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Invidious (YT)

Invidious > Channel > 家常素Irene Yong

家常素Irene Yong 243000 subscribers    RSS
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YT 1 minute 27 seconds
家常素Irene Yong
~“蘑菇炒饭“~英国宅妈"Eat Something"
YT 4 minutes 17 seconds
家常素Irene Yong
~"素叉烧汤意粉 Vegan Roast Pork Soup Spaghetti"~英国宅妈Eat Something
YT 1 minute 55 seconds
家常素Irene Yong
~ 2分钟烹煮教学“仿蟹棒炒乌冬“英国宅妈"Eat Something"
YT 2 minutes 59 seconds
家常素Irene Yong
~ “扇平蘑菇炒面“~英国"宅妈Irene"Eat Something:
YT 4 minutes 12 seconds
家常素Irene Yong
英国"宅妈Irene"生活点滴: [今天的素午餐“雪菜炒饭“]
YT 3 minutes 26 seconds
家常素Irene Yong
《咸香杏鲍菇汤意粉 Vegan Bacon Soup Noodle》杏鲍菇的肉质感,再经过用盐煎香,吃起来有"烟肉"的香浓味道。 超重囗味的素汤面…好吃!
YT 3 minutes 26 seconds
家常素Irene Yong
~"杂蔬素炒细意粉 Stir Fried Capellini With Mixed Veg."~[家常素Homemade Vegan]
YT 7 minutes 33 seconds
家常素Irene Yong
《豉椒豆腐河粉 Flat Noodles With Black Bean Sauce Tofu》特色在於河粉有很多汁拌吃,诱人的香气,让人垂涎不已!
YT 4 minutes 7 seconds
家常素Irene Yong
~"韩式辣酱素炒饭 Korean Chili Paste Fried Rice" ~"韩国辣酱"特别好吃,微辣不咸带点甜味,非常适合用来搭配清淡的素食料理![家常素Homemade Vegan]
YT 5 minutes 54 seconds
家常素Irene Yong
~"素星洲炒河粉 Vegan Singapore Flat Rice Noodles"~"南洋"风味料理,又香又辣又不油膩,改用"河粉"代替"米粉"囗感更滑爽Q弹,忍不住一碗接著一碗吃个不停。
YT 5 minutes 55 seconds
家常素Irene Yong
《芋头香菇焖饭 Taro Shiitake Risotto》芋头的绵软香甜,香菇的鲜香浓郁,非常简单好吃的一款饭菜合一的主食,非常适合上班族,既简单又快捷,而且营养也很丰富。
YT 6 minutes 20 seconds
家常素Irene Yong
《素炒冬炎米粉 Tom Yam Fried Rice Vermicelli》酸酸辣辣的真的很开胃!简单易学,菜鸟也很容易上手哦![锺Sir 料理]
YT 3 minutes 32 seconds
家常素Irene Yong
《杏鲍菇香料炒饭 King Oyster Mushroom Spice Fried Rice》 白米饭加入蔬菜,再撒入些香料粉炒一炒,轻轻松松就搞定了色泽金黄,又辛辣香浓的健康炒饭。[锺Sir 料理]
YT 5 minutes 35 seconds
家常素Irene Yong
《蘑菇芽菜炒面 Mushroom Sprouts Chow Mein》一款简单的家常炒面。就地取材省时又好吃,在时间紧又不想亏待自己及家人的胃口时,不妨试一试。
YT 7 minutes 45 seconds
家常素Irene Yong
《松子香栗野菇炊饭 | Pine Nuts Mushrooms Chestnut-Boiled Rice》既简单又省事,一锅到底好满足!这道饭除了有松子和野菇的香气,米饭弹Q的美味,还有养生的概念。
YT 6 minutes 14 seconds
家常素Irene Yong
《香菇炒饭 | Shiitake Fried Rice》美味又健康的炒饭,一碗剩米饭的华丽变身。香菇经过煸炒后香味更浓郁,口感有嚼劲似肉却非肉。再拌入甜脆的胡萝卜和豆角,真的超级好吃!
