身西装男女通杀!卢靖姗《stand by me》中性气质真的无敌了!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 1 second

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YT 1 second

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YT 2 minutes 12 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【未播片段】火锅当选最受欢迎,朱珠汪小敏推荐北京烤鸭螺狮粉收获好评。|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 1 minute 36 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【未播片段】超多行李!姐姐们入住遭遇困境,相互帮助展现“女子力”!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 1 minute 57 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【未播片段】Ella展现大姐气质“收留”赵丽娜,谢欣掉进东北窝与陈冰蔡少芬深夜比脚|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 2 minutes 5 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【未播片段】深夜宿舍party?贾静雯陈意涵“互吐”行李|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 2 minutes 28 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【姐姐训练室】许靖韵,唐伯虎彩排现场直击!唐伯虎戏腔表演太惊艳!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 2 minutes 30 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【姐姐训练室】瞿颖、刘逸云、朱珠彩排公开!瞿颖姐姐大长腿太抢镜!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 1 minute 48 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【姐姐训练室】贾静雯、陈意涵、李彩桦、徐怀钰联袂演绎《路灯下的小姑娘》!经典舞曲回忆杀!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 2 minutes 30 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【姐姐训练室】汪小敏、蔡少芬、卡捷琳娜、赵丽娜联袂演绎《以爱为囚》!中俄双语演唱真的绝了!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 1 second

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YT 2 minutes 30 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【姐姐训练室】刘惜君、卢靖姗中英双语对唱《吻别/Take Me To Your Heart》!深情流露藏都藏不住!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 12 minutes 4 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩抢先看】龚琳娜深夜鼓励美依礼芽做乘风创始人,小美勇敢出发站上《花海》舞台|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 14 minutes 25 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩抢先看】郎朗老婆吉娜转型冷酷唱跳女Rapper,扬言要拿格莱美大奖?|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 12 minutes 37 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩抢先看】贾静雯徐怀钰排练意见不合,对话频现火药味!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 6 minutes 25 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩抢先看】国风和电子的完美融合,唐伯虎Annie与许靖韵合作《佳人》听完让人直呼过瘾!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 10 minutes 31 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩抢先看】“溏心女神”卢靖姗“媚音歌姬”刘惜君共同演绎《吻别》,眼神勾人简直绝了!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 12 minutes 3 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩抢先看】开口惊艳!赵丽娜汪小敏蔡少芬卡捷琳娜联袂演绎中俄双语《以爱为囚》震撼人心!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 2 minutes 41 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
《乘风2023》5月19日看点:双向互选!二公选曲组队超精彩 Ride The Wind 2023 Trailer丨MangoTV
YT 1 minute 34 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【独家片段】泪目!瞿颖、刘雅瑟、李莎旻子三位湘妹子齐唱《想唱就唱》,姐姐们的友情真实而动人!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 2 minutes 10 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【独家片段】舞蹈黑洞刘雅瑟,怎么会有人把《龙拳》跳出广场舞的感觉啊!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 2 minutes 30 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【独家片段】Ella陈嘉桦传授A-Lin黄丽玲减肥秘籍!照着这个食谱吃,不出三天就会瘦“死”!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 2 minutes 28 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【独家片段】吴优因舞台镜头太少面露不满,暖心娜姐及时调整顺序让出C位!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 2 minutes 3 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【独家片段】瞿颖二十多年来没戏拍,原因竟是当年被剧组如此对待、身心崩溃?|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 1 minute 43 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【独家片段】《笔记》前奏一起,李莎旻子大声表白周笔畅:她是我最最喜欢的人!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 1 minute 29 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【独家片段】刘雅瑟公开女一号试镜“技巧”,李莎旻子瞿颖大呼羡慕嫉妒!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 2 minutes 6 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【独家片段】太好笑了!瞿颖听到熟悉的旋律但就是想不起来|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 1 minute 38 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【独家片段】刘雅瑟不愧是周杰伦头号歌迷!全文背诵《听妈妈的话》整首歌词|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 2 minutes 30 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【独家片段】超多暖心好物!快来看看最懂女人心的晓明哥给姐姐们准备了怎样的大礼包吧!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 1 minute 12 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩抢先看】陈意涵许靖韵双双待定,仅一人能晋级二公|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 52 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩抢先看】期待双vocal!黄丽玲A-Lin朱珠组队冲击二公|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 1 second

