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Invidious (YT)

Invidious > Channel > Barre Center for Buddhist Studies

Barre Center for Buddhist Studies 2750 subscribers    RSS
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YT 42 minutes 9 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
You are not alone, you have a practice, with Bill and Susan Morgan
YT 37 minutes 45 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
JANUARY 22: growing arms that can calm & soothe
YT 36 minutes 32 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
JANUARY 20: Calm in the midst of Things
YT 38 minutes 55 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
JANUARY 15: Ground, Breathe, Calm, Settle, Soothe
YT 32 minutes 54 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
JANUARY 13: Using Creative Imagery to Arouse Calm
YT 37 minutes 27 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
JANUARY 8: The Art of Calming Down
YT 38 minutes 11 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
JANUARY 6: Introducing the Awakening Factor of Calm
YT 39 minutes 50 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
JANUARY 1: Gratitude and Joy
YT 38 minutes 16 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
DECEMBER 30: Practicing Joy
YT 38 minutes 49 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
DECEMBER 25: The Joy of Receiving
YT 38 minutes 7 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
DECEMBER 23: Resistance to Joy
YT 38 minutes 20 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
DECEMBER 18: Two Kinds of Joy–Savor the flavor
YT 37 minutes 2 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
DECEMBER 16: Evoking Joy
YT 38 minutes 57 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
DECEMBER 11: Joy Is Available To Us. Trust This
YT 38 minutes 45 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
DECEMBER 9: Pita: The joy that comes from our meditation practice
YT 36 minutes 6 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
DECEMBER 4: Moments of Joy: on and off the cushion
YT 38 minutes 33 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
DECEMBER 2: Introducing Pitta, the 4th awakening factor
YT 38 minutes 49 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
NOVEMBER 27: Two considerations for working with ENERGY
YT 38 minutes 17 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
NOVEMBER 25: The Challenge of not Inviting the Unwholesome Around
YT 35 minutes 26 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
NOVEMBER 20: Mindful Energy Check-ins
YT 36 minutes 58 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
NOVEMBER 18: Kindness in Effort
YT 39 minutes 21 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
NOVEMBER 13: Sangha Energy!
YT 36 minutes 54 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
NOVEMBER 11: The Significance of Balanced Energy
YT 37 minutes 53 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
NOVEMBER 6: The Energy of the Wolf
YT 37 minutes 17 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
NOVEMBER 4: Introducing Virya, Energy, The 3rd Factor of Awakening
YT 35 minutes 42 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
OCTOBER 30: Mindful Investigation
YT 37 minutes 55 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
OCTOBER 28: Investigating Process not Content
YT 39 minutes 4 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
OCTOBER 23: Investigation and Beginner’s Mind
YT 38 minutes 21 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
OCTOBER 21: Investigation of the Heart
YT 39 minutes 17 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
OCTOBER 16: Investigation: Come and see for yourself
YT 38 minutes 2 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
OCTOBER 14: See the details of our experience
YT 37 minutes 57 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
OCTOBER 9: Mindful Investigation
YT 38 minutes 24 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
OCTOBER 7: Introducing Investigation: Dharma Pacaya
YT 38 minutes 3 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
OCTOBER 2: Sustaining mindfulness
YT 38 minutes 23 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
SEPTEMBER 30: Live more: Slow down
YT 38 minutes 44 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
SEPTEMBER 25: The Moves that bring about Wise Attention
YT 38 minutes 15 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
SEPTEMBER 23: Wise Attention
YT 37 minutes 54 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
SEPTEMBER 18: Mindfulness as a Quality of Attention
YT 37 minutes 29 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
SEPTEMBER 16: Mindfulness: The Buddha’s Contribution to the Contemplative World
YT 39 minutes 3 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
SEPTEMBER 11: How do we love everything into the fold of mindfulness?
