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Invidious (YT)

Invidious > Channel > Shaolin Dboy

Shaolin Dboy 349 subscribers    RSS
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YT 2 minutes 22 seconds
BBC News
Inside Raqqa after Islamic State group was pushed out - BBC News
YT 4 minutes 3 seconds
BBC News
Iraqi Government Forces Take Control of the disputed city of Kirkuk - BBC News
YT 3 minutes 25 seconds
Ronahi TV English
QSD Liberate 350KM2 From ISIS
YT 1 second

[Deleted video]
YT 1 minute 8 seconds
Zilan Qandil
Street fighting between Kurdish YPG & ISIS in -Al Hasakah syria
YT 1 minute 30 seconds
YPG Press Office
YT 1 second

[Deleted video]
YT 2 minutes 21 seconds
YPG Press Office
اروع معارك تقودها وحداتنا في كوباني
YT 2 minutes 20 seconds
YPG Press Office
استمرار انتصارات حملة الشهيد روبار قامشلو في غربي مقاطعة الجزيرة
YT 10 minutes 20 seconds
Night Operation Against the Islamic State: The Battle for Rojava (Dispatch 2)
YT 1 minute 2 seconds
Live anti-ISIS firefight on Turkey border
YT 2 minutes 36 seconds
Günther Steinmeier
Comrades honor British YPG fighter Kosta Erik Scurfield
YT 3 minutes 59 seconds
Ronahi TV English
Arin Mirkan Commemorated
YT 3 minutes 21 seconds
Ronahi TV English
Foreign YPG Volunteer Fighters Ask for Airstrikes and Weapons Support
YT 1 minute 33 seconds
American Killed Fighting ISIS In Syria
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 2 minutes 35 seconds
Ronahi TV English
Reece Harding From Australia Martyred Fighting ISIS
YT 2 minutes 17 seconds
Insurrection News
Ivana Hoffmann RIP - German MLKP / YPJ Volunteer
YT 2 minutes 46 seconds
NBC News
Why a Single Dad Left New York to Fight ISIS in Syria | NBC Nightly News
YT 1 minute 14 seconds
YPG Press Office
Dewreyek Nû Ji Şervanên Yekîneyên Parastina Gel (YPG)
YT 10 minutes 48 seconds
NBC News
Along The ISIS Front Line | NBC News
YT 17 minutes 24 seconds
Desteya Parastin
تخريج الدورة الـ8 لقوات الحماية الذاتية
YT 12 minutes 7 seconds
Desteya Parastin
تخريج الدورة الاولى للانضباط العسكري
YT 7 minutes 40 seconds
Desteya Parastin
تخريج الدورة 12 ( دورة الشهيد باور )
YT 1 minute 41 seconds
Desteya Parastin
تدريبات قوات الحماية الذاتية
YT 2 minutes 13 seconds
The Wall Street Journal
Battle Rages Against Islamic State in Kobani
YT 2 minutes 5 seconds
The Wall Street Journal
Islamic State Advance on Syria City of Kobani
YT 2 minutes 9 seconds
The Wall Street Journal
The Battle for Kobani, Seen From Above
YT 1 minute 53 seconds
The Wall Street Journal
Airstrikes Hit Islamic State Targets in Kobani
YT 2 minutes 28 seconds
The Wall Street Journal
Kobani: Why It Matters to the Kurds, Turkey, and ISIS
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 1 minute 9 seconds
Associated Press
Raw: Kurdish Fighters Battle IS Inside Kobani
YT 1 minute 46 seconds
Associated Press
AP EXCLUSIVE: The Battle Inside Kobani
YT 1 minute 49 seconds
Associated Press
AP EXCLUSIVE: Civilian Life Inside Kobani
YT 2 minutes 1 second
Associated Press
Raw: US-Led Air Strikes Surge in Kobani
YT 1 minute 15 seconds
Associated Press
Raw: Kurdish Fighters Continue to Press Kobani
YT 1 minute 51 seconds
Associated Press
IS Militants Acknowledge Defeat in Kobani
YT 1 minute 32 seconds
Associated Press
Father, Daughter Fight Islamic State in Syria
YT 47 seconds
AFP News Agency
Kurdish forces continue fighting IS militants in Kobane
YT 35 seconds
AFP News Agency
Exclusive: Air strike targets IS militants on a hill in Kobane
YT 42 seconds
AFP News Agency
Kobane: Syrian rebels and Kurdish flags on a hill
YT 41 seconds
AFP News Agency
Syrian Kurds refuse to leave besieged Kobane
YT 50 seconds
AFP News Agency
Massive destruction in Kobane after Kurds drive out IS
YT 52 seconds
AFP News Agency
Kobane resident finds home in ruins after town liberated
YT 9 minutes 6 seconds
Desteya Parastin
مقاتلي قوات الحماية الذاتية في جبهات المقاومة في ريف تل تمر والحسكة
YT 10 minutes 49 seconds
Zilan Qandil
Kurd celebrating victories against ISIS in Hasakah city in Syria 5/7/2015
YT 1 minute 58 seconds
Voice of America
Syrian Army Fights Back in Complicated Battle in Hasakah
YT 4 minutes 52 seconds
YPG Press Office
Destana Girê Spî ملحمة كري سبي
YT 1 minute 8 seconds
VOA Extremism
Kurdish and Syrian Forces in Intense Clashes in Northern Syria
YT 2 minutes 7 seconds
FRANCE 24 English
EXCLUSIVE - The Battle of Shaddadi in Syria: United Against Terror
YT 1 minute 20 seconds
FRANCE 24 English
EXCLUSIVE - Syria: rare scenes of Western Special Forces fighting Islamic state group on the ground
YT 1 minute 44 seconds
FRANCE 24 English
EXCLUSIVE - Syria: Kurds destroy a suicide bomber's truck filled with explosives coming at them
YT 1 minute 1 second
FRANCE 24 English
Reporters Plus - United against terror: the battle for Shaddadi
YT 36 minutes 34 seconds
FRANCE 24 English
EXCLUSIVE - On the frontline with the Syrian Democratic Forces fighting islamic state group
YT 43 minutes 1 second
Günther Steinmeier
Basic Instinct: Meet the Westerners Hunting Down ISIS Jihadists in Syria [Documentary HD]
YT 1 second