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YT 1 minute 21 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩抢先看】元气满分!美依礼芽准备中文稿感谢队友|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 59 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩抢先看】一公个人喜爱度排名公布,Amber获得首轮第一|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 9 minutes 34 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩抢先看·二公选曲】乘风第一次公演成绩公布!刘逸云Amber得票第一!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 8 minutes 46 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩抢先看·二公选曲】新乘风创始人诞生,刘惜君芝芙A-Lin当选!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 11 minutes 31 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩抢先看·二公选曲】二公作品选择开始,军师谢娜为A-Lin出谋划策,不料全被“截胡”|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 14 minutes 12 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩抢先看·二公选曲】美依礼芽 赵丽娜上演“最萌身高差”,小美90度仰视太可爱了|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 9 minutes 29 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩抢先看·二公选曲】两票全投不料未被选上,刘雅瑟遗憾错过|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 8 minutes 22 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【独家片段】“乘风运动会”召开!姐姐们趣味队名大放狠话萌翻了!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 6 minutes 58 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【独家片段】“乘风运动会”首个项目“爱的抱抱”!孙悦霸气拿下最高分彰显“成年人”本色!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 6 minutes 1 second
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【独家片段】“趣味羽毛球”!贾静雯发球困难户搭档秋瓷炫无限扑空,成功送躺赢!|“乘风运动会”|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 3 minutes 38 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【独家片段】“趣味羽毛球”!美依礼芽漏勺当球拍搭档李彩桦锅铲球拍“厨房组合”|“乘风运动会” 《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023 | MangoTV
YT 3 minutes 10 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【独家片段】“趣味羽毛球”!“铁扇公主”朱珠搭档吴忧迎战“网球天后”瞿颖“+老将”孙悦组合|“乘风运动会”|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 3 minutes 35 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【独家片段】“趣味羽毛球”!“网球天后”瞿颖+“老将”孙悦组合vs职业选手赵丽娜搭档张嘉倪!谁能获得最后胜利?|“乘风运动会”|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 17 minutes 41 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【独家片段】超有趣“泡泡足球赛”!姐姐们“全副武装”踢足球,比赛焦灼拖入点球大战,赵丽娜能否守住“第一门将”称号?|“乘风运动会”|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 53 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩抢先看】名场面又增加了!蔡少芬美依礼芽一起学普通话|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 54 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩抢先看】这一段帅炸了!Amber谢欣挑战高难度舞蹈|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 1 minute 4 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩抢先看】加练力争晋级!陈意涵许靖韵舞蹈小考|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 41 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩抢先看】抢先听!双vocal黄丽玲朱珠练习室开唱|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 1 minute 3 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩抢先看】Ella声乐课鼓励式教学,贾静雯秋瓷炫要挑战vocal|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 17 minutes 14 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩抢先看】陈意涵 许靖韵危险队员小考倒计时,究竟谁能登上下一场公演舞台?|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 12 minutes 52 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩抢先看】蔡少芬 美依礼芽 学普通话 叉烧芬!小美!求求你们高抬贵手,别念啦!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 13 minutes 6 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩抢先看】陈意涵 许靖韵双生小考努力创造奇迹|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 11 minutes 23 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩抢先看】许靖韵 最佳舞台为何惨遭淘汰?Ella陈嘉桦听到后推开门跑出去了!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 2 minutes 9 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【未播片段】汪小敏猫奴属性暴露,小猫掉毛被她这么一解释竟然变成暖心优点!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 2 minutes 27 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【未播片段】汪小敏插花小课堂开课啦!