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Invidious (YT)

Invidious > Channel > Fabrizio Simonetti

Fabrizio Simonetti 1380 subscribers    RSS
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YT 6 minutes 9 seconds
Mike Penny
They Might Be Giants Cover on Shamisen (“Sapphire Bullets of Pure Love”)
YT 4 minutes 53 seconds
Andrew Rose Gregory
Good Morning Sarah - ARG sings an original on a tiny guitar!
YT 5 minutes 20 seconds
Andrew Rose Gregory
Andrew Rose Gregory plays 'But I Neglected to Say' - an original
YT 4 minutes 28 seconds
Fabrizio Simonetti
Andrew Rose Gregory - Please Stay
YT 2 minutes 22 seconds
Andrew Rose Gregory
Andrew Rose Gregory & The Gregory Brothers sing "Big White Bird."
YT 2 minutes 59 seconds
Andrew Rose Gregory
My Home's Across the Blue Ridge Mountains - by Evan & ARG - cover week 4/5!