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Invidious (YT)

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YT 5 minutes 12 seconds
Pursuit of Wonder
How Culture Makes Us Feel Lost - Dr. Gabor Maté On Finding Your True Self Again
YT 11 minutes 25 seconds
The Trap Of Seeking- Alan Watts
YT 9 minutes 29 seconds
Absolute Motivation
Matthew McConaughey - This Is Why You're Not Happy | One Of The Most Eye Opening Speeches
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Mastering Self Control | Stoic Exercises For Inner Peace
YT 5 minutes 17 seconds
The School of Life
Machiavelli’s Advice For Nice Guys
YT 21 minutes 57 seconds
Mark Queppet
Stop Running From your Potential
YT 14 minutes 58 seconds
Alexander Grace
Why No Girl Will Ever Be Hot Enough To Satisfy Me
YT 16 minutes 21 seconds
Alexander Grace
Why Long Term Monogamy is Unfair to Men
YT 10 minutes 39 seconds
Essential Truth
Jordan Peterson: What low-status highly creative men need
YT 7 minutes 17 seconds
Academy of Ideas
Why Purpose and Discipline Promote Psychological Well-Being