陈意涵谢欣变好奇宝宝乖乖听讲|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 2 minutes 14 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【未播片段】汪小敏坦言自己之前不自信,是瞿颖的舞台让她找回真实的内心!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 2 minutes 12 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【未播片段】陈意涵谈起退休隐居生活眉飞色舞,平时只要种地做饭就超开心|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 2 minutes 10 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【未播片段】陈意涵给小孩起名也太随意了吧!怎么会有人叫自己小孩“当然同意”?!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 1 minute 41 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【未播片段】每天早上坚持长跑八公里,陈意涵也太厉害了吧!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 2 minutes 29 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【独家片段】卢靖姗十分羡慕陈意涵的生活方式,自律让人敢于尝试、不怕挑战!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 2 minutes 23 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【独家片段】Ella陈嘉桦妈妈范儿十足,监督贾静雯不吃夜宵、早睡早起不许熬夜|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 3 minutes
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【独家片段】深夜夜宵局!吉娜·爱丽丝饭量震惊朱珠,曾可妮直接发问吉娜一顿要吃几碗饭?!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 13 minutes 48 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩抢先看】巨大的床!究竟是前进的助力还是阻碍?刘惜君美依礼芽李莎旻子李彩桦蔡少芬携手演绎《带我去找夜生活》!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 7 minutes 47 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩抢先看】黄丽玲朱珠合作《我离开我自己》太感人!A-Lin排练自己竟被歌曲打动痛哭!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 12 minutes 35 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩抢先看】《一起吃苦的幸福》舞蹈老师被现场“催婚”?吴倩竟说与大家在一起是“吃苦”?!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 10 minutes 7 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩抢先看】乘风四“杀”杀翻全场?!谢娜吴优曾可妮吉娜共同演出《面纱》极致的视听盛宴!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 1 minute
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
《乘风2023》6月2日看点:全新赛段开启!三公抢歌大战一触即发 Ride The Wind 2023 Trailer丨MangoTV
YT 2 minutes 29 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【独家片段】卢靖姗十分羡慕陈意涵的生活方式,自律让人敢于尝试、不怕挑战!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 2 minutes 23 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【独家片段】Ella陈嘉桦妈妈范儿十足,监督贾静雯不吃夜宵、早睡早起不许熬夜|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 3 minutes
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【独家片段】深夜夜宵局!吉娜·爱丽丝饭量震惊朱珠,曾可妮直接发问吉娜一顿要吃几碗饭?!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 13 minutes 48 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩抢先看】巨大的床!究竟是前进的助力还是阻碍?刘惜君美依礼芽李莎旻子李彩桦蔡少芬携手演绎《带我去找夜生活》!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 7 minutes 47 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩抢先看】黄丽玲朱珠合作《我离开我自己》太感人!A-Lin排练自己竟被歌曲打动痛哭!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 12 minutes 35 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩抢先看】《一起吃苦的幸福》舞蹈老师被现场“催婚”?吴倩竟说与大家在一起是“吃苦”?!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 10 minutes 7 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩抢先看】乘风四“杀”杀翻全场?!谢娜吴优曾可妮吉娜共同演出《面纱》极致的视听盛宴!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 1 minute
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
《乘风2023》6月2日看点:全新赛段开启!三公抢歌大战一触即发 Ride The Wind 2023 Trailer丨MangoTV
YT 15 minutes 31 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【独家片段】龚琳娜串烧“新歌”泄漏!?A-Lin究竟是“巨肺”女王还是“爆笑”女王?|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 15 minutes 53 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【独家片段】绕口令变Rap现场?“四大模特”上线!瞿颖谢娜Amber刘雅瑟蔡少芬竟在节目现场示范走台?|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 10 minutes 11 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【独家片段】王牌唱将沦为“搞笑担当”?A-Lin展示“烂手”笑翻全场。|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 2 minutes 27 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【独家片段】A- Lin黄丽玲挑战布鲁斯版本《我离开我自己》,朱珠化身忠实听众小迷妹!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 2 minutes 25 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【独家片段】告五人新歌难倒蔡少芬!坦言自己五音不全,学习全靠死记硬背|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 2 minutes 31 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【独家片段】卢靖姗汪小敏天生属于舞台!唱跳起来整个人都在发光,魅力四射!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 9 minutes 35 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩抢先看】张嘉倪首当队长霸气十足!明白实力差距,主动求助其他Ella陈嘉桦做场外导师!赵丽娜徐怀钰感动不已!