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Invidious (YT)

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YT 11 minutes 24 seconds
John Philip Jones
Machine Code Instructions
YT 7 minutes 37 seconds
Justin Armstrong
Super Mario Bros with Python and Pygame
YT 18 minutes 41 seconds
Raspberry Pi: Using GPIO Inputs
YT 9 minutes 45 seconds
Slide Hunt
C programming video tutorial - Tower of hanoi game
YT 11 minutes 31 seconds
Lets Build - 8 Bit Computer Part 1 Introduction
YT 4 minutes 34 seconds
The AM Tech
How to Make an 8 bit Computer | Part 1
YT 25 minutes 9 seconds
Jim Conner
Nutrient Temperature Monitoring with an Electric Imp and Plotly ( IoT Internet of Things )
YT 7 minutes 26 seconds
Ben Eater
Programming Fibonacci on a breadboard computer
YT 21 minutes 17 seconds
$3 laser transmits audio over 100m (arduino)
YT 26 minutes 12 seconds
BP Learning
Arduino Event-Based Programming
YT 12 minutes 1 second
Frame of Essence
How do computers read code?
YT 41 minutes 11 seconds
Robert Paz
Hands On Arduino 5B: Arduino to Arduino SPI Comm.
YT 37 minutes 19 seconds
Kevin Darrah
How to work with the NRF24L01+ Best Wireless Communication for Arduino
YT 12 minutes 19 seconds
Linus Tech Tips
$2,000,000 Clean Room! - DriveSavers Data Recovery Tour
YT 43 minutes 54 seconds
Ben Eater
Reliable data transmission