YT 6 minutes 3 seconds
家常素Irene Yong
《腰果葡萄乾抓飯|Cashew & Raisin Rice Pilaf 》味道濃郁香味撲鼻,食慾大增 Taste is strong and fragrance is pungent
YT 6 minutes 24 seconds
家常素Irene Yong
素食料理Vegan《榨菜炒饭 | Preserved Mustard Fried Rice》口感有层次,鲜香味美,粒粒金香,好吃到爆!美味又营养的家常炒饭。
YT 6 minutes 58 seconds
家常素Irene Yong
《香菇焖意大利面 | Shiitake Braised Spaghetti》中西合并料理,将中餐食材结合意大利面,创造出最佳的绝妙口感!
YT 4 minutes 59 seconds
家常素Irene Yong
素食料理Vegan《鮮菇炒米粉 | Fried Vermicelli With Mushrooms》米粉加入幾款鮮菇簡單一炒,竟然好吃得停不了囗! Very simple but delicious!
YT 5 minutes 54 seconds
家常素Irene Yong
Just add pumpkin and mushroom to the rice, and all your friends will ask for this recipes!
YT 4 minutes 1 second
家常素Irene Yong
素食Vegan 《番茄土豆烩饭 | Tomato and Potato Fried Rice》番茄和土豆的完美组合,用懒人简单的做法,可以速速开饭,香浓惹味超开胃!
YT 4 minutes 51 seconds
家常素Irene Yong
素食Vegan 《醬油素炒飯 |Soy Sauce Vegan Fried Rice》平凡的醬油炒飯好吃有秘訣,粒粒分明而且亮亮的,好吃得盤底空了還意猶未盡!
YT 5 minutes 23 seconds
家常素Irene Yong
素食Vegan 《素香腸炒意大利麵 | Stir-fried Pasta & Vegan Sausage》簡單快捷又不失營養,特香,特入味,特有食慾,天天吃都不膩!
YT 5 minutes 38 seconds
家常素Irene Yong
素食Vegan 《茄子燜飯 | Aubergine Braised Rice》也許你做過燜飯,但你嘗試過用茄子燜的嗎?好吃極了!試試就知道多美味了,一起來做吧!
YT 5 minutes 36 seconds
家常素Irene Yong
素食Vegan | 用菇菌及豆腐來模仿猪肉的《肉燥飯 | Vegan Minced Pork Rice》比吃加工素肉更健康,一點都不膩,味道鹹中帶甜,簡單易做。
YT 6 minutes 10 seconds
家常素Irene Yong
素食Vegan | 意大利麵最好吃的炒法🍝很有嚼勁裡面的配菜簡單但營養很豐富!2分鐘學會,天天吃都不膩!《素炒意大利麵 | Stir Fried Vegan Spaghetti》
YT 4 minutes 1 second
家常素Irene Yong
Spaghetti With Sun-Dried Tomatoes|義大利麵最簡單的做法🍝比起那些加了一堆現成蕃茄醬和罐頭醬料的美味多了! 《油漬蕃茄義大利麵 》~素食Vegan~
YT 8 minutes 33 seconds
家常素Irene Yong
《古早味素油飯 | Taiwanese Sticky Rice》油亮光澤香氣逼人|方法簡單|暖呼呼噴香有嚼勁|添加了咸香菜脯和養生蟲草花~素食Vegan~
YT 7 minutes 52 seconds
家常素Irene Yong
素食Vegan《南瓜汁意大利面|Pumpkin Sauce Pasta》南瓜这样做吃出了牛油咸蛋黄汁的“金沙”口感,不放忌廉也可以煮到奶油状,特浓酱汁香味诱人!拌入意大利面饱腹又营养,隔天享用更入味!
YT 7 minutes 16 seconds
家常素Irene Yong
素食Vegan《酸辣红薯粉|Hot & Sour Glass Noodles》”酸辣粉”的做法有很多种,这个是纯素简易版,自己在家就能做,酸辣过瘾,吃着太爽了!
YT 5 minutes 41 seconds
家常素Irene Yong
素食Vegan《茄汁炒麵|Ketchup Fried Noodles》小時候媽媽的味道|簡單又快捷的早餐,既廉價又飽腹|My mum always cook this for breakfast!