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 4 minutes 26 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩瞬间】瞿颖孙悦成立“瞿悦自己103”组合,百岁姐妹花抢炸鸡吃火锅不要太好笑!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 9 minutes 54 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩抢先看】Amber刘逸云、谢欣厕所社交超可爱!表面冷酷的姐姐内心里竟然如此小女生!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 8 minutes 18 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩抢先看】有心了!刘逸云Amber谢欣带来全场演出大串烧,这就是实力大魔王吧!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 2 minutes 30 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【未播片段】朱珠竟然暴露Amber“弱点”?谢娜模仿刘逸云Amber太过神似!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 1 minute 23 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【未播片段】朱珠怀念刘逸云直言心疼,谢娜掏出美食诱惑Amber?!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 2 minutes 19 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【未播片段】曾可妮超难脑筋急转弯!知道答案后陈意涵直呼:太冷了!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 2 minutes 8 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【未播片段】手忙脚乱!刘惜君庆生小分队出现“重大危机”?!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 2 minutes 35 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【未播片段】生日快乐!刘惜君!众人齐唱生日快乐,谁知竟然调起高了?!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 5 minutes 17 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩瞬间】刘雅瑟:支持与非议都已远去这首歌送《给十五岁的自己》|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 3 minutes 51 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩瞬间】芝芙!自信美艳的玫瑰女王!《红玫瑰》惊艳四座!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 3 minutes 33 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩瞬间】即使困难也要成为孩子的榜样,贾静雯《路过人间》也要努力绽放!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 3 minutes 5 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩瞬间】唱跳全能刘逸云《不再唱悲伤的歌》嗨翻全场!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 4 minutes 1 second
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩瞬间】钢琴公主却渴望rap?吉娜·爱丽丝《高光时刻》说唱和钢琴的结合!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 3 minutes 43 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩瞬间】真正的渴望舞台!曾可妮《4U》展现高难度舞蹈!技惊四座!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 3 minutes 2 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩瞬间】满满的高级感,刘惜君《一生所爱》不断探索与开拓新风格!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 5 minutes 11 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩瞬间】泪目!Ella登场!一首《恋人未满》回到多少人的青春|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 4 minutes 39 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩瞬间】直通天灵盖!龚琳娜改编《爱如火》戏腔与现代的完美融合!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 4 minutes 1 second
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩瞬间】二次元的乱入?!美依礼芽诚意满满,带来中文版《极乐净土》!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 4 minutes 15 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩瞬间】不愧是“天生歌姬”!A-Lin《有一种悲伤》让评委共情!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 4 minutes 45 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩瞬间】秘密武器!谢娜《菠萝菠萝蜜》极致的舞台设计!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 3 minutes 49 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩瞬间】献给父亲的作品,卢靖姗《Stand by me》只要你站在我身边一切都可以|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 4 minutes 22 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩瞬间】孙悦《大家一起来》太过欢乐!唱完直呼不过瘾!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 4 minutes 10 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩瞬间】反差萌?!蔡少芬《惜花》完美演绎古装美人!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 5 minutes 7 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩瞬间】舞者谢欣,完美的舞台表演让人忘记呼吸!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 4 minutes 31 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩瞬间】熟悉的旋律响起!秋瓷炫带着《无法原谅》来了!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 4 minutes 45 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【独家片段】谢欣竟然开局被淘汰?!吉娜被众人”无情“抛弃!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 4 minutes 37 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【独家片段】贾静雯施展”羽毛球“消失术,惊呆对手!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 3 minutes 43 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【独家片段】众人嫌弃的扇子成为”秘密武器“?竟让对手无法招架!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 3 minutes 12 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【独家片段】人拍合一?!