YT 38 minutes 37 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
SEPTEMBER 9: Mindfulness: The first factor of awakening
YT 38 minutes 47 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
SEPTEMBER 4: The Seven Factors of Awakening
YT 38 minutes 6 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
SEPTEMBER 2: Introducing the Seven Factors of Awakening
YT 38 minutes 34 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
AUGUST 28: Patience in our practice
YT 38 minutes 18 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
AUGUST 21: The Feeling of Being Held
YT 38 minutes 49 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
AUGUST 19: Holding Environment: Strength and Tenderness
YT 39 minutes 3 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
AUGUST 14: Mindful Awareness
YT 37 minutes 47 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
AUGUST 12: Holding uncertainty and vulnerability
YT 39 minutes 4 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
AUGUST 7: The Physical Holding Environment
YT 38 minutes 9 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
AUGUST 5: The Significance of the Holding Environment
YT 38 minutes 41 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
JULY 31: Guidelines for Living Well
YT 38 minutes 2 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
JULY 29: The 5th Precept and Managing Consumption
YT 38 minutes 16 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
JULY 24: Further Emphasis on Managing the Inner Critic
YT 38 minutes 14 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
JULY 22: The 4th Precept & The Inner Critic
YT 38 minutes 15 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
JULY 17: Body as Temple Revisited
YT 38 minutes 3 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
JULY 15: The 3rd Precept - Body as Temple
YT 37 minutes 25 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
JULY 10: The Second Precept: Resting in Contentment as well as Honoring our Non-Content
YT 37 minutes 56 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
JULY 8: Cultivating generosity
YT 39 minutes 12 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
JULY 3: Listening to the heart
YT 39 minutes 30 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
JULY 1: Review of the 1st Precept and Hiri Ottappa
YT 38 minutes 57 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
JUNE 26: unmindful consumption of smartphones
YT 37 minutes 34 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
JUNE 24: Exploring Want vs. Need in Food Consumption
YT 39 minutes 1 second
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
JUNE 19: Here it is! Wanting Mind!
YT 39 minutes 17 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
JUNE 17: Too Much of a Good Thing
YT 37 minutes 33 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
JUNE 14: Putting it all together
YT 37 minutes 51 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
JUNE 13: When the unwholesome is not around, don't invite it
YT 39 minutes 11 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
JUNE 12: When the unwholesome is around, find a way to release it
YT 38 minutes 34 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
JUNE 11: When the Wholesome is Around Keep it Around
YT 38 minutes 41 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
JUNE 10: The Resource of Energy
YT 37 minutes 21 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
JUNE 5: We Are What We Eat
YT 38 minutes 53 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
JUNE 3: Unmindful Consumption
YT 39 minutes 21 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
MAY 29: Fourth Precept
YT 39 minutes 15 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
MAY 27: Two acronyms to guide skillful speech: W.A.I.T. & T.H.I.N.K.
YT 38 minutes 53 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
MAY 22: Letting go of expressing our opinions onto others
YT 38 minutes 55 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
MAY 20: Right Listening
YT 38 minutes 56 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
MAY 15: The Power of Words
YT 36 minutes 58 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
MAY 13: Cultivating Loving Speech
YT 38 minutes 29 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
May 8: The Fourth Precept: Benefits of Positive Speech
YT 39 minutes 57 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
MAY 6: Introducing the Precept of Skillful Speaking and Listening
YT 38 minutes 35 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
MAY 1 - Toward Mindfulness And Compassion
YT 39 minutes 24 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
APRIL 29: Growing Respect And Care For The Body
YT 38 minutes 44 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
APRIL 24: The Healing of a Gentle Meal
YT 39 minutes 5 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
APRIL 22: How Do We Cultivate Loving Relationships as Part of the Third Precept
YT 38 minutes 38 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
APRIL 17: Cultivating a mindful relationship with sensual desire
YT 38 minutes 25 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
APRIL 15: How Do We Hold and Care for Ourselves and Others within the Third Precept
YT 39 minutes 17 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
APRIL 10: The Third Precept and Caring for This Body
YT 40 minutes 20 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
April 8: The Third Precepts And How To Respect Our Own Bodies
YT 38 minutes 33 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
APRIL 3: The Third Precepts and How to Respect Other Beings
YT 38 minutes 54 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
APRIL 1: Introducing the Third Precept of Not Misusing or Disrespecting Living Bodies
YT 38 minutes 58 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
March 27: How the wanting mind is a constant companion in disrupting our contentment
YT 37 minutes 31 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
MARCH 25: How it feels when we take what is not given, and when we open to receive what is offered
YT 38 minutes 54 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
MARCH 20: Take all that you need but don’t steal
YT 38 minutes 37 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
MARCH 18: Working with the Energy of Mine
YT 38 minutes 34 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
MARCH 13: The Second Precept: When Is Enough Enough
YT 37 minutes 45 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
MARCH 11: Using only what we need. A take on the second precept.