YT 7 minutes 53 seconds
家常素Irene Yong
《芋香飯糰|Taro Rice Balls》芋頭與米飯融合在一起,表面煎成香脆鍋巴,竟然還吃到了肉絲和煎蛋皮的香味,一口咬下去...那口感真夠療癒!~素食Vegan~
YT 4 minutes 28 seconds
家常素Irene Yong
素食Vegan《素蔥油拌麵|Cabbage Oil Tossed Noodles》食材非常簡約,融合在一起的濃油赤醬,讓簡單平凡的拌麵有了不平凡的美味!
YT 8 minutes 34 seconds
家常素Irene Yong
素食Vegan《素雞絲飯|Vegan Shredded Chicken Rice》相似度直逼真雞絲~讓人感到驚訝!Similarity is close to shredded chicken!
YT 6 minutes 3 seconds
家常素Irene Yong
素食Vegan《紫菜糯米炒飯|Seaweed Fried Rice》 炒飯吃出了壽司的味道🍣紫菜除了做壽司,還可以用來炒飯。Fried rice tastes like sushi 🍣
YT 9 minutes 7 seconds
家常素Irene Yong
自制素肉炒烏冬|Stir-fried Udon with Homemade Vegan Meat
YT 6 minutes 28 seconds
家常素Irene Yong
素食Vegan|教你南瓜新吃法🎃這樣做大多數人都沒吃過,我也是頭一回,沒想到味道是美味得不要不要的!《南瓜炒飯|Butternut Squash Fried Rice》
YT 9 minutes 15 seconds
家常素Irene Yong
Turn"Overnight Rice"into"Rice Cake"《Stir-fried Rice Cake》#vegan #ricecake
YT 6 minutes 19 seconds
家常素Irene Yong
素食Vegan|美味綿滑的養生粥,教你吃出嫩白肌膚,纖維豐富,既清甜又養生,早晨喝一碗全身暖烘烘!原條粟米取粒有技巧!《粟米南瓜粥|Corn and Butternut Squash Congee》
YT 6 minutes 22 seconds
家常素Irene Yong
素食Vegan|菌菇這樣炒來拌麵最好吃,加了豆豉提味,麵條變得更有味道,粒粒豆豉香味濃郁,菌菇鮮味爽滑,簡單又好吃!《菌菇拌麵|Mushroom Tossed Noodles》
YT 7 minutes 46 seconds
家常素Irene Yong
素食Vegan《金瓜炒米粉|Squash Fried Vermicelli》怎樣煮才入味?不用蒸南瓜,超簡單!第一次做炒米粉也能上手!
YT 5 minutes 47 seconds
家常素Irene Yong
素食者月子餐首選《素拌腰花麵線|Mushroom Toss Thin Noddles》香濃脆口營養滿份!冷冷的冬天,最適合來碗暖暖身子![素食Vegan]
YT 5 minutes 44 seconds
家常素Irene Yong
《香菇菜飯|Shiitake Mushroom Stewed Rice》洗一洗、炒一炒、燜一燜就完成了,雖然料理簡便,但營養可不隨便!#素食#Vegan
YT 5 minutes 10 seconds
家常素Irene Yong
Just add simple seasoning into mushrooms, and your pulled pork is ready! The best mushroom recipe!
YT 8 minutes 27 seconds
家常素Irene Yong
"Vegan Fried Sauce Noodles" it is a popular Beijing noodle dish!
YT 5 minutes 56 seconds
家常素Irene Yong
Just potatoes and noodles, it's so delicious that I make it almost everyday! Simple and delicious!!
YT 5 minutes 31 seconds
家常素Irene Yong
素食Vegan《茄子燜麵|Braised Eggplant Noodles》全程不過十幾分鐘就可以做好。酸酸辣辣的,每一口都特別鮮香入味!Can be done in just 10mins
YT 7 minutes 32 seconds
家常素Irene Yong
素食Vegan《Chestnut Sticky Rice》端午節又到囉❗️包粽子可真是個浩大的工程又是洗粽葉又是泡糯米又是炒餡料的,可以做個"栗香油飯"解解饞, 不用剝葉子也很方便!!
