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Invidious > Channel > The One Club for Creativity

The One Club for Creativity 207000 subscribers    RSS
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YT 3 minutes 14 seconds
The One Club for Creativity
YT 42 minutes 1 second
The One Club for Creativity
Ezhishin—Education Panel: Sadie Red Wing, Dr. Jessica Moore Harjo, and Kathleen Sleboda
YT 26 minutes 17 seconds
The One Club for Creativity
Ezhishin—Design & Visual Impact of Osage Orthography & Utilization of Stencils in Classrooms
YT 24 minutes 44 seconds
The One Club for Creativity
Ezhishin—From Logos to Layouts moderated by Kevin Coochwytewa
YT 38 minutes 33 seconds
The One Club for Creativity
Ezhishin—By the Sun and the Moon— Shaping a Sovereign Syllabary for the Lakota Iyapi.
YT 40 minutes 8 seconds
The One Club for Creativity
Ezhishin—Type Design Panel: Mark Jamra, Neil Patel, John Hudson, Kevin King.
YT 15 minutes 45 seconds
The One Club for Creativity
Ezhishin—The Web of Text moderated by John Hudson
YT 17 minutes 32 seconds
The One Club for Creativity
Ezhishin—Divergence / Convergence of 3D Type in Indigenous Design moderated by Brian Skeet
YT 14 minutes 57 seconds
The One Club for Creativity
Ezhishin—Kamama: From Butterflies to Elephants, 8-bit to Baskets moderated by Monique Ortman
YT 20 minutes 39 seconds
The One Club for Creativity
Ezhishin—Drawing the Cherokee Syllabary and Type Design as Cultural Connection
YT 3 minutes 33 seconds
The One Club for Creativity
Ezhishin— Next Day Introduction
YT 44 minutes 9 seconds
The One Club for Creativity
Ezhishin—Typography Panel: Sébastien Aubin, Kevin Coochwytewa, Victor Pascual, Kaylene Big Knife.
YT 18 minutes 47 seconds
The One Club for Creativity
Ezhishin—Reinventing the Indigenous Graphic Design Canon: No Printing Press Needed
YT 15 minutes 5 seconds
The One Club for Creativity
Ezhishin—Reconnecting Through Design moderated by Sebastian Ebarb
YT 32 minutes 28 seconds
The One Club for Creativity
Ezhishin—From Talking Leaves to Pixels moderated by Roy Boney Jr. & Jeff Edwards
YT 1 hour 2 minutes 47 seconds
The One Club for Creativity
Ezhishin—Archives Panel: Menaja Ganesh, Brockett Horne, Jim Gerencser
YT 17 minutes 18 seconds
The One Club for Creativity
Ezhishin—Visual Language and Echoing Environments moderated by Noah Lee
YT 21 minutes 40 seconds
The One Club for Creativity
Ezhishin—Indigenous Design Knowledge: The Worldviews that Shape our Work
YT 21 minutes 55 seconds
The One Club for Creativity
Ezhishin—Being Seen: Typography as a Tool for Visibility moderated by Christopher & Kathleen Sleboda
YT 30 minutes 20 seconds
The One Club for Creativity
Ezhishin—Type Design and Indigenous Language Revitalization moderated by Kevin King
YT 30 minutes 20 seconds
The One Club for Creativity
Ezhishin—Type Design and Indigenous Language Revitalization moderated by Kevin King
YT 24 minutes 43 seconds
The One Club for Creativity
Ezhishin—Mâmawô All Together moderated by Sébastien Aubin