YT 35 minutes 8 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
MARCH 6: The Nuances of the Second Precept
YT 39 minutes 11 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
MARCH 4: The Second Precept: How We Can Cultivate Contentment and Generosity
YT 39 minutes 32 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
February 28: What Does It Look Like To Walk Through The World Harmlessly
YT 37 minutes 39 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
FEBRUARY 26: Protecting the planet from harm and facing climate change with a compassionate heart
YT 39 minutes 39 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
FEBRUARY 21: The Suffering Caused by Holding onto Resentment
YT 38 minutes 47 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
FEBRUARY 19: The precepts expand and deepen the sensitivity of our hearts
YT 37 minutes 59 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
FEBRUARY 14: Growing Our Sensitivity to How We Cause Harm
YT 37 minutes 53 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
FEBRUARY 12: Starting with The Precepts as Our Foundation
YT 37 minutes 17 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
February 7: Bringing Forward the Compassionate Part of Our Nature
YT 38 minutes 39 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
FEBRUARY 5: Five Precepts for daily living
YT 38 minutes 43 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
JANUARY 31: Cultivating Softness and Gentleness in Our Holding Environment
YT 38 minutes 9 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
JANUARY 29: Working with Grey, Flat and Dull Mind States
YT 37 minutes 58 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
JANUARY 24: The Holding Environment in Everyday Life
YT 38 minutes 35 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
JANUARY 22: Training Our Minds to be Less Reactive
YT 37 minutes 42 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
January 17: Developing a Pit Crew for the Heart
YT 37 minutes 3 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
JANUARY 15: The Central Role of the Inner Holding Environment
YT 38 minutes 55 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
January 10: Equanimity in a Difficult Conversation
YT 38 minutes 49 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
JANUARY 8: We can’t stop the waves: Practicing equanimity with what we cannot control
YT 39 minutes 8 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
JANUARY 3: Loving Kindness and a Generous Heart
YT 39 minutes 13 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
JANUARY 1: Revisiting Loving Kindness
YT 38 minutes 45 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
DECEMBER 27: Shaky Resolve! Wouldn’t this be a good time to practice?
YT 39 minutes 41 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
December 25: Resolve - Wholehearted Commitment
YT 38 minutes 58 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
DECEMBER 20: Truthfulness and Intention
YT 39 minutes 16 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
DECEMBER 18: Reviewing the Parami of Truthfulness
YT 38 minutes 55 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
DECEMBER 13: The Parami of Patience
YT 39 minutes 44 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
DECEMBER 12: The Parami of Patience
YT 42 minutes 34 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
DECEMBER 6: Reviewing the Parami of Energy
YT 38 minutes 37 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
DECEMBER 4: Virya and Rest
YT 38 minutes 13 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
NOVEMBER 29: The Wisdom in Nature
YT 40 minutes
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
NOVEMBER 27: All the Paramis point us toward the Heart of Wisdom
YT 39 minutes
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
NOVEMBER 22: Renouncing Making Enemies
YT 38 minutes 48 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
NOVEMBER 20: The Wisdom and Joy of Renunciation
YT 39 minutes 55 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
NOVEMBER 15: The Modeling of Virtue
YT 38 minutes 38 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
NOVEMBER 13: The Parami of Virtue
YT 38 minutes 4 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
NOVEMBER 8: Generosity of Speech
YT 39 minutes 33 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
NOVEMBER 6: The Paramis - A Review
YT 38 minutes 28 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
NOVEMBER 1: Equanimity an the Worldly Winds
YT 38 minutes 34 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
OCTOBER 30: Equanimity in Our Thoughts
YT 39 minutes 22 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
OCTOBER 25: Equanimity when the World Seems Out of Whack
YT 39 minutes 59 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
OCTOBER 18: Turning toward the Difficult in Equanimity
YT 38 minutes 29 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
OCTOBER 16: Noticing When Equanimity is NOT PRESENT
YT 39 minutes 10 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
OCTOBER 11: A Lesson in Equanimity
YT 38 minutes 38 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
OCTOBER 9: Equanimity and the power of aligning with the truth of what is
YT 37 minutes 49 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
OCTOBER 4: Equanimity - finding a place of rest in the midst of things
YT 39 minutes 46 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
OCTOBER 2: Equanimity: Beginning to put it all together
YT 38 minutes 54 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
SEPTEMBER 27: Widening the circle of kindness
YT 40 minutes 1 second
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
SEPTEMBER 25: Metta as Foundational to the Inner Holding Environment
YT 39 minutes 58 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
SEPTEMBER 20: Come Friends Contemplate the Body IN the Body
YT 39 minutes 7 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
SEPTEMBER 18: Working with Anger and Aversion
YT 40 minutes 1 second
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
SEPTEMBER 13: Attending and Befriending
YT 38 minutes 39 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
SEPTEMBER 11: Metta - Relaxation as a doorway to Metta