YT 5 minutes 54 seconds
家常素Irene Yong
《豆角燜飯|Stewed Rice With Green Beans》美味素燜飯怎麼做如何做好吃?不想做飯時該怎麼辦?其實很簡單!有菜有飯的一鍋,懶人的首選!~素食Vegan~
YT 6 minutes 7 seconds
家常素Irene Yong
Cook spaghetti in Chinese style, it's so delicious that I make this almost everyday❗️
YT 2 minutes 11 seconds
家常素Irene Yong
素食Vegan|燕麦这样煮比粥更好吃更健康!天气太热没胃口,煮锅酸酸甜甜的燕麦粥做为一天的主食。《羽衣甘藍番茄燕麦粥|Kale Tomato Oatmeal》
YT 5 minutes 10 seconds
家常素Irene Yong
《包菜焖意大利面》Spaghetti with cabbage, I didn't expect it to be so delicious!~素食Vegan~
YT 5 minutes 8 seconds
家常素Irene Yong
《Kale and Shiitake Mushroom Fried Rice》The combination of seasonings was surprised me!~Vegan~
YT 6 minutes 1 second
家常素Irene Yong
The best way to eat squash, no need to cut or stir-fry!Simple and beautiful meal dish!【Vegan】
YT 5 minutes 42 seconds
家常素Irene Yong
”Easy Korean Spicy Noodles“it is so delicious that you will be addicted to it! ~Vegan~
YT 6 minutes 42 seconds
家常素Irene Yong
Throw the rice into the blender, and you'll be amazed at the result! ~Vegan~
YT 3 minutes 55 seconds
家常素Irene Yong
If you have tofu and instant noodles at home, make this easy and delicious fast food!
YT 7 minutes 14 seconds
家常素Irene Yong
Glass noodles do not stir-fry directly after boiled! Do this extra step, smooth and delicious!
YT 7 minutes 47 seconds
家常素Irene Yong
Have you ever eaten vegan rice balls onigiri with the flavour of Taiwanese braised pork rice?
YT 5 minutes 1 second
家常素Irene Yong
The easy way to make chinese meal!! Just simple wrap cabbage with rice and your meal is ready!
YT 4 minutes 34 seconds
家常素Irene Yong
The easy way to make chinese meal!! Just simple wrap cabbage with rice and your meal is ready!
YT 4 minutes 5 seconds
家常素Irene Yong
If you have leftover rice at home, try this air fryer rice ball! You can’t stop after taking a bite!
YT 4 minutes 3 seconds
家常素Irene Yong
Cook basmati rice deliciously without rice cooker or oven! Easy spicy vegetable fried rice recipe!
YT 4 minutes 35 seconds
家常素Irene Yong
Tossed the noodles with avocado, it’s as tasty as creamy pasta with cheese!《Avocado Tossed Noodles》
YT 4 minutes 1 second
家常素Irene Yong
How to make tofu taste like ground meat? Best tofu tossed noodles recipe!!
YT 5 minutes 19 seconds
家常素Irene Yong
Add asparagus and shiitake mushroom to rice is taste like pork rice! Delicious rice recipe!
YT 3 minutes 46 seconds
家常素Irene Yong
Add water to quinoa, blend and pan-fry, healthy and delicious wrap is ready! Gluten-free!
YT 5 minutes 35 seconds
家常素Irene Yong
Just stir-fry the leftover rice, press it and compact it, the crispy and delicious snack is ready!
YT 5 minutes 4 seconds
家常素Irene Yong
Easy way to eat tofu, unforgettable taste! It’s as tasty as braised pork! #vegan #tofu
YT 1 minute 1 second
家常素Irene Yong
《豆腐拌面|Tofu Tossed Noodles》 #vegan #素食
YT 5 minutes 36 seconds
家常素Irene Yong
Incredible! I've never had such delicious tofu! Barbecued tofu with scallion oil noodles recipe!
YT 6 minutes 43 seconds
家常素Irene Yong
Pineapple Fried Rice + Easy Pineapple Bowl! Vegan scrambled eggs recipe!
YT 1 second

[Private video]