孙悦化身“球拍人”击败“飞天小女警”!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 3 minutes 40 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【独家片段】”大魔王“赵丽娜登场!孙悦瞿颖联手险胜!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 5 minutes 17 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【独家片段】许靖韵率先破门!曾可妮一脸惊讶,无奈退场|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 3 minutes 48 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【独家片段】赵丽娜霸气登场点球却被Amber巧妙化解|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 3 minutes 35 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【独家片段】姐姐名场面:龚琳娜展示新歌串烧!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 3 minutes 15 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【独家片段】四秒一吹?”铁肺女王“黄丽玲展示绝活,爆笑全场!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 3 minutes 13 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【独家片段】姐姐名场面:谢欣展示惊人柔韧度!完美达成人体时钟!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 4 minutes 10 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【独家片段】吃火锅也会被喂“狗粮”,吉娜竟还有这样的副业?!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 5 minutes 30 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【独家片段】乘风睡衣聚会!Ella化身众人“妈妈”催促睡觉|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 3 minutes 59 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【独家片段】小妹的新礼物让蔡少芬太过开心!激动得向美依礼芽要签名|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 3 minutes 42 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【独家片段】蔡少芬大清早练歌“吵醒”室友?结果大家一起内卷!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 4 minutes 25 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【独家片段】太可爱!小美赵丽娜展现最萌身高差|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 2 minutes 14 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【独家片段】龚琳娜的小名好特别!一个名字竟然能唱出一首歌来,不愧是音乐世家!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 1 minute 24 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【独家片段】刘惜君的粤语小名也太拗口了吧!张嘉倪大呼太难了根本不会念|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 2 minutes 29 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【独家片段】沈腾给吉娜起的名字念出来满满东北味!孙悦听完笑得停不下来|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 2 minutes 27 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【独家片段】隐藏游戏高手A-Lin黄丽玲!记忆力敏捷度惊人!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 2 minutes 3 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【独家片段】朱珠从小就是老北京时尚ICON!吴优坦言小时候只能穿别人的旧衣服…… |《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 2 minutes 23 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【独家片段】芝芙一眼认出吉娜!卢靖姗从小就是假小子,十分抗拒公主裙|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 2 minutes 17 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【独家片段】是谁的照片让全场姐姐高高举手?!芝芙的魅力让人难以抗拒! |《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 1 minute 1 second
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩抢先看·三公选曲】刘惜君遭遇选择恐惧Ella谢娜Amber争相邀请!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 1 minute 11 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩抢先看·三公选曲】小美遇上难题!美依礼芽被五花八门的想法绕晕|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 57 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩抢先看·三公选曲】徐怀钰主动出击选歌 Ella为大家加油打气|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 51 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩抢先看·三公选曲】遗憾淘汰!李彩桦赵丽娜汪小敏止步二公|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 1 minute 2 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩抢先看·三公选曲】Amber芝芙抢歌大战开启!原来选歌是一项拼手速的事情!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 11 minutes 33 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩抢先看】二公排名大揭晓!张嘉倪、徐怀钰、赵丽娜面临全员淘汰风险|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 9 minutes 28 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩抢先看】陈意涵公演现场情绪突然崩溃!大哭自己“害惨”了队友|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 11 minutes 34 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩抢先看】抢人大战再次上演!Amber刘逸云超级“贪心”,谢欣卢靖姗她统统都要!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 11 minutes 51 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩抢先看】三公表演主题及选曲公开!谢娜果断选定中国风唱跳舞台!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 9 minutes 21 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩抢先看】姐姐们纷纷化身尖叫“土拨鼠”!究竟发生了什么让大家如此激动?