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Invidious > Channel > 家常素Irene Yong

家常素Irene Yong 243000 subscribers    RSS
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YT 4 minutes 52 seconds
家常素Irene Yong
How to make Vegan Unagi from eggplant? The taste is great, and the method is super simple!
YT 6 minutes 29 seconds
家常素Irene Yong
Roll the tofu with eggplant, it’s as tasty as a meat roll!Vegan“meat roll”recipe!#eggplant #tofu
YT 4 minutes 37 seconds
家常素Irene Yong
The best way to eat eggplant! Keep the colour and easier to absorb taste!《Soy-Glazed Eggplant》
YT 8 minutes 4 seconds
家常素Irene Yong
Eggplant + soy protein, I've never had such delicious vegan nuggets! 《Eggplant Nuggets》#vegan
YT 5 minutes 11 seconds
家常素Irene Yong
Eggplant burgers, no meat but they are more delicious than meat!
YT 5 minutes 2 seconds
家常素Irene Yong
Just sliced the eggplant! Few people know these easy and delicious recipes that amazed everyone!
YT 4 minutes 52 seconds
家常素Irene Yong
The best vegan way to eat eggplant, no meat or deep-fried, but taste meaty and toasted!! 【Vegan】
YT 3 minutes 52 seconds
家常素Irene Yong
素食Vegan《茄子炒麵筋|Stir-fried Eggplant & Gluten》油麵筋,你吃過炒的嗎?出水又吸油的茄子是最好的搭配,兩者一起吃口感嫩滑鮮香有嚼筋!
YT 9 minutes 20 seconds
家常素Irene Yong
Just add mushrooms to eggplant, made a fragrant, Sichuan-flavoured "Vegan Mapo Eggplant".
YT 5 minutes 31 seconds
家常素Irene Yong
素食Vegan《茄子燜麵|Braised Eggplant Noodles》全程不過十幾分鐘就可以做好。酸酸辣辣的,每一口都特別鮮香入味!Can be done in just 10mins
YT 6 minutes 33 seconds
家常素Irene Yong
《馬鈴薯燉茄子|Stewed Potatoes & Eggplant》2顆馬鈴薯,1條茄子燉得軟軟的,粘稠的汁是拌飯神器,好吃到不可思議,做法簡單,一看就會做!!~素食Vegan~
YT 7 minutes 14 seconds
家常素Irene Yong
How to make stir-fry eggplant delicious without adding oil?《Stir-fried Mashed Eggplant》#vegan
YT 6 minutes 23 seconds
家常素Irene Yong
Eggplant cut and mix🍆tightly wrapped in batter, crispy and delicious without losing nutrition.
YT 7 minutes 1 second
家常素Irene Yong
《醬燒茄子蘑菇|Sauce Fried Eggplant and Mushrooms 》1條茄子,幾顆蘑菇,好吃到不可思議,做法簡單,一看就會做! #素食#Vegan#家常素
YT 7 minutes 26 seconds
家常素Irene Yong
素食Vegan🍆茄子用這種古方做法味道更鮮美,每次這樣蒸一盤都不夠吃!《古法蒸茄子|Ancient Steamed Eggplant》簡約質樸,製作簡單,口感咸鮮,原汁原味。
YT 7 minutes 23 seconds
家常素Irene Yong
《Sichuan Style Eggplant & Tofu》This is an addictive Sichuan vegan dish! #vegan #eggplant #aubergine
YT 8 minutes 45 seconds
家常素Irene Yong
《脆皮魚香茄子|Crispy Eggplant In Sichuan Sauce》Eggplant is deep fried and coated with sweet and sour sauce
YT 5 minutes 53 seconds
家常素Irene Yong
素食Vegan《香菇醬蒸茄子|Steamed Aubergine with Mushroom Sauce》軟腍的茄子吸滿惹味的香菇醬汁🍄看着就食慾大開,米飯都會不知不覺多吃幾碗!
YT 5 minutes 49 seconds
家常素Irene Yong
素食Vegan《毛豆酸茄子|Edamame Sour Aubergine》茄子最下飯的做法,不過油不發黑,搭配毛豆與鹹酸味汁熘透,茄子酸甜軟糯,毛豆清脆入味,雖是素菜,味道卻非同凡響!
YT 8 minutes 11 seconds
家常素Irene Yong
Chrysanthemum Eggplant🌼吉祥過年菜🧨花開富貴🏮色香味俱全|紅燒茄子和油炸茄子吃膩了,來一盤花形茄子,這樣做即好看又好吃,給餐桌添色不少!《菊花茄子》~素食Vegan~
YT 4 minutes 25 seconds
家常素Irene Yong
素食Vegan 《雪菜燒茄子 | Stir-fried Aubergine & Pickled Cabbage》茄子這樣做不用油炸也不發黑,搭配上爽口開胃的雪菜,軟滑嫩香,簡單又下飯,好吃得停不下來!
