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Invidious (YT)

Invidious > Channel > Erik Sandberg

Erik Sandberg 13600 subscribers    RSS
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YT 7 minutes 11 seconds
Erik Sandberg
iOS App in Python with Kivy - part 1: Layout Design
YT 12 minutes 18 seconds
Erik Sandberg
iOS App in Python with Kivy - Part 2: Architecture and Screens
YT 16 minutes 59 seconds
Erik Sandberg
iOS App in Python with Kivy - Part 3: Home Page Design
YT 12 minutes 20 seconds
Erik Sandberg
iOS App in Python with Kivy - Part 4: Firebase Database Integration
YT 37 minutes 23 seconds
Erik Sandberg
iOS App in Python with Kivy - Part 5: Scrolling Workout Feed
YT 21 minutes 54 seconds
Erik Sandberg
iOS App in Python and Kivy - Party 6: Settings Screen + some touch ups
YT 18 minutes 49 seconds
Erik Sandberg
iOS App in Python with Kivy - Part 7: Change Avatar Screen
YT 44 minutes 15 seconds
Erik Sandberg
iOS App in Python with Kivy - Part 8: Login Screen with Firebase Authentication
YT 28 minutes 2 seconds
Erik Sandberg
iOS App in Python with Kivy - Part 9: Firebase Authentication Persistent Sign In
YT 27 minutes 49 seconds
Erik Sandberg
iOS App in Python with Kivy - Part 10: Add Friend Screen
YT 1 hour 4 minutes 35 seconds
Erik Sandberg
iOS App in Python with Kivy - Part 11: Add Workout Screen
YT 30 minutes 10 seconds
Erik Sandberg
iOS App in Python with Kivy - Part 12: Friends List Screen
YT 27 minutes 44 seconds
Erik Sandberg
Kivy iOS App in Python - Part 13: Friend Workout Screen
YT 19 minutes 20 seconds
Erik Sandberg
iOS App in Python with Kivy - Part 14: Run It On Your iPhone!
YT 6 minutes 24 seconds
Erik Sandberg
iOS App in Python with Kivy - Part 15: App Icon and Launch Screen
YT 10 minutes 6 seconds
Erik Sandberg
iOS App in Python with Kivy: Part 16 - Uploading to App Store