[Deleted video]
YT 1 second

[Deleted video]
YT 3 minutes 57 seconds
YPG Press Office
Foreign Volunteers in YPG’s Tactical Medical Unit (TMU)
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 2 minutes 51 seconds
YPG Press Office
Şerê Suk-ul Hal a rojhilatê Reqqayê
YT 1 minute 13 seconds
YPG Press Office
Şerê taxa Direiyê a rojavayê Reqqayê
YT 1 minute 36 seconds
YPG Press Office
Şervanên azadiyê ber bi taxa El Diriya a rojavayê Reqqayê dimeşin
YT 1 minute
YPG Press Office
Li Reqqayê şerê germ - Reqqa'dan sıcak savaş görüntüleri
YT 1 minute 28 seconds
YPG Press Office
Di taxa Hîşam Bin Ebdul Melîk a Reqqayê de şerên dijwar
YT 2 minutes 17 seconds
Al Jazeera English
Turkey worried over growing Kurdish influence in Syria after Raqqa's capture
YT 1 minute 50 seconds
NBC News
Raqqa Recaptured From ISIS By U.S. Backed Militias | NBC Nightly News
YT 11 minutes 51 seconds
R&U Videos
Battles for Syria | February 9th - 12th 2018 | Updates from the Afrin region
YT 4 minutes 31 seconds
R&U Videos
YPG hit another Turkish tank with guided missile in Afrin region
YT 11 minutes 13 seconds
R&U Videos
Battles for Syria | February 16th 2018 | Updates from Afrin Canton
YT 2 minutes 47 seconds
R&U Videos
Foreign "SDF" fighters issued a statement | January 25th 2018 | Syria
YT 6 minutes 27 seconds
R&U Videos
Foreign YPG volunteer explains why he came to fight Turks and jihadists in Afrin
YT 1 minute 23 seconds
NBC News
Inside The Last Syrian Village Under ISIS Control As Terror Group Make Last Stand | NBC Nightly News
YT 38 seconds
Guardian News
Isis releases video of fighters in Baghuz as war reaches final days
YT 9 minutes 29 seconds
Inside ISIS's Final Fight | Collapse of the Caliphate
YT 46 seconds
The Sun
Baghouz: footage from ISIS's final stand in Syria
YT 1 minute
The Straits Times
ISIS fighters remain in small pocket of Baghouz
YT 15 minutes 37 seconds
R&U Videos
GoPro Cam video taken off a dead ISIS jihadi | December 2018 | Syria (full version)
YT 4 minutes 59 seconds
YPG Press Office
Ji bo bîranîna şehîdên enternasyonalîst
YT 8 minutes 22 seconds
YPG Press Office
Ji merasîma 9 lehengên YATê, çend kêlî
YT 7 minutes 49 seconds
YPG Press Office
Ji bo 8ê Adarê nirxandinên rojnamevan Benedetta Argentieri
YT 6 minutes 45 seconds
YPG Press Office
Salvegera Rizgarkirina Kobanê ji hemû mirovahiyê re pîroz be
YT 2 minutes 37 seconds
YPG Press Office
Di encama çalakiyên me yên tolhildana Şehîd Rojhat û Şehîd Dogan de 19 dagirker hatin kuştin
YT 10 minutes
Kurdish YPG Fighters Fighting With Al-Nusra In North Syria
YT 59 minutes 25 seconds
Investigations et Enquêtes
Foreign Volunteers, in the hell of Raqqa