|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 2 minutes 18 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【独家片段】刘雅瑟吐槽曾可妮吴优心机重?原因竟是她们俩都用了这样东西! |《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 1 minute 59 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【独家片段】大型凡尔赛现场,吴优一不小心就考了北京电影学院第一名! |《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 2 minutes 23 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【独家片段】曾可妮谈起过往经历自信爆棚,坦言自己一路走来全靠实力! |《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 2 minutes 7 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【独家片段】麦霸曾可妮上线!听词猜歌名小大人,隔空表白Ella陈嘉桦!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 2 minutes 27 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【独家片段】曾可妮公开感情史!这位前任竟让她觉得不值一提?甚至老死不相往来!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 5 minutes 1 second
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【独家片段】刘惜君生日!“嚯声”?“咸粉”?蔡少芬庆生的秘密武器?|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 3 minutes 52 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【独家片段】谢娜利用鸭舌“勾引”Amber,不料Amber秒学《面纱》机密舞蹈! |《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 4 minutes 36 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【独家片段】卢靖姗孙悦汪小敏瞿颖陈意涵带来《LEVITATING》点燃全场!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 4 minutes 54 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【独家片段】《开往早晨的午夜》张嘉倪赵丽娜徐怀钰追逐青春的美好! |《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 4 minutes 38 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【独家片段】独特的舞台设计!刘惜君蔡少芬李彩桦美依礼芽李莎旻子联袂出演《带我去找夜生活》|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 4 minutes 21 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【独家片段】不愧是“天生歌姬”黄丽玲和朱珠演唱的《我离开我自己》竟然唱哭评委?! |《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 3 minutes 58 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【独家片段】Ella秋瓷炫贾静雯吴倩演唱《一起吃苦的幸福》吃苦的幸福回味都是甘甜!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 4 minutes 10 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【独家片段】太炸裂!谢娜曾可妮吴优吉娜演绎的《面纱》惊呆评委!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 53 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩抢先看】蔡少芬教普通话,芝芙一句“叉烧芬”把人笑哭 |《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 1 minute 4 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩抢先看】刘惜君美依礼芽配合超绝,黄丽玲听了直夸好|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 48 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩抢先看】全员气氛组!谢娜蔡少芬训练室爆笑复盘 |《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 1 minute 8 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩抢先看】吴倩想女儿了!和芝芙一起围观人类幼崽吃饭|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 1 minute 10 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩抢先看】龚琳娜连线玲花,徐怀钰喜提大师课|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 2 minutes 30 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩抢先看】美依礼芽自称小吃货,刘惜君笑她本质是干饭人! |《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 57 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩抢先看】蔡少芬蹩脚中文小课堂开课啦!芝芙全程夸赞“你好美“!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 2 minutes 7 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩抢先看】谢娜组三公训练后台大公开!谢娜故意挡朱珠镜头?朱珠嘲笑谢娜用力过猛!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 2 minutes 21 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩抢先看】蔡少芬歌曲理解力满分!谢娜组默契十足,齐舞练习一遍过!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 2 minutes 21 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩抢先看】龚琳娜远程求助凤凰传奇玲花教小钰徐怀钰唱戏腔!老龚好暖!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 2 minutes 31 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩抢先看】芝芙遭遇训练滑铁卢!中文歌词太快太难,芝芙表示非常焦虑……|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 2 minutes 27 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【精彩抢先看】谢欣真情演绎《苏州河》念白,朱珠听了感动到快要落泪 |《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 2 minutes 30 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【独家片段】黄晓明探班小美美依礼芽送上喜讯战报!热度第一的小美战报足足绕舞台一周! |《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 2 minutes 25 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【独家片段】蔡少芬爆笑模仿刘雅瑟!自恋神态如出一辙 |《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV
YT 2 minutes 20 seconds
乘风2024 Ride the Wind
【独家片段】蔡少芬教芝芙烫嘴普通话,一个敢教一个敢学!|《乘风2023》Ride The Wind 2023|MangoTV