YT 5 minutes 38 seconds
家常素Irene Yong
素食Vegan 《茄子燜飯 | Aubergine Braised Rice》也許你做過燜飯,但你嘗試過用茄子燜的嗎?好吃極了!試試就知道多美味了,一起來做吧!
YT 3 minutes 44 seconds
家常素Irene Yong
素食Vegan 《長生茄子 | Peanuts & Aubergine》茄子最好吃又清淡的做法,茄子不變色,不加一滴水,竟然比吃肉還香! Aubergine the best way to eat!
YT 4 minutes 7 seconds
家常素Irene Yong
素食Vegan《凉拌茄子|Aubergine Salad》茄子最简单的做法,只要2个步骤就搞定,方便好吃!The simplest and easiest way cook aubergine.
YT 4 minutes 40 seconds
家常素Irene Yong
素食Vegan| 圆茄子这样做没有黏黏的囗感,一囗接一囗越吃越香,做法非常简单《香煎茄子 | Pan-Fried Aubergine》
YT 6 minutes 7 seconds
家常素Irene Yong
素食料理Vegan《黄豆煮茄子|Soybean Braised Aubergine》黃豆與茄子完美搭配,讓茄子多了一份黃豆的清香,特別鮮美下飯| Perfectly match vegan dish.
YT 4 minutes 18 seconds
家常素Irene Yong
素食料理Vegan|圓茄子的家常做法,口感綿軟、總有一種讓你欲罷不能想要吃!Home-cooked aubergines practice《家常茄子 | Home Cooked Aubergines》
YT 6 minutes 7 seconds
家常素Irene Yong
素食料理Vegan《辣炒茄子 | Spicy Sauteed Eggplant》茄子里加入一些红甜椒和杏鲍菇,炒出鲜艳的色彩,层次丰富的美味!用这道寓意"大紅大紫"的料理来期许新的一年更显赫得意!
YT 5 minutes 5 seconds
家常素Irene Yong
素食料理Vegan《红烧茄子 | Braised Eggplant》竟然吃出了红烧肉的味道!香浓软糯,入囗即化,黏稠的料汁裹住茄子。
YT 6 minutes 9 seconds
家常素Irene Yong
素食料理Vegan《红烧茄子豆腐 | Braised Aubergine & Tofu》 茄子不用过油,鲜香軟嫩,连吃三天都不腻,简直是白饭杀手,吃到停不了口!很有家味道的一道素菜。
YT 7 minutes 34 seconds
家常素Irene Yong
素食料理Vegan《甜梅菜烧茄子 | Stir Fried Preserved Vegetables & Aubergine》 淡甜的茄子在浓郁醇香的梅菜下变得更惹味,吃起来咸中带甜非常的下饭。
YT 4 minutes 52 seconds
家常素Irene Yong
《茄子炒粉丝 | Fried Aubergine & Glass Noddles》茄子焖至软烂,粉丝吸收了酱汁的精华,口感软嫩滑溜,用来拌饭真的是超级滿足!
YT 4 minutes 39 seconds
家常素Irene Yong
素食料理Vegan《姜黄茄子土豆 | Turmeric Aubergines & Potatoes》是一道非常受欢迎的北印度菜肴,用土豆和茄子一起料理。 这道菜可以作为配菜跟米饭或印度扁面包一起吃。
YT 5 minutes 2 seconds
家常素Irene Yong
《茄子炒豆角 | Aubergines Fried Green Beans》绵软的茄子和脆嫩的豆角,两个朴实的食物组合,不需太多的调味足以让这道菜美味至极。汁浓味鲜、香辣可口!
YT 6 minutes 23 seconds
家常素Irene Yong
《毛豆烧茄子 | Stir Fried Edamame & Aubergines》毛豆吃起来非常的香脆,茄子吃起来很软,让原本单一的素菜味道十分丰富。加上些辣椒, 简简单单的调味,一道好吃的下饭素菜。
YT 7 minutes 11 seconds
家常素Irene Yong
《番茄鹰嘴豆茄子煲|Moroccan Aubergine & Chickpea Stew》 健康低卡美食食谱。一道丰盛的炖菜,灵感来自"摩洛哥"菜肴的味道,把它浇在米饭上面,更是完美搭配!
YT 5 minutes 45 seconds
家常素Irene Yong
《番茄煮茄子 Tomato Braised Aubergine》茄子加2个番茄,没想到味道这么好,鲜香下饭,出锅汁都吃光光!美味开胃,太香了!
YT 5 minutes 8 seconds
家常素Irene Yong
《南瓜炒茄子 Fried Aubergine With Squash》将绵软的茄子和甜美糯口的南瓜搭配,两种味道相互融合,整道菜肴吃起来软绵绵的,清新中有香甜,十分的美味。
YT 4 minutes 34 seconds
家常素Irene Yong
《红烧茄子 Braised Aubergine》一道传统的家常菜。其鲜香适口,配米饭吃极其适合。方法很简单,适合刚学做菜的新手。