YT 39 minutes 23 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
SEPTEMBER 6: Metta - The Buddha’s Words on Loving-Kindness
YT 39 minutes 35 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
SEPTEMBER 4: Metta - Not just another Parami
YT 39 minutes 27 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
August 30: Resolve to take care of your wellbeing
YT 36 minutes 57 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
August 29: Resolve to more fully Inhabit the Present Moment
YT 38 minutes 35 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
AUGUST 23: The parami of resolve invites us to consider our intention in the practice
YT 39 minutes 13 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
AUGUST 21: Benefits of resolve and ordinary moments of “enlightenment”
YT 39 minutes 27 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
AUGUST 16: Articulating a specific micro-resolution
YT 39 minutes 31 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
AUGUST 14: Articulating a specific micro-resolution
YT 39 minutes 26 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
AUGUST 9: Resolve is a matter of the heart & mind
YT 38 minutes 22 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
AUGUST 7: The Parami of Resolve
YT 38 minutes 4 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
AUGUST 2: Right View identifies the causes of distress and the causes of wellbeing
YT 39 minutes 10 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
JULY 3: Truthfulness and the Four Noble Truths
YT 38 minutes 56 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
JULY 26: The Truth of the Existential Unavoidables
YT 38 minutes 23 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
JULY 24: Truth and Fake News
YT 38 minutes 53 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
JULY 19: The felt sense of truthfulness
YT 38 minutes 47 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
JULY 17: Seeing identification and selfing as we practice truthfulness
YT 39 minutes 27 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
JULY 12: Truthfulness and Awareness: Two parts of the same whole.
YT 39 minutes 31 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
JULY 10: A little white lie - what’s the big deal?
YT 35 minutes 41 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
JULY 5: Truthfulness as it aligns with the Four Noble Truths
YT 39 minutes 54 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
JULY 3: Truthfulness as self-honesty
YT 37 minutes 41 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
JUNE 28: Nature as teacher of patience
YT 38 minutes 44 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
JUNE 26: Recognizing the harmful impact of impatience
YT 38 minutes 40 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
JUNE 21: The Fruits of Patience
YT 39 minutes 11 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
JUNE 14: Being a slow learner
YT 38 minutes 9 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
JUNE 7: What we learn from working with impatience
YT 39 minutes 7 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
JUNE 5: The Value of Patience
YT 39 minutes 42 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
MAY 31: Viriya - Explorations in Skillful and Unskillful Effort
YT 40 minutes 59 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
MAY 24: The Energy of Boredom
YT 40 minutes 19 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
MAY 22: Stewarding our life energy with wise intention
YT 38 minutes 59 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
MAY 17: Energy (Viriya) and Right Effort
YT 37 minutes 57 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
MAY 15: The energy of restraint
YT 39 minutes 21 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
MAY 8: Working with energy in meditation
YT 38 minutes 38 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
MAY 10: Exploring balanced energy
YT 38 minutes 53 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
MAY 3: Commit to sit!
YT 38 minutes 26 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
MAY 1: The Tendency to be Overly Heroic
YT 38 minutes 6 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
APRIL 26: Wise Moments
YT 38 minutes 17 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
APRIL 24: Wisdom is not a destination
YT 39 minutes 3 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
APRIL 19: Wisdom grows through mindfulness practice
YT 34 minutes 36 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
APRIL 17: Right View As Wisdom Practices
YT 38 minutes 46 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
APRIL 12: Wonder as a doorway to wisdom
YT 37 minutes 45 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
APRIL 10: Developing trust in ourselves, our process and the teachings
YT 39 minutes 38 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
APRIL 5: The source of wisdom
YT 40 minutes 27 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
APRIL 3: How we awaken with the Parami of Wisdom
YT 39 minutes 10 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
MARCH 29: Renouncing dukkha
YT 38 minutes 41 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
MARCH 27: Renouncing Denial of the Heavenly Messengers
YT 38 minutes 3 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
MARCH 22: Renouncing Negative Self-Talk
YT 38 minutes 13 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
MARCH 20: Renouncing Worry
YT 37 minutes 10 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
MARCH 15: Renunciation of internal habits of mind
YT 38 minutes 55 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
MARCH 13: Daniya Sutta
YT 39 minutes 36 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
MARCH 8: Renunciation as a Process
YT 38 minutes 51 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
MARCH 6: Renunciation is the art of letting go
YT 38 minutes 45 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
MARCH 1: Orienting in the direction of Non-Harm & Goodwill
YT 38 minutes 48 seconds
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
FEBRUARY 27: Attending to our Little Addictions
YT 40 minutes 1 second
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
FEBRUARY 22: The Third Precept: Refrain from Sexual (Sensual) Misconduct